Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Sponsor"s
Il significato di "Sponsor" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa This is not a sponsor video?
Este video no es patrocinado.
Che cosa significa jointly , latest and sponsored?
You would usually use jointly when talking about things that are together or in a partnership with one another. Like this example from google “a report prepared jointly by Harvard and Yale Universities”.
Latest is usually used to refer to the newest object in a series of objects. You could say ‘that’s the scientist’s latest invention’. This means it is his newest invention.
Sponsored means that someone is giving you something (usually money) because they believe that you are worth their investment. Sponsorships can also be called grants or scholarships in a school environment. Students get scholarships from Universities if their marks are high. An example sentences is ‘I sponsored this charity event’.
Latest is usually used to refer to the newest object in a series of objects. You could say ‘that’s the scientist’s latest invention’. This means it is his newest invention.
Sponsored means that someone is giving you something (usually money) because they believe that you are worth their investment. Sponsorships can also be called grants or scholarships in a school environment. Students get scholarships from Universities if their marks are high. An example sentences is ‘I sponsored this charity event’.
Che cosa significa sponsor?
apoyar, con dinero
I sponsor a child in Africa. We have a lot of money and they have none.
También, una persona así (sustantivo):
I am the sponsor of a child in Africa.
I sponsor a child in Africa. We have a lot of money and they have none.
También, una persona así (sustantivo):
I am the sponsor of a child in Africa.
Che cosa significa sponsored?
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Frasi esempio "Sponsor"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con sponsor.
“Use the coupon code my sponsor gave me to receive 15% off your purchase.”
Parole simili a "Sponsor" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra sponsor e donate ?
Sponsor is when a company or a business sponsors you or a person in a business and pays them money. Donate is when you or someone gives money to a business who is helping animals or even helping poor people.
Qual è la differenza tra sponsor e patron ?
As nouns the difference between sponsor and patron
is that sponsor is a person or organisation with some sort of responsibility for another person or organisation, especially where the responsibility has a religious, legal, or financial aspect while patron is a supporter.
is that sponsor is a person or organisation with some sort of responsibility for another person or organisation, especially where the responsibility has a religious, legal, or financial aspect while patron is a supporter.
Qual è la differenza tra sponsored by e powered by ?
@fl548083 but in ordered to be sponsored by a company don’t u have to do something in return or nah
Qual è la differenza tra sponsor e support ?
Sponsor is something you support someone with money officially, support could be something morally or anything
Traduzionde di "Sponsor"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? sponsor
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? sponsored
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? sponsor
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Altre domande riguardo "Sponsor"
The biggest sponsor of my education cost is my parents. sembra naturale?
Hi native :-)
You can leave out the word "cost":
The biggest sponsor of my education is my parents.
You can leave out the word "cost":
The biggest sponsor of my education is my parents.
"A big sponsor backed out,causing the event to be canceled"
in this context,why is it used the present progressive "causing"?
in this context,why is it used the present progressive "causing"?
Because it acts as the present participle for "cause"
"A big sponsor backed out,causing the event to be canceled"
in this context,what is left out before "causing"?
in this context,what is left out before "causing"?
If you're asking for a word to be placed before "causing", I think you're looking for the word "therefore".
"A big sponsor backed out, therefore causing the event to be canceled."
"A big sponsor backed out, therefore causing the event to be canceled."
you're a sponsor sembra naturale?
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