ID issuance mean? とはどういう意味ですか?
"ID" is short for "identification", or "identification card".
"issuance" is a formal/professional sounding term that is not commonly used. It means "distribution".
So, "ID issuance" probably refers to the distribution of identification cards or of some other form of identification, depending on context.
"issuance" is a formal/professional sounding term that is not commonly used. It means "distribution".
So, "ID issuance" probably refers to the distribution of identification cards or of some other form of identification, depending on context.
ID Part Requirement とはどういう意味ですか?
more context would be better. However, I would guess that it is asking for the part identifcation number. Mostlikely on the object itself. If this anwser does not make sense then please give more context.
smoked before my ID picture so When I get pulled over high I look normal en español とはどういう意味ですか?
Es que la persona dijo que fumó algunas drogas antes de tomar la foto para su identificación (para manejar) .. entonces, si la policía déjale, parecerá normal aunque consumió algunas drogas.
Me explico?
Me explico?
a government-issued ID とはどういう意味ですか?
Driver's license, Passport, etc. An official identification card given out by a government.
"the removable ID" in line 8 とはどういう意味ですか?
An ID (identification - driver license usually) that is removable from the wallet he purchased.
I need to verify your ID first. と I need to certify your ID first. はどう違いますか?
I’m not really sure why you would say – certify – in this particular circumstance. Certification is like the thing that happens when you first do or make something – somebody comes along and says, this thing is real and approved, it is certified! You know how some food or bottles of wine have labels saying, this thing really does come from a certain region and has certain rare qualities…? That’s certification.
All of this is a very long way of saying that – verify – is the word that any normal person would use in the situation of this sentence. Verify is any action at any time when you are checking that something is real. Like when you think that you hear the voice of a friend, but you go and look anyway, just to make sure – this is verification.
I’m not really sure why you would say – certify – in this particular circumstance. Certification is like the thing that happens when you first do or make something – somebody comes along and says, this thing is real and approved, it is certified! You know how some food or bottles of wine have labels saying, this thing really does come from a certain region and has certain rare qualities…? That’s certification.
All of this is a very long way of saying that – verify – is the word that any normal person would use in the situation of this sentence. Verify is any action at any time when you are checking that something is real. Like when you think that you hear the voice of a friend, but you go and look anyway, just to make sure – this is verification.
ID と Passport はどう違いますか?
In the usa:
ID - state identification
Passport- government verification of identity and certification of citizenship of one’s country.
ID - state identification
Passport- government verification of identity and certification of citizenship of one’s country.
I forgot bringing my ID card. と I forgot to bring my ID card. はどう違いますか?
grammatically you use bringing for when you are using a helping verb and using it in the present or future. for example, "I will be bringing a friend, or I am bringing a friend." the word bringing is part of the verb in this instance but to say your phrase correctly, you would put the word bringing in a prepositional phrase like the second phrase you wrote. "i forgot to bring my id card" here the verb is "forgot" and he prepositinal phrase explains more what you forgot so you would put "to bring"
Renew your ID と Update your ID はどう違いますか?
Renew means build/do a new one, and update means improve/to be a nicer one.
このホテルではゲスト以外は全員レセプションでIDカードを提出しないといけませんか?安全のために? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
no problem, I'm glad I could help~
このホテルではゲスト以外は全員レセプションでIDカードを提出しないといけませんか?安全のために? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Do all non-guests need to show ID at reception? Is it for safety?
(アプリに)今ログインしている(ID,passを入力しているとき)はなんと言いますか? I am log-inningと言いますか? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I'm logging in - してる
I have logged in - してた
Hope this helps!
I'm logging in - してる
I have logged in - してた
Hope this helps!
今回チケットは抽選になります。このIDで抽選結果を発表します は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
today's tickets double as lottery tickets. The winner will be announced with these IDs
IDカードをリーダーにかざして下さい。 は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
「Please hold up the ID card over the reader.」
How come you don't got any ID? この表現は自然ですか?
× How come you don't got any I'D?
✓ How come you don't have any ID?
"Don't got" would only sound natural in the Southern US. It's a "country" way of speaking. Unfortunately, it sounds unintelligent to the average native US speaker.
✓ How come you don't have any ID?
"Don't got" would only sound natural in the Southern US. It's a "country" way of speaking. Unfortunately, it sounds unintelligent to the average native US speaker.
We have verified whether your ID card is authentic by contacting your boss and it has just been confirmed so. この表現は自然ですか?
"Verify" usually means that it has already been confirmed. I think "checked" would work better because at that time it was not confirmed yet.
Please submit your ID for each other’s safety will be assured. この表現は自然ですか?
× Please submit your ID for each other’s safety will be assured.
✓ Please submit your ID for each other’s safety.
Or you could say "Please submit your ID so each other's safety will be assured" (Replace the word "for" in your sentence with "so").
✓ Please submit your ID for each other’s safety.
Or you could say "Please submit your ID so each other's safety will be assured" (Replace the word "for" in your sentence with "so").
What did he say?
"You wouldn't happen to have your ID on you would you?"
or just "You wouldn't have your ID on you would you?"
"You wouldn't happen to have your ID on you would you?"
or just "You wouldn't have your ID on you would you?"
The second one. "You wouldn't have your ID on you, would you?"
I can't sign in even I typing correct ID and password. この表現は自然ですか?
I can’t sign in even with the correct ID and password.
that’s the most natural!
that’s the most natural!
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