Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Resume"s

Il significato di "Resume" In varie frasi ed espressioni.

Parole simili a "Resume" e le sue differenze

Traduzionde di "Resume"

Altre domande riguardo "Resume"

Q: Please correct my English resume.

 Dental hygienist qualification possessed
 Experience using SAP
 Experience working in a team
 Word: Document preparation, table creation
 Excel: Input, edit
 Access: Input, edit
 SWIFT: Input of MT 210, MT 202, MT 103, etc
 Input of English sentences based on templates
 A total of about 13 years of telecommunicator experience

 歯科衛生士資格保有
 SAPを使用した経験
 チームで働く経験
 Word:文書作成、表作成
 Excel:入力、編集
 Access:入力、編集
 SWIFT:MT210、MT202、MT103等の入力
 雛型を元にした英文の入力
 合計で約13年のテレコミュニケーターの経験

XXX CORPORATION, Tokyo, Japan 20XX-present
About company : Companies engaged in various financial businesses, mainly automobile sales finance Destination.
(会社情報 : 自動車販売金融を中心に各種金融事業を営む企業)
Job Description : Telecommunicator for individuals and corporate card members. Change customer attributes and enter data.
 Contributing to achieving the team's objectives (It makes little operation mistake. High evaluation of customer service quality etc.).
 A commendable effort to contribute to sales.
 On days with heavy calls, answer 80+ telephone calls.
 Reception of various procedures by telephone (address change, name change, mail address change, account change, issuance statement issuance, card reissue, sending of a personal identification number notice, acceptance of card withdrawal, issuance of withdrawal certificate etc).
 Inquiry guidance (invoice amount and invoice details, limit amount and usable amount, reason for unavailable cards, card issue situation).
 The request of the customer's voice, such as the request or dissatisfaction of the member. Input of inquiry contents, paperwork processing.
 Communication liais and well-known distribution, formulation of forms, filing, etc.
 チームでの目標の達成に貢献(オペレーションミスをほとんどしない。顧客応対品質の高い評価など。)
 営業貢献に尽力し、表彰される。
 コールの多い日は、80以上の電話に応答する。
 電話による各種手続の受付(住所変更、氏名変更、メールアドレス変更、口座変更、利用明細書発行、カード再発行、暗証番号通知書の送付、カードの退会の受付、退会証明書発行等)。
 問合せ案内(請求金額や請求内容、限度額や利用可能額、カード利用不可理由、カード発行状況)。
 会員の要望や不満等のお客様の声の起票。問合せ内容の入力、事務処理。
 業務連絡票と周知の配布、帳票の作成、ファイリング等。

Medical corporation XXX Dental hygiene association, Tokyo, Japan 20XX-20XX
(医療法人社団 XXX 歯科衛生協会)
About company:Medical corporation doing dental health examination and dental treatment for enterprises.
Preventive Medical Division
Job Description :
 Title: Chief.
 Go to the health examination venue in advance, decide the number of dental units, and propose how to conduct health examination.
 Propose improvements after dental examination is completed.
 1) Clerical affairs accompanying dentistry examination: data entry of examinee, data editing by Excel, input of dedicated terminal, output of examination slip, preparation of materials for dentistry examination paper by Word, meetings before dental examination Visit to a dental check-up venue (mainly a company) accompanied by a company representative and our company sales.
 2) Dental examination service: correspondence between corporate personnel and examinees, dental hygiene guidance, dental calculus removal, dentists and dental hygienists and receptionist (collect as a team leader), guidance for newcomers. Business trip to other prefectures (Kyoto, Shizuoka, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama etc.). Preparation of a post-office report after dental checkup.
 肩書:チーフ
 事前に健診会場に行き、歯科ユニットの台数を決めたり、どのように健診を行うかを提案をする。
 歯科健診終了後の改善点の提案を行う。
 1)歯科健診に付随する事務:受診者のデータ入力、Excelによるデータ編集、専用端末の入力、診査票出力、Wordによる歯科健診用紙や打合せのための資料作成、歯科健診開催前の企業担当者と当社営業との打合せの同行、歯科検診開催場所(主に企業)への訪問。
 2)歯科健診業務:企業担当者と受診者との対応、歯科衛生指導、歯石除去、歯科医師や歯科衛生士とレセプショニストの取りまとめ(チームリーダーとして)、新人への指導。他県(京都、静岡、栃木、茨城、埼玉 等)への出張。歯科健診実施後の事後報告書の作成。

