Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Wednesdays"s
Traduzionde di "Wednesdays"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? When you don't work on every Wednesdays, how do you say it?
Are these OK?
I work for 4 days in a week.
I work on every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
I am off on every Wednesdays.
I don't work on Wednesdays.
Are these OK?
I work for 4 days in a week.
I work on every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
I am off on every Wednesdays.
I don't work on Wednesdays.
I work every (week) day but Wednesday.
I'm off on Wednesdays.
I work all the time, except(ing) Wednesdays.
I don't work (on) Wednesdays.
I'm off on Wednesdays.
I work all the time, except(ing) Wednesdays.
I don't work (on) Wednesdays.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? But I like Wednesdays because no meetings, but. I'm very, super, ultra relaxing.
I hope it could help you this.
But I like Wednesday because there is no meeting (MTG). Now I'm really relaxed.
Anyway, I looking for an exchange language partner. I hope we could help each other. I don't usually use this site much. if you have time. please add me. My line id is: 34stevewil and I will wait for your message there. Thank you❣
But I like Wednesday because there is no meeting (MTG). Now I'm really relaxed.
Anyway, I looking for an exchange language partner. I hope we could help each other. I don't usually use this site much. if you have time. please add me. My line id is: 34stevewil and I will wait for your message there. Thank you❣
Altre domande riguardo "Wednesdays"
I would take Wednesdays off so that I can have a break in the middle of my work week. sembra naturale?
× I would take Wednesdays off so that I can have a break in the middle of my work week.
✓ I would take Wednesdays off so that I could have a break in the middle of my work week.
Its just a matter of matching the tense all throughout the sentence.
✓ I would take Wednesdays off so that I could have a break in the middle of my work week.
Its just a matter of matching the tense all throughout the sentence.
every Wednesday. on Wednesdays.
I don’t know why the 1st one “on” is unnecessary.
Why Is “on every Wednesday” wrong?
I don’t know why the 1st one “on” is unnecessary.
Why Is “on every Wednesday” wrong?
(I wanted to add that to your previous question 🙇🏻♀️)
You can still use "about" when there's "tell" there's no issue here. "Please tell me the recent news."
"Please tell me about the recent news."
Tell me or tell me about it are both correct. Tell me sounds a bit rushed while with the other one you'll probably get a longer answer.
Now for this one:
You don't add "on" to "every Wednesday" because it's like a habit/routine, a fact. It's every Wednesday so you don't have to specify that it's ON every Wednesday since it's already a given in this situation.
(I wanted to add that to your previous question 🙇🏻♀️)
You can still use "about" when there's "tell" there's no issue here. "Please tell me the recent news."
"Please tell me about the recent news."
Tell me or tell me about it are both correct. Tell me sounds a bit rushed while with the other one you'll probably get a longer answer.
Now for this one:
You don't add "on" to "every Wednesday" because it's like a habit/routine, a fact. It's every Wednesday so you don't have to specify that it's ON every Wednesday since it's already a given in this situation.
We are closed on Wednesdays and I work for six days a week. sembra naturale?
add s since it is a regular basis
add s since it is a regular basis
I can work on Wednesdays morning and Thursdays morning. sembra naturale?
I can work on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.
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