The Premier League confirmed United and Southampton should not have been given penalties, but Tottenham should have been awarded one. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
맞는 것 같네요. 👍🏽
Premier étage は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
@grandscarreaux: In British English, it’s “the first floor”. “The first floor” in British English is the same as “the second floor” in American English, while “the first floor” in American English is the same as “the ground floor” in British English.
I want to ask about Premier League teams!
Could you tell me what team you support and what makes you root for the team? I am trying to learn what is that makes their fans so passionate.
Oh I’d really appreciate if you could correct parts in my writing where it doesn’t read naturally. Cheers!
Could you tell me what team you support and what makes you root for the team? I am trying to learn what is that makes their fans so passionate.
Oh I’d really appreciate if you could correct parts in my writing where it doesn’t read naturally. Cheers!
I am not really into football as much, but my team is Arsenal. The reason is I used to live not far from their previous stadium and watch every match there and thought they had some really good players. I can't do that now as I am now living in Trinidad.
Premier, prime minister, are they same? which is often used?
Same meaning. We use Prime Minister for most countries but I think for China “Premier” is used more. I don’t know why this is. I’ve never heard “Prime Minister Li Keqiang” and also never heard “Premier Theresa May” (UK prime minister).
Can I buy the Premier League day ticket easily? Or difficult?
For example, big name teams,
・Manchester United / City
I want to watch these team’s games when I go to the England.🏴
For example, big name teams,
・Manchester United / City
I want to watch these team’s games when I go to the England.🏴
You can easily buy Premier League tickets online, just make sure you buy them on a trusted site. A trusted site will have a green lock 🔒 in the top search bar. The average price for football tickets are £30.68.
Premier membership is for professional people whose work commitments make it difficult for them to use the club during the day. この表現は自然ですか?
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