Papers by Federico Alcaro

folios - Golden Sea, 2020
Creativity is a means of expression for the deepest part of ourselves, of our true self. It is th... more Creativity is a means of expression for the deepest part of ourselves, of our true self. It is the foundation of the human condition, it pushes us to overcome our limits, moving on a common track and crossing barriers, walls, as well as physical and mental boundaries. Without it, survival as a concept would not exist: all the actions that were taken throughout history to solve a problem would not have been possible without creativity. The endogenous force of creativity lies in its dynamism , in its ability to innovate and to increase awareness in ourselves and in those around us. I am working in the field of social architecture, especially in emergency contexts where creativity is one of the basic tools to come up with the best and specific solution for each and every situation. Emergency architecture does not mean rebuilding houses, hospitals , schools or other community places after a disaster. It means thinking of solutions in order to prevent, and only in the most extreme cases, to solve problems due to environmental disasters or social problems, which often create contact zones of people with different backgrounds. It is precisely at these interfaces where challenging barriers appear: I have often observed a fear of needing help, which leads to a feeling of fragility, defenselessness and being at the mercy of others. It is often a lack of communication between people that prevents or hinders the achievement of a common goal. It might lead to the impression of arrogance on the helpers' side who seem to be merely seizing an opportunity to impose certain systems on those in need. The extreme on the other side leads to the misjudgement that instead of help only support through listening is necessary. For this reason, emergency architecture is made up of multidisciplinary work teams representing various professional fields of social, humanitarian and scientific work (i.e. architects, engineers, urban planners, anthropologists, sociologists, economists, politicians , and others) but also of non-professional but affected people who understand the needs of those involved in the design process which needs to be communicated while interacting with and listening to the affected people.
La crescita delle diseguaglianze sociali e della segregazione urbana che oggi riguarda la maggior... more La crescita delle diseguaglianze sociali e della segregazione urbana che oggi riguarda la maggior parte delle città europee ha, negli anni, determinato effetti di retrocessione dello stato di benessere che si era raggiunto negli anni successivi alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il divario all'interno delle classi di reddito è aumentato in seguito alla rottura degli apparenti equilibri raggiunti, determinando una stagione di profonda crisi, in cui prende parte anche la crisi delle politiche urbane.
La crescita delle diseguaglianze sociali e della segregazione urbana che oggi riguarda la maggior... more La crescita delle diseguaglianze sociali e della segregazione urbana che oggi riguarda la maggior parte delle città europee ha, negli anni, determinato effetti di retrocessione dello stato di benessere che si era raggiunto negli anni successivi alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il divario all'interno delle classi di reddito è aumentato in seguito alla rottura degli apparenti equilibri raggiunti, determinando una stagione di profonda crisi, in cui prende parte anche la crisi delle politiche urbane.
Papers by Federico Alcaro