Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Pair"s

Frasi esempio "Pair"

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Q: is this natural? 1)Is there at least one pair of sharp scissors in this house?
2)I need your advice on this matter. I need your piece of advice on this matter.
3)Why haven't you followed/didn't you folow??? his advice? (what's the difference?)
4)Do you think this information/data is reliable enough?
5)These money aren't yours, put them back where they belong.
6)Where's the money for the shopping? - They're on the table in the kitchen.
7)I didn't have knowledge so I had to invite/consult an expert.
8)Everyone knows this piece of news.
9)What great news!
10) He has recently made so much progress.
11) Sheep were grazing peacefully in the meadow/field.
12) Deer are very graceful animals.
13) I'm late because my watch is slow again. watch is running slow again. (or runs slow??)
14) Where did you get your watch? I really like it.
15) My grandfather's hair is still good and thick, while my father went absolutely bald.

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