Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Hollaback"s
Il significato di "Hollaback" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa "hollaback girl" ?
A "hollaback" girl is slang for a girl that won't insult you if you insult her, but will fight you physically. This person uses their fists instead of their words. This slang is pretty uncommon though. Not many people use it anymore, unless they are talking about a Gwen Stefani song. Hope that helped!! :)
Che cosa significa "hollaback"?
@Vici: someone who allows people to treat him/her like a doormat
Che cosa significa hollaback?
Someone who allows people to treat him/her like a doormat and walk all over him/her.
Invented by Gwen Stefani in her song "Hollaback girl" where she repeats she isnt a hollaback girl and clearly she means it.. she's the moneymaker.
"Bitch come here and lick my boots!"
"Fuck you! i aint no hollaback girl!!"
Invented by Gwen Stefani in her song "Hollaback girl" where she repeats she isnt a hollaback girl and clearly she means it.. she's the moneymaker.
"Bitch come here and lick my boots!"
"Fuck you! i aint no hollaback girl!!"
Che cosa significa hollaback?
Hollaback is a slang word that means you let people treat you badly or you're a pushover (you'll do something for someone, even if you don't want to do).
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