Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Wellbeing"s
Parole simili a "Wellbeing" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra wellbeing e happiness ?
Well-being consists of physical health, mental health and emotional health, while happiness usually only consists of emotional health.
"Your well-being is more important than your grades"
"Money can't buy you happiness"
"A person's well-being is dependent on their environment"
"Being with people you love should always bring you happiness"
"Your well-being is more important than your grades"
"Money can't buy you happiness"
"A person's well-being is dependent on their environment"
"Being with people you love should always bring you happiness"
Qual è la differenza tra wellbeing e well-being ?
well-being is the correct way to say this
Qual è la differenza tra wellbeing e goodwill ?
wellbeing: "I feel good"
good will: "I want to do Good"
good will: "I want to do Good"
Qual è la differenza tra wellbeing e wellness ?
These words are pretty similar in meaning. However, I'd say that there are certain situations where one is more natural to use compared to the other.
My mother is worried about my well-being.
Everyday my family wishes for peace and wellness (in health).
My mother is worried about my well-being.
Everyday my family wishes for peace and wellness (in health).
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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