Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Shut"s
Il significato di "Shut" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa Shut away?
I'm not sure what you mean here, with ground. The only thing I can think of when we'd use "ground" for something the least bit similar is when a kid does something wrong and the parents, as punishment, won't let them go out of the house, visit friends, do anything other than stay in their room. They are "grounded."
"OK, we have told you over and over if you stayed out too late at night you would be in trouble. Now you are grounded for a whole week."
Shut away means someone is isolated from the rest of the world, from other people, etc. I found this on Google.
To keep someone or something inside a place so as not to be seen or contacted by other people.
"Annabelle was shut away in the library for most of the day with a pile of books"
"OK, we have told you over and over if you stayed out too late at night you would be in trouble. Now you are grounded for a whole week."
Shut away means someone is isolated from the rest of the world, from other people, etc. I found this on Google.
To keep someone or something inside a place so as not to be seen or contacted by other people.
"Annabelle was shut away in the library for most of the day with a pile of books"
Che cosa significa Shut up?
In this case, it means that someone won't stop talking about something.
Che cosa significa "Shut up"?
@chundering Jaja a veces sí se dice cuando alguien te dice algo ridículo o no lo puedes creer pero todavía significa cállate
Che cosa significa Shut the f*** up ,
back the f*** up
back the f*** up
stfu means the same thing as shut up, but it's more intense, and almost always very rude. regular "shut up" can be joking depending on how you say it
"back the F up" is something people say to their enemies when they're about to get into a fight, telling them to run away.
"back the F up" is something people say to their enemies when they're about to get into a fight, telling them to run away.
Frasi esempio "Shut"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Shut up.
I just want to correct the typo in the first comment:
Shut up! *You’re* being loud!
Shut up! *You’re* being loud!
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Shut.
Shut the door when you leave please.
Shut your eyes and wait for the surprise.
I shut the book and went to sleep.
The shops shut in the evening.
Shut your eyes and wait for the surprise.
I shut the book and went to sleep.
The shops shut in the evening.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Shut Up!.
"Can you shut up?!"
"When will you shut up?!"
"When will you shut up?!"
Parole simili a "Shut" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra Shut down e Turn off ?
"Turn off" means to stop the functioning of some mechanical/electric device (like lights, computers, cars) where as "shut down" means "completely stop the function/operation of".
"shut down" can apply to more than just mechanical devices (e.g. "the government shut down this restaurant") and "shut down" is usually reserved for larger, complex machines.
You can say "turn off" for any machine/electrical device, but "shut down" usually means a rather complex device. (e.g. "Shut down the lights" doesn't make sense, because lights don't do complex operations. "Shut down the computer" makes sense because a computer is complex)
In short "turn off" emphasizes stopping the flow of electricity in some device, whereas "shut down" means stopping some continual, complex operation.
"shut down" can apply to more than just mechanical devices (e.g. "the government shut down this restaurant") and "shut down" is usually reserved for larger, complex machines.
You can say "turn off" for any machine/electrical device, but "shut down" usually means a rather complex device. (e.g. "Shut down the lights" doesn't make sense, because lights don't do complex operations. "Shut down the computer" makes sense because a computer is complex)
In short "turn off" emphasizes stopping the flow of electricity in some device, whereas "shut down" means stopping some continual, complex operation.
Qual è la differenza tra Shut e Close ?
shut is your mouth is when you want someone to be quiet like shut up
for example if someone is trying to concentrate on something they are working on but they keep talking then you would tell them "shut your mouth I'm trying to concentrate here"
You could also say shut your trap but that's more of an rude way samething with shut up
However, close your mouth is when someone is chewing their food with their mouth open( you know kinda like a cow I hope you understand what I mean) or are shocked by something and they have their mouth open
Amber was excited about having tacos she was chewing with her mouth open so Leslie told her to close her mouth
Jose and Maria were watching a scary movie something shocking happened and Maria's mouth was open Jose said close your mouth Maria
I hope you understand these as well hope I helped ^^
for example if someone is trying to concentrate on something they are working on but they keep talking then you would tell them "shut your mouth I'm trying to concentrate here"
You could also say shut your trap but that's more of an rude way samething with shut up
However, close your mouth is when someone is chewing their food with their mouth open( you know kinda like a cow I hope you understand what I mean) or are shocked by something and they have their mouth open
Amber was excited about having tacos she was chewing with her mouth open so Leslie told her to close her mouth
Jose and Maria were watching a scary movie something shocking happened and Maria's mouth was open Jose said close your mouth Maria
I hope you understand these as well hope I helped ^^
Qual è la differenza tra Shut up e Do Shut up ?
Oh I forgot, as I mentioned above, sometimes people say 'do' when they are being sarcastic. So they say something rude in a polite way to make it sound even more rude!
Qual è la differenza tra Shut it down e turn off ?
To shut down is normally used for a computer. to turn of is used for any electrical appliance
Qual è la differenza tra Shut down e Turn off ?
Prácticamente son iguales, sin embargo a mí creo que "Shut down" se usa más con aparatos electrónicos o máquinas (computadora, portátil, celular) pero "Turn off" se puede usar en muchas situaciones porque suena más general: "Turn off the light," "Turn off the car."
Traduzionde di "Shut"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Shut up 😂
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Shut Up
hope this helps
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Shut up 🤐
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Shut up
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Altre domande riguardo "Shut"
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia Shut.
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Shut up sembra naturale?
It is fine. if you want to sound serious try to sound more flat
Shut up sembra naturale?
Needs a little more stress on "shut."
Shut you!
sembra naturale?
sembra naturale?
"Shut up" suena mejor.
Shut up, I'm speaking now!! sembra naturale?
Natural....angry...but natural.
I'll shut up now and hide in a corner.
I'll shut up now and hide in a corner.
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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