Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Busybody"s
Il significato di "Busybody" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa busybody ?
A busybody is a person who sticks his/her nose into other people's business. Is always concerned about what other people are doing in an annoying way. Someone who cannot mind their own business.
Che cosa significa
busybody ?
busybody ?
Someone who's nosy and is always in other people's business
Che cosa significa What does busybody mean??
can u please show me an example sentence with busybody
Che cosa significa "busybody"?
A busybody is a person who causes trouble for others.
Che cosa significa busybody means someone is very busy??
A busybody is someone who meddles or pries.
Frasi esempio "Busybody"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con busybody.
Busybody is a person in a hurry to do tasks. The entrepreneur is a busybody.
Parole simili a "Busybody" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra busybody e backseat driver ?
He is such a busybody, he tries to find out personal things about other people, he does not mind his own business.
She is such a backseat driver. When she goes anywhere with her husband, she tells him how to drive, where to turn, how fast to drive, etc.
She is such a backseat driver. When she goes anywhere with her husband, she tells him how to drive, where to turn, how fast to drive, etc.
Traduzionde di "Busybody"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? busybody
Hope this helps~!
Altre domande riguardo "Busybody"
I can't abide so-called busybodies . I try to stay away from them sembra naturale?
Check the question to view the answer
I don't want to sound like a busybody. If you feel like it, please let me know anytime soon before I make you feel annoyed sembra naturale?
a busybody doesn't really make sense
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