Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Roaring"s
Il significato di "Roaring" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa roaring field ?
Check the question to view the answer
Che cosa significa "roaring to go"?
I've personally never heard that word before, and to me it sounds a but British. But to me it means like "dying to go". Like you are so excited to go
Che cosa significa "roaring silence" in 547?
It's poetic language used to describe how much the silence impacted the person. Here it sounds aggressive and unfriendly.
Che cosa significa "roaring silence" in 547?
Wrong picture or question? I can't really tell you what 'roaring silence' means out of context, so I'll explain "white trash".
The 'white' is as in 'white people'; 'white trash' is somewhat of a slur, referring to poor (as in money) white people (especially living in the south of the USA, but can be anywhere) that are perceived to be on the fringes of society somewhat, immoral, make bad choices, etc.
In this context, it could be replaced with 'tacky', as in a name that is gaudy and not used for most folk.
The 'white' is as in 'white people'; 'white trash' is somewhat of a slur, referring to poor (as in money) white people (especially living in the south of the USA, but can be anywhere) that are perceived to be on the fringes of society somewhat, immoral, make bad choices, etc.
In this context, it could be replaced with 'tacky', as in a name that is gaudy and not used for most folk.
Frasi esempio "Roaring"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con roaring .
the lion kept roaring. He was not happy because someone stole his food
Altre domande riguardo "Roaring"
踊という曲で「鳴いていこう」という歌詞が"We be roaring"と訳されていたのですが、何故beが原形なのですか?
cuz we be talking like dat
He heard a roaring and felt that a wind blew on him. sembra naturale?
You could say: He heard a roar and felt wind blow on him. OR He heard roaring and felt wind blow on him.
But when I got there, the humming had disappeared with the great roaring in the waterfall, as if innumerable demons had been shrieking out with white foams gathering. sembra naturale?
the way you wrote it is a bit confusing, I assume you mean to say that the humming of the water had been replaced by the sound of the waterfall. And that it still sounds like demons are shrinking.
(THOUGH shrieking is a more high pitched sound, like a small girl screaming so I'm not sure it really fits the sound of a waterfall)
if so I would write it like this
" but when I got there, the humming had disappeared and been replaced by the great roaring of the waterfall, it sounded as if an innumerable amount of demons were shrieking with white foam gathering."
(THOUGH shrieking is a more high pitched sound, like a small girl screaming so I'm not sure it really fits the sound of a waterfall)
if so I would write it like this
" but when I got there, the humming had disappeared and been replaced by the great roaring of the waterfall, it sounded as if an innumerable amount of demons were shrieking with white foam gathering."
Yet the humming had been disappeared with the great roaring in the waterfall, as if innumerable demons had been shrieking with white foams gathering. sembra naturale?
Yet the humming had disappeared with the great roaring of the waterfall, as if innumerable demons had been shrieking with the gathering white foam.
Yet the humming had been disappeared with the great roaring sound of the waterfall, as if innumerable demons had been shrieking with white foams gathering. sembra naturale?
Yet the humming had disappeared with the great roaring sound of the waterfall, as if innumerable demons had been shrieking with white foams gathering.
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