XXX Co., Ltd. (formerly XXX Co., Ltd.), Tokyo, Japan                               20XX-20XX
About company : Pharmaceutical manufacturers dealing with radiopharmaceuticals, diagnostic agents and therapeutic drugs
(会社情報 : 放射性医薬品や診断薬や治療薬を扱う医薬品メーカー)
Logistics CS Department order reception center
(物流CS部 受注センター)
Job Description : In the order reception department of radiopharmaceuticals, responsible for telecommunicator, data input and data verification for hospital physicians and radiological technicians.
 Order entry for radiopharmaceuticals using SAP, master registration.
 Collation of input data with input data recorded when ordering by telephone.
 Send confirmation e-mails and faxes to the hospitals and laboratories.
 Filing.
 SAPを使用した、放射性医薬品の受注入力、マスター登録。
 電話で受注した時に録音した受注内容と入力データの照合。
 受注内容の確認メールやFAXを病院や研究所へ送信。
 ファイリング。

XXX Bank, Ltd. , Tokyo, Japan 20XX-20XX
(XXX 銀行株式会社)
About company : As an asset management specialized trust bank, we mainly manage trust business related to pension trust · securities investment trust etc, trust business related to asset management such as custody, payment on principal and interest etc, and banking business.
(会社情報 : 資産管理特化型信託銀行として、主に年金信託・証券投資信託に係る有価証券等の管理業務や、カストディ、元利金支払事務等、資産管理に係る信託業務および銀行業務を行う。)
Foreign Trust Team, Foreign Securities Department.
外国証券部 外国受託チーム。
Job Description :
 Foreign exchange execution registration at the time of foreign currency and yen currency trading in asset management of pension etc.
 Transfer funds to overseas and prepare telegrams when receiving funds (SWIFT MT 210, MT 202, MT 103, etc, based on English template).
 Dedicated terminal input. Master registration of security issues.
 Collated with other banks (foreign capital banks and domestic banks) by mail or telephone. Create slips. Call correspondence. Filing etc.
 年金等の資産運用における外貨・円貨売買時の為替実行登録。
 海外への資金送金と資金受取時の電文作成( SWIFT MT210、MT202、MT103等を英文の雛型を元にし作成)。
 専用端末入力。証券銘柄のマスター登録。
 メールにて他銀行(外資銀行・国内銀行)との照合。伝票作成。電話対応。ファイリング等。

XXX Bank, Ltd. (formerly XXX Card Co., Ltd.), Tokyo, Japan 20XX-20XX
About company : Companies of the bank card loan business jointly invested by XXX Bank and XXX Corporation (now the Internet business, affiliated company of XXX).
(会社情報: XXX銀行とXXX株式会社が合同出資した銀行系のカードローン事業の会社(現在はインターネット事業、XXXの関連会社))
Job Description : Telecommunicator for card members. Data input of customer information related to credit limit monitoring and raising the limit amount of the card.
Sales service department 20XX-20XX
営業サービス部 2003-2007
 At first I worked as a telecommunicator and I was entrusted with large amounts of data input as the data input was fast.
 Perform inquiries by telephone and data input such as customer information in parallel.
 Dedicated terminal input and administrative processing, date management, document shipping accompanying change of received contents, members' address, name, contract details, transfer account etc etc.
 Inquiries about customer information at the time of credit transfer and data printing, input using exclusive terminal of judgment result and Excel, shipping document.
 Input and update domestic card usable store using Access.
 最初はTelecommunicatorとして働き、データ入力が早いため大量のデータ入力を任せられた。
 電話による問合せ案内と顧客情報等のデータ入力を並行して行う。
 受電内容や会員の住所・氏名・契約内容・振替口座等の変更に伴う専用端末入力と事務処理、期日管理、文書発送。
 途上与信時の顧客情報照会とデータの印刷、判定結果の専用端末やExcelを使用した入力、文書発送。
 Accessを使用した国内のカード利用可能店舗の入力と更新。
Sales department 20XX-20XX
 Inquiry of customer information on developing credit and printing of large amount of data.
 Entry of judgment result and delivery of document using dedicated terminal and Excel.
 Telephone correspondence accompanying application for raising the limit amount of the card.
 Document shipping and filing of application form etc.
 途上与信時の顧客情報の照会と大量のデータ印刷。
 専用端末とExcelを使用した判定結果の入力と文書発送。
 カードの限度額引上の申込に伴う電話対応。
 申込書等の文書発送とファイリング。

