Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Sunday"s
Il significato di "Sunday" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Frasi esempio "Sunday"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con slow Sunday at home.
Parole simili a "Sunday" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra On Sunday the girl went to church. e On Sunday went the girl to church. e On Sunday did the girl go to church. ?
Qual è la differenza tra On Sunday the girl went to church. e On Sunday went the girl to church. e On Sunday did the girl go to church ?
Qual è la differenza tra I shall see them on Sunday. e I will see them on Sunday. ?
Traduzionde di "Sunday"
Altre domande riguardo "Sunday"
2023.7.9 Sunday
I had a part-time job at a café.
Actually, I meant to study at home, but my store manager asked me for help and I didn’t refuse it.
I worked there for the first time in about a few weeks so it was hard today.
I had a part-time job at a café.
Actually, I meant to study at home, but my store manager asked me for help and I didn’t refuse it.
I worked there for the first time in about a few weeks so it was hard today.
Could you help me check this?
Last Sunday, I went shopping with Rose. When we were passing a shop, Rose reached out her left hand, pointing at the item. We couldn't get our eyes off the displays, especially a sheath dress. Therefore, we went to the department store and said we would like to try it on. Can you believe that? I was getting fat, so I could not zip the zipper up. It was stuck in the middle. I even needed to put some effort to zip it down. It was a horrible experience.
Last Sunday, I went shopping with Rose. When we were passing a shop, Rose reached out her left hand, pointing at the item. We couldn't get our eyes off the displays, especially a sheath dress. Therefore, we went to the department store and said we would like to try it on. Can you believe that? I was getting fat, so I could not zip the zipper up. It was stuck in the middle. I even needed to put some effort to zip it down. It was a horrible experience.
2023.4.30 日曜日 Sunday
I went for a drive in the morning.
While driving, I encountered a dangerous situation one time. My heart was pounding at that moment…
I drove straight to the station at my part-time job.
That was my own decision, but working after driving was hard LOL.
While driving, I encountered a dangerous situation one time.
I went for a drive in the morning.
While driving, I encountered a dangerous situation one time. My heart was pounding at that moment…
I drove straight to the station at my part-time job.
That was my own decision, but working after driving was hard LOL.
While driving, I encountered a dangerous situation one time.
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