La liberté d'expression reste un sujet d'actualité, car sa mise en œuvre est problématique en It... more La liberté d'expression reste un sujet d'actualité, car sa mise en œuvre est problématique en Italie et dans le monde. Dans cette contribution, les auteurs ont l'intention de développer la question de la liberté de parole et d'expression en relation avec l'éducation scolaire, et en référence au contexte italien. Le fait de se concentrer sur une zone géographique et culturelle permet de réaliser deux opérations : 1. Retracer l'évolution historico-juridique de cette question dans le cadre de la modernité tardive et de la contemporanéité, en mettant en évidence les processus, les évolutions et les métamorphoses du concept selon une perspective diachronique qui s'étend jusqu'à aujourd’hui; 2. A la lumière des équilibres complexes et fragiles sur lesquels cette liberté est actuellement greffée, il serait opportun de renouer les fils de ce concept, et ses racines profondes avec la tradition pédagogique italienne, en se référant à deux auteurs centraux tels qu’Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855) et Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967).
Michel De Certeau's scholars have rarely explored the pedagogical potential of the French thinker... more Michel De Certeau's scholars have rarely explored the pedagogical potential of the French thinker's thought. This paper aims at reconstructing the question of the teaching practice in De Certeau's works and, building on such reconstruction, it proposes a possible 'heterological' comprehension of teaching. Moving from an early writing dealing specifically with the teacher's identity, the paper shows how the famous dyad of strategies and tactics exposed in The practice of everyday life can be usefully applied to teaching and studying and helps further elaborate the question of teaching. From this analysis, the teacher will emerge as the owner of a strategic knowledge that, if he wants to teach, needs to be altered by the uncanny and tactical presence of the student. Teaching will finally be shown as the practice of alteration of knowledge operated by the other of such knowledge, namely, the student. In such alteration of knowledge lies the potential of a heterological comprehension of teaching.
Enseñanza a distancia y enseñanza ‘como’ distancia. Una lectura crítica sobre los instrumentos de la enseñanza online durante y después de la pandemia, 2021
This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling cause... more ABSTRACT This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The emergency has forced European governments to close the schools and consequently, all the schooling activities have been transferred online. Referring to some works of Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio and Walter Benjamin the authors propose some critical remarks on the transformation of schooling space and schooling time that characterizes the practice of distance learning. This transformation pertains not only to accidental aspects of schooling but affects the very identity of the schooling experience. In a completely digitalized school, time is characterized by instantaneousness: time as duration is replaced by the «time of exposure», as stated by Paul Virilio. In addition, the school completely dematerialized, is reduced to the two-dimensional space of the screen. The article aims to show that instantaneous time and dematerialized space make the experience of «crossing» difficult. Therefore, following some remarks by Jan Masschelein and Gert Biesta, it is maintained that the experience of «crossing» endangered by the digitalization of schooling is essential to an authentic experience of schooling. It is not intended to refuse the digital innovations as such but to «put them on the table», in order to suspend their immediate use and analyze them critically.
Distance teaching and teaching ‘as’ distance. A critical reading of online teaching instruments during and after the pandemic, 2021
Este documento pretende revisar con una visión crítica la digitalización escolar causada ... more RESUMEN Este documento pretende revisar con una visión crítica la digitalización escolar causada por la COVID-19. La emergencia ha forzado a los gobiernos europeos a cerrar los colegios y, como consecuencia, todas las actividades escolares han pasado a ser online. Haciendo referencia a algunos trabajos de Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio y Walter Benjamin, los autores proponen algunas observaciones críticas a la transformación del espacio escolar y del tiempo escolar que caracteriza la práctica del aprendizaje a distancia. Esta transformación no solo se refiere a aspectos escolares accidentales, sino que también afecta a la propia identidad de la experiencia escolar. En una escuela completamente digitalizada, el tiempo se caracteriza por su instantaneidad: el tiempo como duración es sustituido por el «tiempo de exposición», como argumentaba Paul Virilio. Además, el colegio completamente desmaterializado se reduce al espacio bidimensional de la pantalla. El artículo tiene por objeto demostrar que el tiempo instantáneo y el espacio desmaterializado dificultan la experiencia de «cruzar». Por tanto, siguiendo algunas observaciones de Jan Masschelein y Gert Biesta, se afirma que la experiencia de «cruzar», amenazada por la digitalización escolar, es esencial para vivir una auténtica experiencia escolar. No se pretenden negar las innovaciones digitales en sí, sino «ponerlas sobre la mesa» para suspender su uso inmediato y analizarlas de manera crítica.
Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 2021
This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling caused by the ... more This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The emergency has forced European governments to close the schools and consequently, all the schooling activities have been transferred online. Referring to some works of Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio and Walter Benjamin the authors propose some critical remarks on the transformation of schooling space and schooling time that characterizes the practice of distance learning. This transformation pertains not only to accidental aspects of schooling but affects the very identity of the schooling experience. In a completely digitalized school, time is characterized by instantaneousness: time as duration is replaced by the «time of exposure», as stated by Paul Virilio. In addition, the school completely dematerialized, is reduced to the two-dimensional space of the screen. The article aims to show that instantaneous time and dematerialized space make the experience of «crossing» difficult. Therefore, following some remarks by Jan Masschelein and Gert Biesta, it is maintained that the experience of «crossing» endangered by the digitalization of schooling is essential to an authentic experience of schooling. It is not intended to refuse the digital innovations as such but to «put them on the table», in order to suspend their immediate use and analyze them critically.
Dialegesthai. Rivista telematica di filosofia [in linea, ISSN 1128-5478], 2019
Michel de Certeau is certainly one of the most interesting and eclectic cultural theorists of the... more Michel de Certeau is certainly one of the most interesting and eclectic cultural theorists of the XX century, in spite of his relatively poor fortune in comparison to some of his contemporaries like Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. His wide variety of interests, from historiography to psychoanalysis, makes him an original ad hardly definable scholar. In this contribution, I would like to explore one of the most fruitful concepts by Certeau -the conception of tactics and tactical agency-, and the possibility to interpret tactical agency in the light of a theory of interculturality.
In recent years, the reflection on intercultural education has
focused on the importance of manag... more In recent years, the reflection on intercultural education has focused on the importance of managing everyday situations in intercultural contexts. This focus is generally recognized as fundamental for the shift from the perspective of multiculturalism to a more interculturalist approach. An example of the interculturalist turn can be found in the EU document White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue ‘Living Together As Equals in Dignity’, which promotes the intercultural approach in education. In this article, referring to the later works by Michel de Certeau I will propose a theorization of the concept of everyday life, taken for granted as selfevident by the EU document and by most of the promoters of interculturalism. Furthermore, I will propose some possible deepening of it. Moreover, I will suggest that through the concept of everyday proposed by de Certeau it is possible to think of more creative ways to deal with cultural diversity.
The paper aims to explore the originality of Edith Stein's thought about collective subjectivitie... more The paper aims to explore the originality of Edith Stein's thought about collective subjectivities, in order to show how useful it could be for contemporary philosophical research. The community is analysed with original balance between individual intentionality and objectivity of collectivity – between the individual demand for recognition and group identity: these dimensions are in contrast, but their paradoxical coexistence is essential to understand human communities.
L’educazione è un viaggio: questa metafora ha una lunga storia nella cultura occidentale e nella ... more L’educazione è un viaggio: questa metafora ha una lunga storia nella cultura occidentale e nella storia dell’educazione. Viaggiare forma, quando lo spostarsi è una scelta libera. Che cosa cambia, invece, quando chi viaggia è impossibilitato a ritornare a casa propria? Se il viaggio è obbligato dall’impossibile ritorno indietro, è ancora formativo? L’esilio, situazione che coinvolge un numero sempre maggiore di persone, può essere metafora generativa di un modo nuovo di approcciare la formazione nelle società ipermoderne? Il volume esplora le potenzialità pedagogiche della metafora dell’esilio attraverso una rilettura dell’opera di Michel de Certeau (1925-1986), antropologo, storico e teorico della cultura. I protagonisti delle opere di de Certeau ‒ mistici, esploratori e uomini comuni ‒ vivono in esilio dalle proprie società e dai propri contesti culturali, ma fanno dell’impossibilità di abitare un «luogo proprio» una condizione di creatività e di formazione capace di trasformazioni radicali. Il pensiero di Michel de Certeau viene dunque proposto come possibilità di ripensare la formazione come esposizione mai conclusa al mondo e all’alterità, percorso minore e, in quanto minore, generativo. Ogni capitolo presenta e approfondisce una figura protagonista di un esilio: l’uomo comune, lo studente, il mistico e il viaggiatore sono le maschere dietro le quali si nascondono inedite possibilità educative.
