Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Lt"s
Il significato di "Lt" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa lt is mouthwatering.?
Che cosa significa lt is my cup of tea.?
It means you enjoy/like that thing. It fits your taste.
Example: This genre of music is my cup of tea (I like this genre of music. It's my style.)
Example: This genre of music is my cup of tea (I like this genre of music. It's my style.)
Che cosa significa lt's by a lesser hand ?
In lesser hands means someone/ something that is subpar or less experienced.
The operation on the man was a success because the surgeon was very experienced. In lesser hands, this injury would have been a death sentence for that person.
In lesser hands means someone/ something that is subpar or less experienced.
The operation on the man was a success because the surgeon was very experienced. In lesser hands, this injury would have been a death sentence for that person.
Che cosa significa "lt has a funky shape"?
Funky means more strange than interesting
Frasi esempio "Lt"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con lt sucks .
It sucks that I can't go to the party cause I have to study.
It sucks that I have to work early tomorrow.
It sucks that I have to work early tomorrow.
Parole simili a "Lt" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra lt looks like it’s gonna rain. e It seems it’s gonna rain. ?
Honestly, their is no difference
Qual è la differenza tra lt's 7:15. e lt's like 7:15 ?
It's like is an estimate, they haven't actually checked the time.
Qual è la differenza tra lt is no more healthy than… e lt is no healthier than… ?
Yup! That’s correct. ^^ The second phrase is just easier to say and flows better, if that makes sense.
Qual è la differenza tra lt is my accomplishments. e This is my accomplishments . ?
@abbey0602: They both sound unatural because it and this should be used to refer to a singular accomplishment eg. "it is my accomplishment"
"this is my accomplishment"
A phrase that makes more sense when talking about more than one accomplishment is
"These are my accomplishments"
"this is my accomplishment"
A phrase that makes more sense when talking about more than one accomplishment is
"These are my accomplishments"
Traduzionde di "Lt"
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? lt was the first time in 40 years of farming side by side,sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed
that is correct. if you wrote it you are not a beginner! 😃
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? lt is amazing.
Check the question to view the answer
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? lt night I
what sentence are you trying to say?
Altre domande riguardo "Lt"
more of
1. lt's really more of a good chance.
2. my son is more of a sweet boy than a troublemaker. sembra naturale?
1. lt's really more of a good chance.
2. my son is more of a sweet boy than a troublemaker. sembra naturale?
Check the question to view the answer
It's black and white. (lt's clear.)
Does this usage of "black and white" mean Negros , Caucasians ?
Is this expression proper now?
Does this usage of "black and white" mean Negros , Caucasians ?
Is this expression proper now?
No, it doesn't refer to race.
When someone says it's black and white, it means that there is no middle area.
Example: That guy is so black and white, he either hates the teacher or loves the teacher.
When someone says it's black and white, it means that there is no middle area.
Example: That guy is so black and white, he either hates the teacher or loves the teacher.
'lt is on the upper right diagonal.'
'lt is on the upper right.'
'lt is up and to the right.'
Which one's good?
'lt is on the upper right.'
'lt is up and to the right.'
Which one's good?
It's on the upper right side.
lt's sharp at the end.
lt's sharp at the edge.
Which one is good?
lt's sharp at the edge.
Which one is good?
It’s sharp at the edge.
It is imperative that he act now.
lt is imperative that he acts now.
sembra naturale?
lt is imperative that he acts now.
sembra naturale?
The first one is technically correct, but many people incorrectly use the second one.
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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