Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Qual"s
Il significato di "Qual" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa Qual o significado da expressão "Sitting"??
Che cosa significa Qual a diferença entre How many e How much ?
How much is for something that is singular
How many is for something that is plural
How many TVs do you have?
How much food is there today?
How many is for something that is plural
How many TVs do you have?
How much food is there today?
Che cosa significa Qual é o certo?
"Thanks for help me" ou "thanks for helping me". ?
"Thanks for help me" ou "thanks for helping me". ?
Thanks for helping me
Che cosa significa But you're driving me crazy
Qual o sentido do “Driving”??
Qual o sentido do “Driving”??
I think the best explanation would be "making" as in "You are making me annoyed."
Che cosa significa Qual a diferença o da palavra "single" para solteiro e cada uma? Existe, ou a diferença é colocada apenas na colocação da frase?!?
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Frasi esempio "Qual"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Qual a diferença entre " This e these"? .
This=singular; these=plural. "This apple" or "These apples"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Qual e a diferença de And e Is?? .
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Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Qual a diferença de kind e kinda em uma frase..
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Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Qual a diferença entre BEYOND e BESIDES?.
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Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Qual a diferença entre "leave", "let" and "take"?.
Leave - abandonar ou deixar (sair)
I left you.
She is leaving you as soon as possible due to your stupid behavior.
Let - deixar (permissão para fazer algo)
Let me love you.
Did you let her do that?
Take - tomar, ter
I'm taking some Mathematics classes.
Did you take some water?
I left you.
She is leaving you as soon as possible due to your stupid behavior.
Let - deixar (permissão para fazer algo)
Let me love you.
Did you let her do that?
Take - tomar, ter
I'm taking some Mathematics classes.
Did you take some water?
Parole simili a "Qual" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra Qual a diferença entre Thanks e e Thank you? ?
No difference 👍
Qual è la differenza tra Qual a diferença entre "guess" "think" e "Know" e ? ?
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Qual è la differenza tra off e of e Qual a diferença na pronúncia ?
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Qual è la differenza tra Qual a diferença entre do e make ? e I make the table
i make the table. e do you like ? ?
i make the table. e do you like ? ?
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Traduzionde di "Qual"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Qual melhor forma de perguntar "O que ele faz?" e "O que ele está fazendo?"
1. What does he?
2. What does he do?
3. What is he doing?
4. Other option
Todas opções estão certas?
1. What does he?
2. What does he do?
3. What is he doing?
4. Other option
Todas opções estão certas?
they are all correct. you hear most often #3.
1. is very archaic sounding. not used anymore
2. is very general in terms of time (anytime) and not specific enough. typically related to work or jobs that last over long periods of time.
3. Very specific to the present tense / in this very moment. you hear this one most often
they are all correct. you hear most often #3.
1. is very archaic sounding. not used anymore
2. is very general in terms of time (anytime) and not specific enough. typically related to work or jobs that last over long periods of time.
3. Very specific to the present tense / in this very moment. you hear this one most often
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? Qual è la cosa più interessante che hai mangiato in Italia?
What is the most interesting thing you have eaten in Italy?
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? Qual è la differenza tra hold on e hang on?
What’s the difference between hold on and hang on?
they are interchangeable. You can hold on or hang on the phone for example.
Hang on a moment
Hold on a moment
There’s not a difference in meaning.
they are interchangeable. You can hold on or hang on the phone for example.
Hang on a moment
Hold on a moment
There’s not a difference in meaning.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Qual a diferença entre don't e did't
Don't = presente
Didn't = passado
I don't like puddin.
Eu não gosto de pudim
I didn't like puddin, but now i do.
Eu não gostava de pudim, mas agora eu gosto.
Didn't = passado
I don't like puddin.
Eu não gosto de pudim
I didn't like puddin, but now i do.
Eu não gostava de pudim, mas agora eu gosto.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Qual Seu utt?
who's your ult bias?
Altre domande riguardo "Qual"
Qual frase está certa:
I bought a new car
I have bought a new car
I bought a new car
I have bought a new car
Both are grammatically correct but “I bought a new car” is more natural :D
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia Qual è la differenza nella pronuncia di “eyes” e “ice”?.
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Qual dos verbs to be eu posso colocar em cada palavras?
pode usar qualquer das três, fica sendo o mesmo pra cada um delas
How am I, how is (s)he, how are you?
Who am I, who is (s)he, who are you?
Where am I, where is (s)he, where are you?
What am I, what is (s)he, what are you?
How am I, how is (s)he, how are you?
Who am I, who is (s)he, who are you?
Where am I, where is (s)he, where are you?
What am I, what is (s)he, what are you?
Qual é o certo i am going write a letter to her ou i am gonna write a letter to her. Gonna e going não é a mesma coisa? Porque eu vi: i am going to Belém. E depois eu vi: i am gonna write a letter to her. E quando fui ver a tradução going e gonna na frase significava vou.
a ‘gonna’ é uma contração de ‘going to’ mesmo. o uso dela é informal na escrita
Qual é a comida mais popular nos estados unidos?
There are many but some of the most popular are Pizza and Hamburgers.
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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