Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Trying"s
Il significato di "Trying" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa Trying to walk?
“Trying to walk.” In this context, means they’re having trouble moving about. It’s a common slang term used when referring to feeling lethargic or sore after strenuous activity, exercise, or due to the effects of alcohol etc.
“I’m trying to walk! Had a big night drinking last night and I’m hungover.”
“Trying to walk! That gym session was hard on my legs.”
“I’m trying to walk! Had a big night drinking last night and I’m hungover.”
“Trying to walk! That gym session was hard on my legs.”
Che cosa significa Trying to say and imply ?
@s6nwoo hi can you give me an example . Like why do they mean by “trying “ to say ? How is they trying to say something
Che cosa significa Trying ?
@aya__04 thanks do we use the same contex when we trying to describe a point . As in when someone ask you what’s your point or your point is
Che cosa significa Trying?
Che cosa significa Trying to ?
You are correct. It is also 何かをしようとする
Parole simili a "Trying" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra Trying to e Try to ?
the difference is, how they're used in sentences. here are some examples.
I'm TRYING TO lose weight, so I'm cutting back on carbs.
Are you TRYING TO drive me crazy? turn off that music.
The dog keeps TRYING TO dig a hole under the fences.
Please TRY TO be nicer to the new neighbor.
Every time I TRY TO take a nap, the doorbell keeps ringing.
I will TRY TO study more, so that my grades will improve.
I'm TRYING TO lose weight, so I'm cutting back on carbs.
Are you TRYING TO drive me crazy? turn off that music.
The dog keeps TRYING TO dig a hole under the fences.
Please TRY TO be nicer to the new neighbor.
Every time I TRY TO take a nap, the doorbell keeps ringing.
I will TRY TO study more, so that my grades will improve.
Qual è la differenza tra Trying e Tryna ?
trying is proper English
Tryna is slang
Tryna is slang
Traduzionde di "Trying"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Trying
"This situation is trying:" "cette situation est pénible"
"He is trying to succeed:" "il essaie de réussir"
"This situation is trying:" "cette situation est pénible"
"He is trying to succeed:" "il essaie de réussir"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Trying
I am trying - estou a tentar - estou tentando
Altre domande riguardo "Trying"
Trying but failed is better than not trying. sembra naturale?
Trying *and *failing is better than not trying.
Trying not to be lazy / trying to not be lazy
Which one is correct?
Which one is correct?
You could say either. I say trying to not be lazy. But trying not to be lazy is just another way of saying it more...lazily
Trying... sembra naturale?
Really good.
Trying don't make you better sembra naturale?
"Trying doesn't make you better."
Trying hard 😅 sembra naturale?
I understand, those younger twisters are challenging
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