Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Modify"s
Il significato di "Modify" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa modify ?
To change something so that it works in a different way. People usually use this word when they are talking about changes that implement their own personal preferences, or unique needs.
To change something so that it works in a different way. People usually use this word when they are talking about changes that implement their own personal preferences, or unique needs.
Che cosa significa modified climatic?
Che cosa significa modify?
It means to change or make alterations.
Che cosa significa modify?
To change or add onto something
I modified my computer
We had to modify our original plans
I modified my computer
We had to modify our original plans
Che cosa significa modify?
make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme
Frasi esempio "Modify"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con modify .
Adverbs are used to modify verbs and adjectives.
Established practices are difficult to modify.
The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.
Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.
The feedback will be used to modify the course for next year.
Adverbs are used to modify verbs and adjectives.
Established practices are difficult to modify.
The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.
Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.
The feedback will be used to modify the course for next year.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con modify.
I want to modify my dress to make it look prettier.
As a plastic surgeon, I can modify your nose to make it more attractive.
I need to modify the settings on my phone and enable notifications, so the app can notify me.
Other tenses:
I modified my computer, so it will work faster.
I am currently modifying my computer code.
Getting plastic surgery modifies one’s appearance.
As a plastic surgeon, I can modify your nose to make it more attractive.
I need to modify the settings on my phone and enable notifications, so the app can notify me.
Other tenses:
I modified my computer, so it will work faster.
I am currently modifying my computer code.
Getting plastic surgery modifies one’s appearance.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con modify.
in what kind of context, do you have note or book line about it, maybe sent a photo will help...
Parole simili a "Modify" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra modify e amend ?
“Modify” means to change. “Amend” also means change, but it implies that something was fixed by the change. “Modify” does not carry this implication.
Ex: “I modified the document”
(This means that I changed the document in a very general sense.)
“I amended the document.”
(This also means that I changed the document, but the use of “amend” here implies that there was something wrong with the document before. The changes I made to the document have fixed it.)
Ex: “I modified the document”
(This means that I changed the document in a very general sense.)
“I amended the document.”
(This also means that I changed the document, but the use of “amend” here implies that there was something wrong with the document before. The changes I made to the document have fixed it.)
Qual è la differenza tra modify e revise ?
Modify: keep as is and introduce change.
Revise: reconsider completely and introduce change.
“Modify the plan to include the new parameters”, make changes to the existing plan as necessary.
“Revise the plan to include the new parameters”, reconsider the whole plan and make changes as necessary to accommodate the changes.
“The engine was failing, but a modification made it functional”., the same engine was modified.
“The engine was failing, but a revision was functional”, a reconsidered new version.
Revise: reconsider completely and introduce change.
“Modify the plan to include the new parameters”, make changes to the existing plan as necessary.
“Revise the plan to include the new parameters”, reconsider the whole plan and make changes as necessary to accommodate the changes.
“The engine was failing, but a modification made it functional”., the same engine was modified.
“The engine was failing, but a revision was functional”, a reconsidered new version.
Qual è la differenza tra modify e tweak ?
Modify means ' make a change to something' and is formal, whereas ' tweak' means slightly improve something and is less formal.
Qual è la differenza tra to modify e to revise ?
Modify refers to changing something.
Revise refers to reconsidering and improving something.
Revise refers to reconsidering and improving something.
Qual è la differenza tra modify e revise ?
I believe these words can generally be used interchangeably without much confusion, but I looked up the differences and most said:
Modify = change slightly (for a particular purpose)
Revise = to look over and make necessary changes (used for writing mostly)
Modify = change slightly (for a particular purpose)
Revise = to look over and make necessary changes (used for writing mostly)
Traduzionde di "Modify"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? modified
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? genetically modified
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Altre domande riguardo "Modify"
Can “lucrative” modify “profits”?
I would just say either one, but not both.
Lucrative means "a good potential of making profits."
So if I say "I own a lucrative business," that means that I own a business that CAN be profitable, but maybe isn't profitable today.
Lucrative means "a good potential of making profits."
So if I say "I own a lucrative business," that means that I own a business that CAN be profitable, but maybe isn't profitable today.
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia genetically modified .
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Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia modifying.
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