Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Strongly"s
Il significato di "Strongly" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa strongly?
Powerful. Very strong
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
Parole simili a "Strongly" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra stronger e more strongly ?
You are right, “stronger” is more suitable for that sentence. strong, stronger, and strongest are all proper adjectives while “more strongly” is just a less correct way to say “stronger.”
Traduzionde di "Strongly"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? 나는 너가 영화 '괴물'을 보기를 강력하게 추천한다. 이것은 아주 잘만들어진 이야기이다.
>> i strongly recommend that you watch a movie "monster". this is a very well made story
>> i strongly recommend that you watch a movie "monster". this is a very well made story
I strongly recommend that you watch -the- movie "Monster". It is a very well -written- story.
Made도 괜찮고 자연스러운데 이 상황에서 written은 더 많이 쓰이는 것 같아요
Made도 괜찮고 자연스러운데 이 상황에서 written은 더 많이 쓰이는 것 같아요
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? is it natural?? i strongly believe that i could eventually achieve the unthinkable and outstrip my dream this year.
I believe eventually I will achieve the unthinkable, and outdo my dream thjs year.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? 勢いよく(except strongly)
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? strongly
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Altre domande riguardo "Strongly"
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia strongly
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i strongly felt that they love themselves. sembra naturale?
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i strongly need ... (sth) sembra naturale?
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i strongly agree with the idea that trying to educate yourself using TV is profitless effort. Firstly, because you can not choose what to watch, you are limited by constang Tv programm. For example if your area of interests is history, language, art or economics, it s really annoying to wait for apt forecast.Secondly, you will be interrupted with repeatedly advertisement every 5-10 min.It will completely disturb your learning process
P.S: is it suitable for IELTs Writing task 2? sembra naturale?
P.S: is it suitable for IELTs Writing task 2? sembra naturale?
There are some grammar mistakes there but it sounds quite natural.
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