Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Ingress"s
Il significato di "Ingress" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa ingress?
A place or means of access; an entrance
Che cosa significa There had been an ingress of water into the site.?
It means water had entered the site. Depending on the context, it could mean that the site flooded.
Altre domande riguardo "Ingress"
What does ingress
it’s a noun which means “going in”: very high register.
He refused to grant them ingress.
He refused to grant them ingress.
I downloaded "ingress" instead of pokemon go.
Bacause there are no pokemon near my place.
So I gonna be a ingress agent!
I'm registrant.
sembra naturale?
Bacause there are no pokemon near my place.
So I gonna be a ingress agent!
I'm registrant.
sembra naturale?
I downloaded "Ingress" instead of Pokemon GO because there are no Pokemon near my place. So I'm gonna be an Ingress agent! I'm registered.
I'm not positive what you meant by "registrant". It's definitely a word. If you wanted to use it, you'd have to have an article before it (a/an/the, but 'a' in this case)
I'm not positive what you meant by "registrant". It's definitely a word. If you wanted to use it, you'd have to have an article before it (a/an/the, but 'a' in this case)
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