Pardon, but is there any plan to add POD books and cards to the DTRPG page?
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To my understanding, you don't. Major Arcana serve as confidants only, but the book does state that "not every character you introduce to your story needs to be a confidant, and not every confidant has to have a memorable impact on your story", so you could put the confidant prompts of confidants you're not interested in as more background events lightly touched on, or simply ignore the card and redraw.
Pardon, but I was wondering if you would have any interest in having this up on GameCrafter so that people can buy professional production copies of the game in a print-on-demand fashion. I know I at least would love to get one. If that's an idea you're open to, I'd be happy to set up the formatting and everything (as I've done a project on TGC before) and hand it over to you.