Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Humans"s
Il significato di "Humans" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa humans (i know it means people but, it was a comment of nicki minaj - anaconda mv and gets 30000 likes... i want to know the hidden meaning)?
Parole simili a "Humans" e le sue differenze
Traduzionde di "Humans"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? which one goes in the blank?
If possible, i'd like you tell me why. (you don't have to when you're busy. Thank you. )
Could humans live on indefinitely were it not for ( ) age-related diseases?
①some ②little ③no ④few
If possible, i'd like you tell me why. (you don't have to when you're busy. Thank you. )
Could humans live on indefinitely were it not for ( ) age-related diseases?
①some ②little ③no ④few
Altre domande riguardo "Humans"
I think humans mustn't to eat scaleless fishes such as squid, shrimp, and so on. They look ugly as foods. sembra naturale?
It is limited that humans life time and can doings.
We worry about whether what i have doing bore fruit and we tend to try to something else, but the only person who continue one thing earnestly will be success someday.
I worry about whether i'll truly able to english, yet i'll continue this journal everyday.
英語がホントに出来るようになるのか不安ですが、この日記はずっと続けていきます。 sembra naturale?
We worry about whether what i have doing bore fruit and we tend to try to something else, but the only person who continue one thing earnestly will be success someday.
I worry about whether i'll truly able to english, yet i'll continue this journal everyday.
英語がホントに出来るようになるのか不安ですが、この日記はずっと続けていきます。 sembra naturale?
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