Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Systems"s
Altre domande riguardo "Systems"
Systems have development mode and production mode.
Even though it works in development mode, it often doesn’t work in production mode.
It is necessary to check it if it works or not in production. sembra naturale?
Even though it works in development mode, it often doesn’t work in production mode.
It is necessary to check it if it works or not in production. sembra naturale?
Your paragraph sounds natural but you can also use this 😊
''The system has a development mode and a production mode.
It often works in development mode but not in production mode.
It is necessary to check whether it works or not in production.''
I hope this helps. ^ ^
''The system has a development mode and a production mode.
It often works in development mode but not in production mode.
It is necessary to check whether it works or not in production.''
I hope this helps. ^ ^
How do you say? Systems Parts or Systems' Parts? It's about parts of various systems. Thank you very much
I will be looking at the parts of the system.
It is time to check the parts of the system.
The system parts are a bit unstable today.
We should learn the various parts of the system.
It is time to check the parts of the system.
The system parts are a bit unstable today.
We should learn the various parts of the system.
Systems sembra naturale?
computer is the only thing I hear wrong in the sentence, otherwise good job!
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