Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Fashion"s

Parole simili a "Fashion" e le sue differenze

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Q: If you do very hard studying fashion, I'll be able to see your designed clothes soon. (the part of "your designed clothes" really sounds unnatural to me. does it mean "designed clothes of yours" or "clothes designed by you"? I think it means "designed clothes of yours". Am I right? Does it sound natural anyway?
thank you very much!

Before the answer, I want to give you some vocabulary:

1) designer clothes: expensive, well-known clothe brands : Louis Vuitton (LV), Gucci,
2) fashion designer - someone who start these companies, someone who make“prestigious” clothes

Something like Nike is not considering designer clothes, although it is considered a good, high-quality brand


your designer clothes —-> the designer clothes that you are wearing

your designed clothes means —> the clothes that you designed —> “designed clothes of yours” )

(but its unnatural to show possession 的 with “of + personal pronoun”

incorrect: this is the house of yours
correct: this is your house

this is the house of my friend (completely correct 75% natural)
this is my friend’s house (most natural)

(i’m sure you already know, extra practice always good ><)

just a couple examples:

People usually don’t use the word “study” for work. So I replaced “study” with “work.”

If you work hard on your fashion brand, we will soon see your clothes in more places.

If you work hard on building your fashion image, your store will be at better locations within the mall.

malls = 口语 for shopping malls

But if you want to use study then this is an example of how to use it in this case:

If you study fashion and become an expert, one day we might see your brand in malls.

Because of the word: designer clothes, people don’t say designed clothes. It sounds too similar.

Instead say:
the clothes that you designed
the clothes you designed

It’s like the same thing with superman.

Everyone knows “superman” so you can’t say someone is a “super” man. There’s too much associations with the word.

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