La liberté d'expression reste un sujet d'actualité, car sa mise en œuvre est problématique en It... more La liberté d'expression reste un sujet d'actualité, car sa mise en œuvre est problématique en Italie et dans le monde. Dans cette contribution, les auteurs ont l'intention de développer la question de la liberté de parole et d'expression en relation avec l'éducation scolaire, et en référence au contexte italien. Le fait de se concentrer sur une zone géographique et culturelle permet de réaliser deux opérations : 1. Retracer l'évolution historico-juridique de cette question dans le cadre de la modernité tardive et de la contemporanéité, en mettant en évidence les processus, les évolutions et les métamorphoses du concept selon une perspective diachronique qui s'étend jusqu'à aujourd’hui; 2. A la lumière des équilibres complexes et fragiles sur lesquels cette liberté est actuellement greffée, il serait opportun de renouer les fils de ce concept, et ses racines profondes avec la tradition pédagogique italienne, en se référant à deux auteurs centraux tels qu’Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855) et Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967).
Michel De Certeau's scholars have rarely explored the pedagogical potential of the French thinker... more Michel De Certeau's scholars have rarely explored the pedagogical potential of the French thinker's thought. This paper aims at reconstructing the question of the teaching practice in De Certeau's works and, building on such reconstruction, it proposes a possible 'heterological' comprehension of teaching. Moving from an early writing dealing specifically with the teacher's identity, the paper shows how the famous dyad of strategies and tactics exposed in The practice of everyday life can be usefully applied to teaching and studying and helps further elaborate the question of teaching. From this analysis, the teacher will emerge as the owner of a strategic knowledge that, if he wants to teach, needs to be altered by the uncanny and tactical presence of the student. Teaching will finally be shown as the practice of alteration of knowledge operated by the other of such knowledge, namely, the student. In such alteration of knowledge lies the potential of a heterological comprehension of teaching.
Enseñanza a distancia y enseñanza ‘como’ distancia. Una lectura crítica sobre los instrumentos de la enseñanza online durante y después de la pandemia, 2021
This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling cause... more ABSTRACT This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The emergency has forced European governments to close the schools and consequently, all the schooling activities have been transferred online. Referring to some works of Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio and Walter Benjamin the authors propose some critical remarks on the transformation of schooling space and schooling time that characterizes the practice of distance learning. This transformation pertains not only to accidental aspects of schooling but affects the very identity of the schooling experience. In a completely digitalized school, time is characterized by instantaneousness: time as duration is replaced by the «time of exposure», as stated by Paul Virilio. In addition, the school completely dematerialized, is reduced to the two-dimensional space of the screen. The article aims to show that instantaneous time and dematerialized space make the experience of «crossing» difficult. Therefore, following some remarks by Jan Masschelein and Gert Biesta, it is maintained that the experience of «crossing» endangered by the digitalization of schooling is essential to an authentic experience of schooling. It is not intended to refuse the digital innovations as such but to «put them on the table», in order to suspend their immediate use and analyze them critically.
Distance teaching and teaching ‘as’ distance. A critical reading of online teaching instruments during and after the pandemic, 2021
Este documento pretende revisar con una visión crítica la digitalización escolar causada ... more RESUMEN Este documento pretende revisar con una visión crítica la digitalización escolar causada por la COVID-19. La emergencia ha forzado a los gobiernos europeos a cerrar los colegios y, como consecuencia, todas las actividades escolares han pasado a ser online. Haciendo referencia a algunos trabajos de Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio y Walter Benjamin, los autores proponen algunas observaciones críticas a la transformación del espacio escolar y del tiempo escolar que caracteriza la práctica del aprendizaje a distancia. Esta transformación no solo se refiere a aspectos escolares accidentales, sino que también afecta a la propia identidad de la experiencia escolar. En una escuela completamente digitalizada, el tiempo se caracteriza por su instantaneidad: el tiempo como duración es sustituido por el «tiempo de exposición», como argumentaba Paul Virilio. Además, el colegio completamente desmaterializado se reduce al espacio bidimensional de la pantalla. El artículo tiene por objeto demostrar que el tiempo instantáneo y el espacio desmaterializado dificultan la experiencia de «cruzar». Por tanto, siguiendo algunas observaciones de Jan Masschelein y Gert Biesta, se afirma que la experiencia de «cruzar», amenazada por la digitalización escolar, es esencial para vivir una auténtica experiencia escolar. No se pretenden negar las innovaciones digitales en sí, sino «ponerlas sobre la mesa» para suspender su uso inmediato y analizarlas de manera crítica.
Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 2021
This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling caused by the ... more This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The emergency has forced European governments to close the schools and consequently, all the schooling activities have been transferred online. Referring to some works of Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio and Walter Benjamin the authors propose some critical remarks on the transformation of schooling space and schooling time that characterizes the practice of distance learning. This transformation pertains not only to accidental aspects of schooling but affects the very identity of the schooling experience. In a completely digitalized school, time is characterized by instantaneousness: time as duration is replaced by the «time of exposure», as stated by Paul Virilio. In addition, the school completely dematerialized, is reduced to the two-dimensional space of the screen. The article aims to show that instantaneous time and dematerialized space make the experience of «crossing» difficult. Therefore, following some remarks by Jan Masschelein and Gert Biesta, it is maintained that the experience of «crossing» endangered by the digitalization of schooling is essential to an authentic experience of schooling. It is not intended to refuse the digital innovations as such but to «put them on the table», in order to suspend their immediate use and analyze them critically.
Dialegesthai. Rivista telematica di filosofia [in linea, ISSN 1128-5478], 2019
Michel de Certeau is certainly one of the most interesting and eclectic cultural theorists of the... more Michel de Certeau is certainly one of the most interesting and eclectic cultural theorists of the XX century, in spite of his relatively poor fortune in comparison to some of his contemporaries like Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. His wide variety of interests, from historiography to psychoanalysis, makes him an original ad hardly definable scholar. In this contribution, I would like to explore one of the most fruitful concepts by Certeau -the conception of tactics and tactical agency-, and the possibility to interpret tactical agency in the light of a theory of interculturality.
In recent years, the reflection on intercultural education has
focused on the importance of manag... more In recent years, the reflection on intercultural education has focused on the importance of managing everyday situations in intercultural contexts. This focus is generally recognized as fundamental for the shift from the perspective of multiculturalism to a more interculturalist approach. An example of the interculturalist turn can be found in the EU document White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue ‘Living Together As Equals in Dignity’, which promotes the intercultural approach in education. In this article, referring to the later works by Michel de Certeau I will propose a theorization of the concept of everyday life, taken for granted as selfevident by the EU document and by most of the promoters of interculturalism. Furthermore, I will propose some possible deepening of it. Moreover, I will suggest that through the concept of everyday proposed by de Certeau it is possible to think of more creative ways to deal with cultural diversity.
The paper aims to explore the originality of Edith Stein's thought about collective subjectivitie... more The paper aims to explore the originality of Edith Stein's thought about collective subjectivities, in order to show how useful it could be for contemporary philosophical research. The community is analysed with original balance between individual intentionality and objectivity of collectivity – between the individual demand for recognition and group identity: these dimensions are in contrast, but their paradoxical coexistence is essential to understand human communities.
L’educazione è un viaggio: questa metafora ha una lunga storia nella cultura occidentale e nella ... more L’educazione è un viaggio: questa metafora ha una lunga storia nella cultura occidentale e nella storia dell’educazione. Viaggiare forma, quando lo spostarsi è una scelta libera. Che cosa cambia, invece, quando chi viaggia è impossibilitato a ritornare a casa propria? Se il viaggio è obbligato dall’impossibile ritorno indietro, è ancora formativo? L’esilio, situazione che coinvolge un numero sempre maggiore di persone, può essere metafora generativa di un modo nuovo di approcciare la formazione nelle società ipermoderne? Il volume esplora le potenzialità pedagogiche della metafora dell’esilio attraverso una rilettura dell’opera di Michel de Certeau (1925-1986), antropologo, storico e teorico della cultura. I protagonisti delle opere di de Certeau ‒ mistici, esploratori e uomini comuni ‒ vivono in esilio dalle proprie società e dai propri contesti culturali, ma fanno dell’impossibilità di abitare un «luogo proprio» una condizione di creatività e di formazione capace di trasformazioni radicali. Il pensiero di Michel de Certeau viene dunque proposto come possibilità di ripensare la formazione come esposizione mai conclusa al mondo e all’alterità, percorso minore e, in quanto minore, generativo. Ogni capitolo presenta e approfondisce una figura protagonista di un esilio: l’uomo comune, lo studente, il mistico e il viaggiatore sono le maschere dietro le quali si nascondono inedite possibilità educative.
