Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Ending"s
Il significato di "Ending" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa so much for my happy ending 에서 'so much for'?
@LastNight in this context, so much for means that the person wasted time on a happy ending :)
Che cosa significa You can even find his unused ending in the crypt?
the Krypt (spelled with a K because it's Mortal Kombat and they're kool like that) is a feature in some Mortal Kombat games where you can spend in-game currency on special features, such as concept art, extra costumes, and deleted scenes. In this case, Onaga was going to be a playable character, and so they created a short video clip that would play when you used him to beat Story Mode. However, at the last minute they cancelled their plans to make him playable. Since the video clip was already made, they just stuck it in the Krypt.
Che cosa significa the ending is ... “ easy come , easy go.” why does he use this expression in the dialog??
"Easy come easy go"
It means that life will give you wonderful things and will also take wonderful things away from you.
In that context, he was saying to not worry about the car (damaged, stolen) because something wonderful will come along to replace the car
and or....
to not worry about the car in general because life is good
It means that life will give you wonderful things and will also take wonderful things away from you.
In that context, he was saying to not worry about the car (damaged, stolen) because something wonderful will come along to replace the car
and or....
to not worry about the car in general because life is good
Che cosa significa "Give away the ending "?
"give away" means" to show/ to reveal" something secret or private....So If you want to watch a movie that you haven't seen yet and you met with a friend who has already watched the movie...You tell him:
"Don't give away the ending" =Don't reveal the ending of the story/movie = don't give any spoilers...
"Don't give away the ending" =Don't reveal the ending of the story/movie = don't give any spoilers...
Che cosa significa "up lifting ending."
i read a review of film and I don't know what does that mean. would you explain that please?
i read a review of film and I don't know what does that mean. would you explain that please?
"uplifting" ending.
it means an ending that will raise your spirits. make you feel very touched. an ending that will "lift you up"!
기분이 좋게 하는... ending!
it means an ending that will raise your spirits. make you feel very touched. an ending that will "lift you up"!
기분이 좋게 하는... ending!
Parole simili a "Ending" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra reveal the ending of this movie e spoil the ending of this movie ?
spoil the ending means to tell people the ending before they have seen the movie.
revealing the ending is making it known, but not in a way that ruins it for anyone. They want to know.
If you are about to say something about the end of a movie, you are supposed to say, “SPOILER ALERT”!! so anyone’s who doesn’t want to hear it can leave.
spoil the ending means to tell people the ending before they have seen the movie.
revealing the ending is making it known, but not in a way that ruins it for anyone. They want to know.
If you are about to say something about the end of a movie, you are supposed to say, “SPOILER ALERT”!! so anyone’s who doesn’t want to hear it can leave.
Qual è la differenza tra you can never anticipate the ending. e you can never anticipate the end of the story. ?
there isnt a diference!
Qual è la differenza tra I didn't like the ending of the book. e I didn't like the end of the book. ?
No real difference
Traduzionde di "Ending"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Why is the ending “s” in “increase” pronounced as “s” instead of “z”? Isn’t the last sound before “s” is a vowel sound?
불행히도, 영어에는 예외가 너무 많습니다. 드릴 수 있는 유일한 대답은 때때로 단어가 그렇게 들린다는 것입니다. 이는 단순히 앞에 모음 소리가 있다고 해서 결정되는 것은 아닙니다. (어떤 모음 소리인지에 따라 달라질 수도 있습니다.)
"these"는 "theez" 같이 들립니다.
"please"는 "pleez" 같이 들립니다.
"raise"는 "raiz" 같이 들립니다.
"cheese"는 "cheez" 같이 들립니다.
"trees"는 "treez" 같이 들립니다.
"bags"는 "bagz" 같이 들립니다.
"increase"는 "increese" 같이 들립니다.
"crease"는 "creese" 같이 들립니다.
("crease"는 종이나 옷과 같은 것에 생긴 주름입니다.)
"Grease"는 "Greese" 같이 들립니다.
때때로 우리가 "S" 소리를 원해도 내기 어렵습니다. 예를 들어, "bags"에서는 "Z" 소리가 더 쉽게 전환됩니다.
"increase"를 "Z" 소리 대신 "S" 소리로 발음해 보세요. 더 많은 조절이 필요함을 알게 될 것입니다. 반면에, "S" 소리는 단지 이를 그대로 모은 상태에서 공기를 통과시키기만 하면 됩니다.
때때로 반대의 경우도 있으며, Z 소리가 단순히 발음하기 더 쉬울 때도 있습니다.
Unfortunately English has so many exceptions. The only answer I can give you is that sometimes that's how a word sounds. It does not only depend on there being vowel sound before it. (It might depend on which vowel sound though)
"these" does sound like "theez"
"please" does sound like "pleez"
"raise" does sound like "raiz"
"cheese" does sound like "cheez"
"trees" does sound like "treez"
"bags" sounds like "bagz"
"increase" sounds like "increese"
"crease" sounds like "creese"
(a "crease" is a fold in something, like paper or clothing.)
