Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Wise"s
Il significato di "Wise" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa wise?
Esperto, sábio
Che cosa significa wise?
Wise means smart. You call someone "wise" when they have a lot of knowledge and experience about something. :)
Che cosa significa wise
To have a lot of knowledge. Or to know a lot.
Che cosa significa wise?
Che cosa significa How wise!?
how smart/clever/intelligent😁
Frasi esempio "Wise"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con wise.
The wisest course of action would be to leave.
It was wise of you to ask permission first. = You were wise to ask permission first.
That was a wise choice.
It was wise of you to ask permission first. = You were wise to ask permission first.
That was a wise choice.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Like wise.
Person 1: hey I hope you have a great day!
Person 2: thank you, likewise.
•Likewise means saying the same thing back but using “likewise” so you don’t have to repeat the sentence again. It’s often used for greetings.
For example:
Person 1: merry Christmas!
Person 2: likewise.
Person 1: hey I hope you have a great day!
Person 2: thank you, likewise.
•Likewise means saying the same thing back but using “likewise” so you don’t have to repeat the sentence again. It’s often used for greetings.
For example:
Person 1: merry Christmas!
Person 2: likewise.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Like wise.
Likewise isn’t used as much but I’ll still give you examples.
“I waved my hand, and my friend did likewise.”
“I ate my bread and he did likewise”
“I waved my hand, and my friend did likewise.”
“I ate my bread and he did likewise”
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con ~wise.
Job-wise things are going ok, but I'm having a few problems money-wise.
This has not been a good year for the company sales-wise.
There are also words that include the suffix wise: e.g. streetwise, clockwise, otherwise, anticlockwise etc.
This has not been a good year for the company sales-wise.
There are also words that include the suffix wise: e.g. streetwise, clockwise, otherwise, anticlockwise etc.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con wise.
"The old man was very wise."
"It would be wise not to skip class tomorrow."
"The wise woman had avoided the dark path."
"The old man was very wise."
"It would be wise not to skip class tomorrow."
"The wise woman had avoided the dark path."
Parole simili a "Wise" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra wise e intelligent e smart e clever ?
That is tricky to explain, but they are all different ways of being good at thinking.
"Intelligent" and "smart" are very similar. They mean being good at learning and understanding complicated things. Solving math and logic problems, analyzing complex art, that kind of thing.
"Wise" is more about being good at making decisions and understanding people, and not being controlled by emotions. Usually older people are considered more wise than younger people.
"Clever" is like "intelligent" and "smart", but it is more about thinking quickly, and solving problems in new and unusual ways.
"Intelligent" and "smart" are very similar. They mean being good at learning and understanding complicated things. Solving math and logic problems, analyzing complex art, that kind of thing.
"Wise" is more about being good at making decisions and understanding people, and not being controlled by emotions. Usually older people are considered more wise than younger people.
"Clever" is like "intelligent" and "smart", but it is more about thinking quickly, and solving problems in new and unusual ways.
Qual è la differenza tra wise e mature ?
Maturity is about age, like adulthood. It can also mean acting like you’re as smart as a grown up. OR that you look like a grown-up .
Wise says you are very smart and have lots of information.
Maturity is about age, like adulthood. It can also mean acting like you’re as smart as a grown up. OR that you look like a grown-up .
Wise says you are very smart and have lots of information.
Qual è la differenza tra wise e sage ?
Hi, there is no real difference between these words, in fact Sage is a corruption of the Latin word meaning Wise, so historically they are literally the same word. However we use them a little differently. Wise is a simple adjective, eg a Wise man. Sage (which is also a type of herb just to confuse you) can be a noun, but wise can't. A sage is a guru, a wise man who is very judicious. So "sage' advice can mean the cautionary advice from a sage (a wise man). So I might say thanks to the sage advice if my teacher, I did not send the email. Wise work work here but wouldn't sound as good.
Qual è la differenza tra wise e sage ?
@dasha138513 Right, as an adjective they are basically the same, but you could also use “sage” as a noun to mean “a person who is wise”.
Adjective Example:
If you want sage/wise advise about life, you should probably ask someone older because they have more life experience.
Noun example:
In the Harry Potter series, Albus Dumbledore, the old headmaster of Hogwarts, is a sage of wizardry.
Adjective Example:
If you want sage/wise advise about life, you should probably ask someone older because they have more life experience.
Noun example:
In the Harry Potter series, Albus Dumbledore, the old headmaster of Hogwarts, is a sage of wizardry.
Qual è la differenza tra wise e talent e clever ?
To be Wise is to have a lot of knowledge. To have Talent is to be able to do something not a lot of other people can do. To be Clever is to have a quick understanding of things or make intelligent ideas.
Traduzionde di "Wise"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? wise
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? wise
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Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? wise
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? wise
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Altre domande riguardo "Wise"
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Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia wise.
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Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia wise.
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