Papers by Federico Rovea
1. Retracer l'évolution historico-juridique de cette question dans le cadre de la modernité tardive
et de la contemporanéité, en mettant en évidence les processus, les évolutions et les
métamorphoses du concept selon une perspective diachronique qui s'étend jusqu'à aujourd’hui;
2. A la lumière des équilibres complexes et fragiles sur lesquels cette liberté est actuellement greffée, il serait opportun de renouer les fils de ce concept, et ses racines profondes avec la tradition pédagogique italienne, en se référant à deux auteurs centraux tels qu’Antonio Rosmini
(1797-1855) et Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967).
This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The emergency has forced European governments to close the schools and consequently, all the schooling activities have been transferred online. Referring to some works of Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio and Walter Benjamin the authors propose some critical remarks on the transformation of schooling space and schooling time that characterizes the practice of distance learning. This transformation pertains not only to accidental aspects of schooling but affects the very identity of the schooling experience. In a completely digitalized school, time is characterized by instantaneousness: time as duration is replaced by the «time of exposure», as stated by Paul Virilio. In addition, the school completely dematerialized, is reduced to the two-dimensional space of the screen. The article aims to show that instantaneous time and dematerialized space make the experience of «crossing» difficult. Therefore, following some remarks by Jan Masschelein and Gert Biesta, it is maintained that the experience of «crossing» endangered by the digitalization of schooling is essential to an authentic experience of schooling. It is not intended to refuse the digital innovations as such but to «put them on the table», in order to suspend their immediate use and analyze them critically.
Este documento pretende revisar con una visión crítica la digitalización escolar causada por la COVID-19. La emergencia ha forzado a los gobiernos europeos a cerrar los colegios y, como consecuencia, todas las actividades escolares han pasado a ser online. Haciendo referencia a algunos trabajos de Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio y Walter Benjamin, los autores proponen algunas observaciones críticas a la transformación del espacio escolar y del tiempo escolar que caracteriza la práctica del aprendizaje a distancia. Esta transformación no solo se refiere a aspectos escolares accidentales, sino que también afecta a la propia identidad de la experiencia escolar. En una escuela completamente digitalizada, el tiempo se caracteriza por su instantaneidad: el tiempo como duración es sustituido por el «tiempo de exposición», como argumentaba Paul Virilio. Además, el colegio completamente desmaterializado se reduce al espacio bidimensional de la pantalla. El artículo tiene por objeto demostrar que el tiempo instantáneo y el espacio desmaterializado dificultan la experiencia de «cruzar». Por tanto, siguiendo algunas observaciones de Jan Masschelein y Gert Biesta, se afirma que la experiencia de «cruzar», amenazada por la digitalización escolar, es esencial para vivir una auténtica experiencia escolar. No se pretenden negar las innovaciones digitales en sí, sino «ponerlas sobre la mesa» para suspender su uso inmediato y analizarlas de manera crítica.
focused on the importance of managing everyday situations
in intercultural contexts. This focus is generally recognized
as fundamental for the shift from the perspective of multiculturalism
to a more interculturalist approach. An example
of the interculturalist turn can be found in the EU document
White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue ‘Living Together As
Equals in Dignity’, which promotes the intercultural
approach in education. In this article, referring to the later
works by Michel de Certeau I will propose a theorization of
the concept of everyday life, taken for granted as selfevident
by the EU document and by most of the promoters
of interculturalism. Furthermore, I will propose some possible
deepening of it. Moreover, I will suggest that through
the concept of everyday proposed by de Certeau it is possible
to think of more creative ways to deal with cultural
Books by Federico Rovea
Il volume esplora le potenzialità pedagogiche della metafora dell’esilio attraverso una rilettura dell’opera di Michel de Certeau (1925-1986), antropologo, storico e teorico della cultura. I protagonisti delle opere di de Certeau ‒ mistici, esploratori e uomini comuni ‒ vivono in esilio dalle proprie società e dai propri contesti culturali, ma fanno dell’impossibilità di abitare un «luogo proprio» una condizione di creatività e di formazione capace di trasformazioni radicali. Il pensiero di Michel de Certeau viene dunque proposto come possibilità di ripensare la formazione come esposizione mai conclusa al mondo e all’alterità, percorso minore e, in quanto minore, generativo. Ogni capitolo presenta e approfondisce una figura protagonista di un esilio: l’uomo comune, lo studente, il mistico e il viaggiatore sono le maschere dietro le quali si nascondono inedite possibilità educative.
