Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Letdown"s
Il significato di "Letdown" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa what a letdown?
What a disappointment!
Che cosa significa What a letdown?
What a disappointment
Che cosa significa "to turn to be a letdown"?
it means something was disappointing for example “ the movie turned out to be a let down” means the movies was disappointing
Che cosa significa letdown?
it kinda means disappointment
Frasi esempio "Letdown"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con letdown.
Letdown is something that disappoints you or doesn’t meet your expectations.
I saw the movie Dune recently. It was such a letdown.
I hope this blind date tonight isn’t a letdown.
There also the verb “let down” with the space in it.
He let me down when he didn’t call me back.
Don’t let me down. I’m counting on you.
I saw the movie Dune recently. It was such a letdown.
I hope this blind date tonight isn’t a letdown.
There also the verb “let down” with the space in it.
He let me down when he didn’t call me back.
Don’t let me down. I’m counting on you.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con letdown.
let-down = dissappointment
• the school's prom event being cancelled was a let-down to many students
• It was such a let-down to lose the Science competition
• the ending of the popular movie was such a let-down as it was boring
• As I failed my job interview, it was a bit of a let-down
• the school's prom event being cancelled was a let-down to many students
• It was such a let-down to lose the Science competition
• the ending of the popular movie was such a let-down as it was boring
• As I failed my job interview, it was a bit of a let-down
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con "letdown", "inevitable".
pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
don't let your guard down.
please don't do it, don't let me down (dissapoint) please.
don't let your guard down.
please don't do it, don't let me down (dissapoint) please.
Parole simili a "Letdown" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra what a letdown e what a bummer ?
Nothing, they are the same.
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