XXX Maintenance Co., Ltd. , Tokyo, Japan 20XX-20XX
About company : Company conducting maintenance of housing equipment and renovation of housing
East Japan repair reception center
Job Description : In the maintenance department of a major housing equipment manufacturer, I am in charge of a telecommunicator for individual customers.
 Repair reception by telephone, parts order reception, inquiry guide.
 Dedicated terminal input of customer information. Send input information to each person in charge by e-mail or fax.
 Enter the data of the slip.
 電話による修理受付や部品受注、問合せ案内。
 顧客情報の専用端末入力。入力情報を各担当者へメールやFAXで送信。
 伝票のデータの入力。

XXX Japan Co., Ltd. (formerly XXX Co., Ltd.) , Tokyo, Japan 20XX-20XX
About company : XXX Group's company that sells, designs, builds, operates, and maintains servers and network equipment from XXX's maintenance of OA equipment.
Tokyo Metropolitan Information Group
Job Description : As a telecommunicator for individual customers, I belonged to the maintenance department of a major home equipment manufacturer.
 Repair reception by telephone, operation explanation of equipment such as FAX and copy machines, orders for consumables, inquiries, complaints correspondence.
 Dedicated terminal input of customer information. Distribution of input information to each department.

Public Interest Incorporated Association Tokyo-to XXX-ku Dental Association Dental Hygiene Center, Tokyo, Japan 19XX-20XX
公益社団法人 東京都XXX区歯科医師会歯科衛生センター
About company : Associated companies that are conducting "holiday emergency medical treatment", "medical treatment for people with disabilities", "visit medical treatment to those who are difficult to visit", "dental counseling" and so on.
Job Description :
 Assistant of acceptance of dental office, entry of medical record, medical assistance for physically handicapped persons and visiting medical examination, assistant of seniors' home visit.
 As a dental hygienist, teaching teeth brushing, dental calculus removal.
 Sterilization, disinfection and management of dental equipment.
 歯科診療室の受付、カルテの入力、身体障害者診療や訪問診療のアシスタント、老人施設往診のアシスタント。
 歯科衛生士として、歯のブラッシング指導、歯石除去。
 歯科器材の滅菌、消毒と管理。

XXX Bank, Limited (formerly XXX Bank, Limited) Tokyo, Japan 19XX-19XX
About company : XXX Bank, Limited is a leading diversified Japanese financial institution that provides a full range of financial products and services to both institutional and individual customers. It is headquartered in Chuo, Tokyo.
Head office, welfare section, dental clinic
本店 厚生部 歯科診療室
Job Description : In charge of dental clinic reception and dental hygienist work for bankers and retirees in the welfare department of the bank.
(職務概要: 銀行の厚生部にて、銀行員や退職者を対象とした歯科診療室受付・歯科衛生士業務を担当。)
 Dental office receptionist, telephone reception.
 Correspondence of patient, dental material company, dental technician.
 Preparation of medical treatment reservation table. Calculation of metal used. Simple affairs such as entry of metal ledger and payment slip. Management of printed matter.
 Assistant for dental treatment and dental examination, dental hygiene guidance, dental calculus removal, guidance and entry of medical record of treatment contents.
 Sterilization and disinfection of dental equipment. Management of dental chemicals, materials, white coat.
 Explaining the job to the new employees, preparation of manual.

 歯科診療室受付、電話応対。
 患者、歯科材料会社、歯科技工士の対応。
 診療予約表の作成。使用金属の計算。金属台帳、金払出票記入等の簡単な事務。印刷物の管理。
 歯科治療や歯科検診のアシスタント、歯科衛生指導、歯石除去、指導や処置内容のカルテの記入。
 歯科器材の滅菌、消毒。歯科薬品、材料、白衣の管理。
 新人入行時の職務内容指導、マニュアルの作成。


Tokyo Medical and Dental University School of Dentistry Affiliated Dental Hygienist College, Tokyo Japan                 March, XXXX
Major : Oral Health Sciences
東京医科歯科大学歯学部附属歯科衛生士学校 XXXX年3月卒業
Licenses and Certifications(資格や免許)
 Dental Hygienist歯科衛生士国家試験合格
 Driver's License (1st grade) 普通自動車第一種免許
 Test in Practical French Proficiency (Grad 2)(仏検2級)
 Diploma in French Language Studies B1 (DELF B1)
 Medical office skill examination test (Grad 2) 医療事務技能審査試験2級
 Calligraphy transcription skill test (Grad 2) 硬筆書写技能検定2級

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