Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Warming"s

Parole simili a "Warming" e le sue differenze

Altre domande riguardo "Warming"

Q: I am worried about global warming.
Global warming is a serious problem.
It is caused by carbon dioxide production.
South Korea is the 8th largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world.
Carbon dioxide is emitted by cars, factories and etc...
We should conserve electricity.
A thermoelectric power plant which is also called coal fired power station make electricity.
The problem is that it burns fossil fuels and emits lots of carbon dioxide.
I usually unplug unused plug and use fan instead of air conditioner in summer.
When I grow up, I will use public transportation instead of using car. Thank you^^ sembra naturale?

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