Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Wuzzy"s
Il significato di "Wuzzy" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa wuzzy?
Yes, exactly.
"Wuzzy" is completely meaningless. It only exists because it rhymes with fuzzy and makes that word sound even funnier than it is.
Yes, exactly.
"Wuzzy" is completely meaningless. It only exists because it rhymes with fuzzy and makes that word sound even funnier than it is.
Che cosa significa wuzzy?
Fuzzy-Wuzzy "is a poem by the English author and poet Rudyard Kipling, published in 1892 as part of Barrack Room Ballads. It describes the respect of the ordinary British soldier for the bravery of the Hadendoa warriors who volunteered the British army in the Sudan and Eritrea.
Che cosa significa fuzzy wuzzy was bear, fuzzy wuzzy had no hair, fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy was he??
A “fuzzy” bear would have hair (fur). ("Fuzzy" = 有细毛的,有绒毛的。) "Wuzzy" here is a nonsense name to rhyme with "fuzzy." This bear, named "fuzzy wuzzy," didn't have any hair. The last "was he" is pronounced like "wuzzy."
Altre domande riguardo "Wuzzy"
What does " wuzzy" mean ?
في حيوان اسمه ووزي
اذا إنسان مزعج يسموه ووزي
ونوع من الكحول أيضا نفس الاسم...
اذا إنسان مزعج يسموه ووزي
ونوع من الكحول أيضا نفس الاسم...
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