Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Oyakodon"s
Altre domande riguardo "Oyakodon"
Oyakodon is like a dish with scrambled eggs and grilled chicken on rice sort of thing. sembra naturale?
× Oyakodon is like a dish with scrambled eggs and grilled chicken on rice sort of thing.
✓ Oyakodon is a dish like scrambled eggs but with grilled chicken and rice - that sort of thing!
The "that sort of thing" at the end is unnecessary but adds personality. I personally speak like that, so I left it in!
I changed where "like" was in the sentence to draw emphasis to what you were comparing Oyajodon to. I added in "but" to further enhance the comparison.
✓ Oyakodon is a dish like scrambled eggs but with grilled chicken and rice - that sort of thing!
The "that sort of thing" at the end is unnecessary but adds personality. I personally speak like that, so I left it in!
I changed where "like" was in the sentence to draw emphasis to what you were comparing Oyajodon to. I added in "but" to further enhance the comparison.
I love "Oyakodon" very much. "Oyakodon" is Japanese food. Chicken, eggs and onions are cooked with Japanese seasonings like soy sauce, mirin and dashi. The melting egg's texture and umami taste is so good. By the way, "Oyako" means "parent and child" in Japanese because the ingredients look like parent and child. sembra naturale?
× Chicken, eggs and onions are cooked with Japanese seasonings like soy sauce, mirin and dashi.
✓ Chicken, eggs and onions are cooked with Japanese ingredients like soy sauce, mirin and dashi.
× The melting egg's texture and umami taste is so good.
✓ The runny egg texture and umami flavor is so good.
× By the way, "Oyako" means "parent and child" in Japanese because the ingredients look like parent and child.
✓ By the way, in Japanese, "Oyako" means "parent and child" because the ingredients are of the parent and its child.
seasonings usually means "dry" salt, pepper, cumin
eggs dont melt, they are runny if not cooked all the way.
ice cream is melty
great job!!
✓ Chicken, eggs and onions are cooked with Japanese ingredients like soy sauce, mirin and dashi.
× The melting egg's texture and umami taste is so good.
✓ The runny egg texture and umami flavor is so good.
× By the way, "Oyako" means "parent and child" in Japanese because the ingredients look like parent and child.
✓ By the way, in Japanese, "Oyako" means "parent and child" because the ingredients are of the parent and its child.
seasonings usually means "dry" salt, pepper, cumin
eggs dont melt, they are runny if not cooked all the way.
ice cream is melty
great job!!
"Oyakodon" has chicken, onion and egg on rice. sembra naturale?
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