Papers by Rosario Baltazar

Intelligent Environments (IE) play an increasingly important role in many areas of our lives, inc... more Intelligent Environments (IE) play an increasingly important role in many areas of our lives, including education, healthcare and the domestic environment. The term refers to physical spaces incorporating pervasive computing technology used to achieve specific goals for the user, the environment or both. This book presents the proceedings of the workshops of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 13), held in Athens, Greece, in July 2013. The workshops which were presented in the context of this conference range from regular lectures to practical sessions. They provide a forum for scientists, researchers and engineers from both industry and academia to engage in discussions on newly emerging or rapidly evolving topics in the field. Topics covered in the workshops include artificial intelligence techniques for ambient intelligence; applications of affective computing in intelligent environments; smart offices and other workplaces; intelligent environment technology in education for creative learning; museums as intelligent environments; the application of intelligent environment technologies in the urban context for creating more sociable, intelligent cities and for constructing urban intelligence. IE can enrich user experience, better manage the environments resources, and increase user awareness of that environment. This book will be of interest to all those whose work involves the application of intelligent environments. IOS Press is an international science, technical and medical publisher of high-quality books for academics, scientists, and professionals in all fields. Some of the areas we publish in: -Biomedicine -Oncology -Artificial intelligence -Databases and information systems -Maritime engineering -Nanotechnology -Geoengineering -All aspects of physics -E-governance -E-commerce -The knowledge economy -Urban studies -Arms control -Understanding and responding to terrorism -Medical informatics -Computer Sciences
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2022

Journal of Computational Systems and ICTs, Dec 31, 2019
In this paper, we present a set of seven-frame algorithms for the phase shifthing profilometry an... more In this paper, we present a set of seven-frame algorithms for the phase shifthing profilometry and their application for the three-dimensional surface imaging using soft computing. This set obtained generate the most common seven-frame algorithms in the state of art. The algorithms are analized for the compensation of common errors such as phase shifthing, phase errors because variation of light or bias. Fringe analysis, Phase-shifting interferometry, Softcomputing Resumen En este artículo se presenta una familia de algoritmos de siete cuadros para la perfilometria de desplazamiento de fase y su aplicación para la obtención de perfiles tridimensionales usando cómputo suave. Esta familia obtenida genera la mayoría de los algoritmos de siete cuadros más comunes en el estado del arte. Los algoritmos son analizados en la compensación de errores comunes como el desentonamiento de fase, errores de fase debido a la variación de iluminación o bias.
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2023
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2023
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2022
Smart innovation, systems and technologies, Jun 20, 2019
One of the primary concerns of humanity today is developing strategies for saving energy and prom... more One of the primary concerns of humanity today is developing strategies for saving energy and promoting environmental sustainability. This paper suggests the development of an intelligent Internet of Things based system with the use of meta-heuristics that will be able to find optimal energy saving configurations. This system takes into account the activity of the users, size of area, state of lights, and blinds. A comparative study of four optimization techniques (GA, PSO, DBDE, and BSO) with the use of the Friedman test is shown.
Programación Matemática y Software
En este artículo se presenta un estudio de la clasificación del grado de afectación en pacientes ... more En este artículo se presenta un estudio de la clasificación del grado de afectación en pacientes diagnosticados con la enfermedad de Parkinson. La captura de las señales de vibración de vibración se realiza usando un acelerómetro de una pulsera bluetooth. El procesamiento de las señales de vibración se realiza procesando el valor rms y valores pico de las señales de los pacientes. Finalmente se utilizan diferentes clasificadores para evaluar el grado de afectación de la vibración en pacientes con Parkinson.

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 2021
Intelligent buildings are at the forefront due to its main objective of providing comfort to user... more Intelligent buildings are at the forefront due to its main objective of providing comfort to users and saving energy through intelligent control systems. Intelligent systems have been reported to offer comfort to a single user or averaging the comfort of multiple users without considering that their needs may be different from those of other users. This work defines a versatile model for a multi-user intelligent system that negotiates with the resources of the environment to offer visual comfort to multiple users with different profiles, activities and priorities using soft-computing algorithms. In addition, this model makes use of external lighting to provide the recommended amount of illumination for each user without having to totally depend on artificial lighting, inducing there will be an energy efficiency but without measuring it.

