Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Concerned"s
Il significato di "Concerned" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa Concerned?
You're worried over something or someone hoping everything will be okay.
I'm concerned for my friend who just lost her job.
My son hasn't come home yet from his friend's house which is making me concerned for his safety.
I'm concerned for my friend who just lost her job.
My son hasn't come home yet from his friend's house which is making me concerned for his safety.
Che cosa significa Concerned ?
To be worried about/over
Frasi esempio "Concerned"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Concerned with.
“Please see a doctor, I am concerned about your health”
“You should consider trying harder in school. Everyone is concerned about your grades”
“Your father is concerned for your safety so please wear a seatbelt while in the car”
“You should consider trying harder in school. Everyone is concerned about your grades”
“Your father is concerned for your safety so please wear a seatbelt while in the car”
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Concerned .
E.G . ( przykłady )
➡You see, I'm quite concerned.
➡Widzi pan, jestem dość zaniepokojony.
➡Yes, I am concerned too.
➡Tak, ja też jestem zaniepokojony.
➡Furthermore, it was found that the 'product concerned' exists in hundreds of types, that are regularly upgraded or otherwise modified.
➡Ponadto ustalono, że produkt objęty postępowaniem istnieje pod postacią setek rodzajów, które są regularnie ulepszane lub w inny sposób zmieniane.
E.G . ( przykłady )
➡You see, I'm quite concerned.
➡Widzi pan, jestem dość zaniepokojony.
➡Yes, I am concerned too.
➡Tak, ja też jestem zaniepokojony.
➡Furthermore, it was found that the 'product concerned' exists in hundreds of types, that are regularly upgraded or otherwise modified.
➡Ponadto ustalono, że produkt objęty postępowaniem istnieje pod postacią setek rodzajów, które są regularnie ulepszane lub w inny sposób zmieniane.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Concerned ABOUT, concerned WITH, concerned FOR, concerned IN
Can you tell me the differences among these? Thank you❤️..
Can you tell me the differences among these? Thank you❤️..
Thanks a lot! :)
Parole simili a "Concerned" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra Concerned with the climate change e Concerned of the climate change e Concerned about the climate change ?
Drop "the" when you're referring to phrases (climate change is not a noun).
Qual è la differenza tra Concerned with e About ?
About - to be worried
With - to be involved in
but they are used a little differently. You don't usually use "with" when talking about people directly.
"I'm concerned about John" 🙂
"I'm concerned with politics"🙂
"I'm concerned with John" 😒
"I'm concerned with John's politics"🤔
"I'm concerned about John's politics" 🙂
About - to be worried
With - to be involved in
but they are used a little differently. You don't usually use "with" when talking about people directly.
"I'm concerned about John" 🙂
"I'm concerned with politics"🙂
"I'm concerned with John" 😒
"I'm concerned with John's politics"🤔
"I'm concerned about John's politics" 🙂
Qual è la differenza tra Concerned e Worried ?
Concerned and worried are very similar in meaning. Worried is usually a little closer to afraid or anxious. Concerned is typically for a more calm situation.
A parent would be worried if their child got into a fight.
If a student was getting bad grades, their parents would be concerned.
A parent would be worried if their child got into a fight.
If a student was getting bad grades, their parents would be concerned.
Qual è la differenza tra Concerned e Confused ?
concerned is you are worried about something as if what is going to happen for example
I am concerned about your safety. it means that I am worried about your safety.
confused is you don't know what to do .
I am confused what should I eat. means you don't know what you should eat
I am concerned about your safety. it means that I am worried about your safety.
confused is you don't know what to do .
I am confused what should I eat. means you don't know what you should eat
Qual è la differenza tra Concerned e Worried ?
There isn't much of a difference between them. For example: saying "I'm worried about you" or "I'm concerned about you" is about the same, but there are certain phrases that use worry and not concern and the other way around as well. Like "Don't worry" (when calming someone down) or "It is not a concern/it is of no concern" (to say that something doesn't matter, or is not a bother to you)
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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