Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Lever"s
Il significato di "Lever" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa I pulled every lever at my disposal
It means I pulled every lever that was available to me
Che cosa significa lever?
A lever is a type of machine that has force applied to one side to move a force on the other side. According to the Oxford Dictionary thing it is "a rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to help move a heavy or firmly fixed load with one end when pressure is applied to the other."
Che cosa significa Any lever will help?
lever = metaforicamente, cualquier cosa que puede ayudarse
ejemplo, busca un trabajo, podría decirse:
"try dressing nicely, speak clearly, smile a lot, tell them you are a hard worker... any lever will help"
ejemplo, busca un trabajo, podría decirse:
"try dressing nicely, speak clearly, smile a lot, tell them you are a hard worker... any lever will help"
Che cosa significa every lever has two parts, an effort arm and resistance arm?
The arms of a lever are called "arms" because the two ends of a lever are like a person's two arms, stretched out.
One end is called the "effort arm" because effort is exerted there. The other is called the "resistance arm" because resistance is exerted there.
You push down on the effort arm, and that lifts the resistance arm. Like a seesaw.
One end is called the "effort arm" because effort is exerted there. The other is called the "resistance arm" because resistance is exerted there.
You push down on the effort arm, and that lifts the resistance arm. Like a seesaw.
Traduzionde di "Lever"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? J'aime me lever tôt.
I love to get up early.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? j'arrive plus à me lever.
I can't get up anymore
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? lever les yeux vers le ciel et voir un avion lâcher une bombe, juste le temps de réaliser ce qui se passe et c'est deja la fin . Imagine découvrir le corps sans vie de ton enfant , imagine porter ton fils dans tes bras ensanglanté et terrifié
thanks 😄
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? se lever du mauvais pied
@Lena97: To get out of the wrong side of the bed.
Altre domande riguardo "Lever"
This lever color of the tap is red but cold water. Normally, red one is hot water though. sembra naturale?
The color of the lever for the tap is red but it only has cold water. Normally, red is for hot water though.
Can "lever out" mean "mitigate"? Thanks :) sembra naturale?
Thanks! :D
Even if I turn a lever on the gas stove, fire doesn't show up because of the gas leak. sembra naturale?
Your answer is grammatically correct and is perfectly understandable. However, I would say it this way:
Even when I turn the knob on the gas stove, there aren't any flames because of the gas leak.
Even when I turn the knob on the gas stove, there aren't any flames because of the gas leak.
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