1. Retracer l'évolution historico-juridique de cette question dans le cadre de la modernité tardive
et de la contemporanéité, en mettant en évidence les processus, les évolutions et les
métamorphoses du concept selon une perspective diachronique qui s'étend jusqu'à aujourd’hui;
2. A la lumière des équilibres complexes et fragiles sur lesquels cette liberté est actuellement greffée, il serait opportun de renouer les fils de ce concept, et ses racines profondes avec la tradition pédagogique italienne, en se référant à deux auteurs centraux tels qu’Antonio Rosmini
(1797-1855) et Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967).
This paper intends to read through a critical lens the digitalization of schooling caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The emergency has forced European governments to close the schools and consequently, all the schooling activities have been transferred online. Referring to some works of Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio and Walter Benjamin the authors propose some critical remarks on the transformation of schooling space and schooling time that characterizes the practice of distance learning. This transformation pertains not only to accidental aspects of schooling but affects the very identity of the schooling experience. In a completely digitalized school, time is characterized by instantaneousness: time as duration is replaced by the «time of exposure», as stated by Paul Virilio. In addition, the school completely dematerialized, is reduced to the two-dimensional space of the screen. The article aims to show that instantaneous time and dematerialized space make the experience of «crossing» difficult. Therefore, following some remarks by Jan Masschelein and Gert Biesta, it is maintained that the experience of «crossing» endangered by the digitalization of schooling is essential to an authentic experience of schooling. It is not intended to refuse the digital innovations as such but to «put them on the table», in order to suspend their immediate use and analyze them critically.
Este documento pretende revisar con una visión crítica la digitalización escolar causada por la COVID-19. La emergencia ha forzado a los gobiernos europeos a cerrar los colegios y, como consecuencia, todas las actividades escolares han pasado a ser online. Haciendo referencia a algunos trabajos de Giorgio Agamben, Paul Virilio y Walter Benjamin, los autores proponen algunas observaciones críticas a la transformación del espacio escolar y del tiempo escolar que caracteriza la práctica del aprendizaje a distancia. Esta transformación no solo se refiere a aspectos escolares accidentales, sino que también afecta a la propia identidad de la experiencia escolar. En una escuela completamente digitalizada, el tiempo se caracteriza por su instantaneidad: el tiempo como duración es sustituido por el «tiempo de exposición», como argumentaba Paul Virilio. Además, el colegio completamente desmaterializado se reduce al espacio bidimensional de la pantalla. El artículo tiene por objeto demostrar que el tiempo instantáneo y el espacio desmaterializado dificultan la experiencia de «cruzar». Por tanto, siguiendo algunas observaciones de Jan Masschelein y Gert Biesta, se afirma que la experiencia de «cruzar», amenazada por la digitalización escolar, es esencial para vivir una auténtica experiencia escolar. No se pretenden negar las innovaciones digitales en sí, sino «ponerlas sobre la mesa» para suspender su uso inmediato y analizarlas de manera crítica.
focused on the importance of managing everyday situations
in intercultural contexts. This focus is generally recognized
as fundamental for the shift from the perspective of multiculturalism
to a more interculturalist approach. An example
of the interculturalist turn can be found in the EU document
White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue ‘Living Together As
Equals in Dignity’, which promotes the intercultural
approach in education. In this article, referring to the later
works by Michel de Certeau I will propose a theorization of
the concept of everyday life, taken for granted as selfevident
by the EU document and by most of the promoters
of interculturalism. Furthermore, I will propose some possible
deepening of it. Moreover, I will suggest that through
the concept of everyday proposed by de Certeau it is possible
to think of more creative ways to deal with cultural
Il volume esplora le potenzialità pedagogiche della metafora dell’esilio attraverso una rilettura dell’opera di Michel de Certeau (1925-1986), antropologo, storico e teorico della cultura. I protagonisti delle opere di de Certeau ‒ mistici, esploratori e uomini comuni ‒ vivono in esilio dalle proprie società e dai propri contesti culturali, ma fanno dell’impossibilità di abitare un «luogo proprio» una condizione di creatività e di formazione capace di trasformazioni radicali. Il pensiero di Michel de Certeau viene dunque proposto come possibilità di ripensare la formazione come esposizione mai conclusa al mondo e all’alterità, percorso minore e, in quanto minore, generativo. Ogni capitolo presenta e approfondisce una figura protagonista di un esilio: l’uomo comune, lo studente, il mistico e il viaggiatore sono le maschere dietro le quali si nascondono inedite possibilità educative.