Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Knuckle"s

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Q: Knuckle Mnemonic

Some months have 31 days, some have 30 days or less.
When we can't remember how many days a month has / are in a month, we use a clenched fist.
If we look at the clenched hand, you can see that the points where the first knuckle of each finger begins and the points between them are undulating like ridges and furrows. (See attached photo.)
Each ridge represents a month with 31 days, while each furrow represents a month with 30 days.
Start with January and move from ridge to furrow for each month.
After July (the last ridge), continue to count form there again from August to December.
We can use one hand like this or both hands. sembra naturale?
A: × Some months have 31 days, some have 30 days or less.
✓ Some months have 31 days and others have 30 (days) or less.

× When we can't remember how many days a month has / are in a month, we use a clenched fist.
✓ When you can't remember how many days a month has / are in a month, you can use a clenched fist.

× If we look at the clenched hand, you can see that the points where the first knuckle of each finger begins and the points between them are undulating like ridges and furrows.
✓ If you look at the clenched fist, you can see that the points below the lowest knuckle of each finger and the points between them are undulating/ rising and falling (more common) like ridges and grooves.

× Each ridge represents a month with 31 days, while each furrow represents a month with 30 days.
✓ Each ridge represents a month with 31 days, while each groove represents a month with 30 days.

× Start with January and move from ridge to furrow for each month.
✓ Start with January and move from ridges to grooves to count the months.

× After July (the last ridge), continue to count form there again from August to December.
✓ After July (the last ridge), continue to count in the reversed direction for August to December.

× We can use one hand like this or both hands.
✓ You can use one hand, as shown above, or both hands.

-> it depends on the context, but I’d often avoid using ‘we’ to talk about something because it can sound a bit like you’re talking to children

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