Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Sanction"s
Il significato di "Sanction" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Frasi esempio "Sanction"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con sanction .
Parole simili a "Sanction" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra We hit sanction to him. e We imposed sanction to him. ?
Qual è la differenza tra sanction e penalty ?
Qual è la differenza tra sanction e punishment ?
Traduzionde di "Sanction"
Altre domande riguardo "Sanction"
I am confused about "seem like straight-forward sanctions".
What does "sanctions" mean in this context?
I think the article should say "seem like reasons for the straight-forward sanctions"???
Williams was given three code violations during the loss at Flushing Meadows in Queens, New York, on Saturday. She was fined $17,000, according to the Associated Press, because she received coaching, which Williams denied. She smashed her racket, costing her a point, and she called the umpire Carlos Ramos a "thief," which cost her a game.
Smashing a racket and verbally abusing an umpire may seem like straight-forward sanctions, but the term "coaching" has caused some confusion.
What does "sanctions" mean in this context?
I think the article should say "seem like reasons for the straight-forward sanctions"???
Williams was given three code violations during the loss at Flushing Meadows in Queens, New York, on Saturday. She was fined $17,000, according to the Associated Press, because she received coaching, which Williams denied. She smashed her racket, costing her a point, and she called the umpire Carlos Ramos a "thief," which cost her a game.
Smashing a racket and verbally abusing an umpire may seem like straight-forward sanctions, but the term "coaching" has caused some confusion.
What does "tit-for-tat sanction" mean? Feel free to provide examples.
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