Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Hull"s
Il significato di "Hull" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa mini-subs have strong hulls to keep air in and protect those abroad from water pressure.
에서 those abroad의 뜻은 뭔가요??
에서 those abroad의 뜻은 뭔가요??
Hmm...I think it might actually be a typo, it probably should say "those aboard" which means "those people aboard the sub", which means the passengers riding in the sub.
aboard = on-board. Riding on a vehicle like a plane or a boat.
abroad = travelling in another country. (It makes no sense to me so I think it's a typo).
aboard = on-board. Riding on a vehicle like a plane or a boat.
abroad = travelling in another country. (It makes no sense to me so I think it's a typo).
Che cosa significa hull?
the body I'm a bit confused where exactly is located??
Che cosa significa "Its tar-streaked hull rolled over me"?
Tar streaked hull sounds like an old sailing ship. (the wood was sealed with tar) I'm not sure what he means by rolled over me. Did he fall out?
Che cosa significa hull?
Hull is part of a ship/plane. It is the bottom and sides of the ship.
Frasi esempio "Hull"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con to hull.
1. Hull as a noun is the body of a ship. The deck is where people stand, everything underneath is the hull.
2. Hull as a verb means to hit or pierce something. We got this word from the noun “hull of the ship.” When you hit or pierce the hull of a ship, like in battle, it is called “hulling.” It has also come to refer to hitting or piercing something with a shell like a walnut.
This is not a very common word!
1. Hull as a noun is the body of a ship. The deck is where people stand, everything underneath is the hull.
2. Hull as a verb means to hit or pierce something. We got this word from the noun “hull of the ship.” When you hit or pierce the hull of a ship, like in battle, it is called “hulling.” It has also come to refer to hitting or piercing something with a shell like a walnut.
This is not a very common word!
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con hulls.
hull like the body of a ship?
the rock hit the hull.
the rock hit the hull.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con hull.
The ship's hull is made of metal
Traduzionde di "Hull"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? hull
like this
Altre domande riguardo "Hull"
I continued to watch her, till the beautiful, precise hull, with all its lovely detail, had become blurred to leeward, where the sun was now marching in triumph, the helm of a golden warrior plumed in cirrus.(her refers to a ship,extracted from the article The Clipper by John Masefild)
What does the helm of golden warrior refer to?🥺
What does the helm of golden warrior refer to?🥺
In the passage, "the helm of a golden warrior" is a metaphor used to describe the sun. The sun is compared to a golden warrior, with the idea that the sun is like a victorious warrior wearing a plumed helmet made of golden clouds (cirrus clouds). The imagery suggests strength, triumph, and splendor associated with the sun's position and appearance in the sky.
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia hull.
it pronounce hole but it writes hull😁
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia full and hull.
They don't rhyme!
They don't rhyme!
The hull of tomatoes
The tip of tomatoes
The calyx of tomatoes
Which is more naturally used?
The tip of tomatoes
The calyx of tomatoes
Which is more naturally used?
Do you mean skin of the tomato?
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