"Grease" sounds like "Greese"
Sometimes it's difficult to make the sound of "S" even if we want to, like in the word "bags". The "Z" sound is easier to transition to and from.
Try saying "increase" with a "Z" sound instead of an "S" sound. You will notice that it takes more control. On the other hand, the "S" sound just needs your teeth closed together with air passing through.
Sometimes the opposite is true, and Z is simply easier to pronounce.
"these"는 "theez" 같이 들립니다.
"please"는 "pleez" 같이 들립니다.
"raise"는 "raiz" 같이 들립니다.
"cheese"는 "cheez" 같이 들립니다.
"trees"는 "treez" 같이 들립니다.
"bags"는 "bagz" 같이 들립니다.
"increase"는 "increese" 같이 들립니다.
"crease"는 "creese" 같이 들립니다.
("crease"는 종이나 옷과 같은 것에 생긴 주름입니다.)
"Grease"는 "Greese" 같이 들립니다.
때때로 우리가 "S" 소리를 원해도 내기 어렵습니다. 예를 들어, "bags"에서는 "Z" 소리가 더 쉽게 전환됩니다.
"increase"를 "Z" 소리 대신 "S" 소리로 발음해 보세요. 더 많은 조절이 필요함을 알게 될 것입니다. 반면에, "S" 소리는 단지 이를 그대로 모은 상태에서 공기를 통과시키기만 하면 됩니다.
때때로 반대의 경우도 있으며, Z 소리가 단순히 발음하기 더 쉬울 때도 있습니다.
Unfortunately English has so many exceptions. The only answer I can give you is that sometimes that's how a word sounds. It does not only depend on there being vowel sound before it. (It might depend on which vowel sound though)
"these" does sound like "theez"
"please" does sound like "pleez"
"raise" does sound like "raiz"
"cheese" does sound like "cheez"
"trees" does sound like "treez"
"bags" sounds like "bagz"
"increase" sounds like "increese"
"crease" sounds like "creese"
(a "crease" is a fold in something, like paper or clothing.)
"Grease" sounds like "Greese"
Sometimes it's difficult to make the sound of "S" even if we want to, like in the word "bags". The "Z" sound is easier to transition to and from.
Try saying "increase" with a "Z" sound instead of an "S" sound. You will notice that it takes more control. On the other hand, the "S" sound just needs your teeth closed together with air passing through.
Sometimes the opposite is true, and Z is simply easier to pronounce.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? always, the ending s is a /s/ sound or /z/ sound, or it’s okay to be both? Thank you!
Only z.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Ending was exactly what I expected ,happy ending
It means story is a little boring but two main characters
got along well and acting of supporting actor was so impressive.l like this kind of cute romantic comedy.
It means story is a little boring but two main characters
got along well and acting of supporting actor was so impressive.l like this kind of cute romantic comedy.
thank you
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? (本や映画の場合)happy endingは一つの感情しか生まない。open endingはいくつかの感情を生みだす。
A story with a closed (happy) ending only evoke one emotion/feeling, while open-ended stories can evoke many.
Altre domande riguardo "Ending"
I like open ending movie. sembra naturale?
“I like a movie with an open ending” would sound more natural.
How do you think about the ending scene of the movie? sembra naturale?
If you wanted to you could also just say "What do you think about the ending of the movie"
I always set the ending time to study before doing, but I often go over it. sembra naturale?
It's understandable.
The natural way is to say:
I always set the end time before study, but I often go over it.
So the awkward part "before doing" isn't necessary.
In the second part, there are several alternatives:
I always set the end time before study, but I often overrun.
I always set the end time before study, but I often exceed it.
I always set the end time before study, but I often go past it.
I always set the end time before study, but I often miss it.
The natural way is to say:
I always set the end time before study, but I often go over it.
So the awkward part "before doing" isn't necessary.
In the second part, there are several alternatives:
I always set the end time before study, but I often overrun.
I always set the end time before study, but I often exceed it.
I always set the end time before study, but I often go past it.
I always set the end time before study, but I often miss it.
I can't focus. Because I'm a little panicked because the ending time is approaching. sembra naturale?
I can't focus because I'm panicked about the deadline (a better way to say ending time) approaching.
without happy ending
There's no happy ending
Cuál es mejor? sembra naturale?
There's no happy ending
Cuál es mejor? sembra naturale?
Ambos se oyen bien, pero depende del contexto. Por ejemplo:
There's no happy ending for criminals.
This is a story without a happy ending.
"Without a happy ending" requiere un sujeto
There's no happy ending for criminals.
This is a story without a happy ending.
"Without a happy ending" requiere un sujeto
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