Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Symbolize"s
Parole simili a "Symbolize" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra symbolize e represent ?
the dove symbolizes Peace
the painting of a beach represents vacation
they are very similar, but symbolize is more abstract
the painting of a beach represents vacation
they are very similar, but symbolize is more abstract
Qual è la differenza tra symbolize e represent e stand for ?
Symbolize and represent are used the same way. But "stand for" is mostly used for acronyms.
"The rose symbolizes youth"
"The rose represents youth"
"USA stands for United States of America"
"The rose symbolizes youth"
"The rose represents youth"
"USA stands for United States of America"
Qual è la differenza tra symbolize e symbolise ?
Symbolize = USA
Symbolise = UK
Symbolise = UK
Traduzionde di "Symbolize"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? symbolize
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? symbolize
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Altre domande riguardo "Symbolize"
1.He came to "symbolize" his country’s struggle for independence
그는 조국의 독립 투쟁을 상징하게 되었다
2.He came to "stand for" his country’s struggle for independence
Both are correct? They have the same meaning?
sembra naturale?
그는 조국의 독립 투쟁을 상징하게 되었다
2.He came to "stand for" his country’s struggle for independence
Both are correct? They have the same meaning?
sembra naturale?
자연스러운, 그들은 같은 의미를 가지고 있습니다.
(이 특정 문장에서)
다른 문장에서는 다를 수 있습니다.
I have absolutely no clue if I said that right, I’m sorry, I just wanted to practice🥲(English translation ↓)
Natural, they have the same meaning.
(In this particular sentence)
It may be different in other sentences.
(이 특정 문장에서)
다른 문장에서는 다를 수 있습니다.
I have absolutely no clue if I said that right, I’m sorry, I just wanted to practice🥲(English translation ↓)
Natural, they have the same meaning.
(In this particular sentence)
It may be different in other sentences.
What does symbolize the ''blue?
Blue refers to police. "Boys in blue" is a common Idiom to describe police. Their uniforms are often blue.
Just as mooncakes symbolize China's Mid-Autumn Festival, turkeys symbolize Thanksgiving Day. sembra naturale?
Check the question to view the answer
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