Journal of Computational Systems and ICTs, Jun 30, 2019
Fuzzy logic systems provide a set of proven tools and methods to imitate or emulate human basic r... more Fuzzy logic systems provide a set of proven tools and methods to imitate or emulate human basic reasoning, that is, transform it into instructions that the computer can understand or transform into binary instructions. Based on the structure with multiple layers, subsystems and varied topologies that in previous research have shown that fuzzy hierarchical systems have been used to improve the interpretability, in this research work the objective is to design a fuzzy hierarchical system using fuzzy composite concepts artificial intelligence compounds to measure the efficiency of simulated scenarios. As a fundamental part of the present investigation, an analysis is made of the sensitivity of the results of the fuzzy system with respect to its inputs and with a set of membership functions, in a virtual scenario; which allows demonstrating the advantages obtained by applying a fuzzy hierarchical system to systems oriented to the area of health.
Intelligent Environments (Workshops), 2019

Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2015
The implementation of technology at home has caught the attention of many people, especially if e... more The implementation of technology at home has caught the attention of many people, especially if elderly, handicapped or disable people are living on it. It is important to consider that the technology must be friendly with users, and even adapt to their needs and desires [1]. In this research, we present the physical implementation of a general system to assist users and patients in daily activities or duties. The system was implemented in a room and include sensors, actuators and wireless agents. This research is focused on people with some movement restrictions. The results are very promising, the user was successfully able to move several elements in the room (like windows or blinds) using only a mobile device as a tablet or a smart phone. Additionally, in order to see his potential adaptation and versatility, several devices where connected successfully to give comfort to the users.
Communications in computer and information science, 2022
Programación matemática y software
En el presente trabajo se aborda el problema de inestabilidad en ambiente dinámicos, la cual se g... more En el presente trabajo se aborda el problema de inestabilidad en ambiente dinámicos, la cual se genera cuando un agente entra o sale del ambiente en un periodo determinado; con lo cual se pretende minimizarlo o en dado caso eliminarla, por tanto, existen algoritmos de optimización que nos permiten realizar esta función como: el algoritmos de Evolución Diferencial (Differential Evolution, DE) y el Algoritmo de Optimización mediante Evolución de Cúmulos de Partículas (Particle Evolutionary Swarm Optmization, PESO), los cuales fueron aplicados a las instancias de prueba en ambientes dinámicos y mediante la prueba de Wilcoxon podremos discernir que algoritmo obtuvo mejores resultados, en base a la menor inestabilidad calculada en el sistema.
Nowadays, the optimization of parameters according to a set of activities performed in order to r... more Nowadays, the optimization of parameters according to a set of activities performed in order to reduce time, effort and resources is gaining more attention. That is why the use of optimization algorithms has been made necessary in everyday life. This paper presents a comparison study between micro-algorithms: Genetic Algorithm (GA), Artificial Immune System (AIS), Estimation Distribution Algorithm (EDA), Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO), Bee Algorithm (BA) and Bee SwarmOptimization (BSO). To perform an activity in a confined space, this is affected by the light from the outside, which can be blocked by shutters and doors (of crystal), and lighting of lamps obtained within this space. It is then necessary to obtain the best combination using any optimization algorithm on the condition that it should be each of these objects to have a lighting comfort.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
In this work a polynomial-time reduction to the NP-complete subset sum problem is followed in ord... more In this work a polynomial-time reduction to the NP-complete subset sum problem is followed in order to prove the complexity of Multiple Kernel Support Vector Machine decision problem. The Lagrangian function of the standard Support Vector Machine in its dual form was considered to derive the proof. Results of this derivation allow researchers to properly justify the use of approximate methods, such as heuristics and metaheuristics, when working with multiple kernel learning algorithms.
Smart innovation, systems and technologies, 2022
Papers by Rosario Baltazar