YouTube sensation とはどういう意味ですか?
Sensation means widespread reaction of interest and excitement.
Now, YouTube sensation would mean widespread reaction of interest and excitement on YouTube.
Now, YouTube sensation would mean widespread reaction of interest and excitement on YouTube.
Had to YouTube tarantulas swimming and was disappointed they didn't stroke with all legs at the same time like a rowing team とはどういう意味ですか?
“Tube” as in YouTube とはどういう意味ですか?
Old TVs like the one in the picture were called "Cathode Ray Tube" tvs because they were made with cathode ray tubes.TV got the secondary name of "Tube", which is short for cathode ray tube (tube is not used much now.) YouTube is using this meaning to mean YouTV.
A hack
As you can see on YouTube (for example: "Hacks for school"). Does that mean "astuce"? とはどういう意味ですか?
As you can see on YouTube (for example: "Hacks for school"). Does that mean "astuce"? とはどういう意味ですか?
Hacks are tips and tricks to help you do certain things.
YouTube ? とはどういう意味ですか?
Youtube is a place you share videos, where people all around the world can see them. You basically make videos. It's like a diary of your life, and you take people with you wherever you go.
ran out of...
I found this from YouTube Vedo
: to ensure the island nation never ran out of clean water.
How do I use "ran out of" correctly in a paragraph? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I found this from YouTube Vedo
: to ensure the island nation never ran out of clean water.
How do I use "ran out of" correctly in a paragraph? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Think of "to run out" as a single verb. It means to use something until there's none left.
"Scientists say we will run out of fossil fuels in about 50 years."
"I drank my water too quickly and ran out before we finished the hike."
"Uh oh, our fuel is running out faster than expected. We probably won't have enough."
Careful, because "to run out" also means to physically run outside of a building/location.
"They ran out of the burning building."
"Scientists say we will run out of fossil fuels in about 50 years."
"I drank my water too quickly and ran out before we finished the hike."
"Uh oh, our fuel is running out faster than expected. We probably won't have enough."
Careful, because "to run out" also means to physically run outside of a building/location.
"They ran out of the burning building."
“thumbs up”
(about YouTube) を使った例文を教えて下さい。
(about YouTube) を使った例文を教えて下さい。
If you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up please!
Please subscribe and give this video a thumbs up!
Please subscribe and give this video a thumbs up!
I studied on YouTube a good sentence: you've missed out a part of what it means to be human.
I could write it this way, couldn't I? " you've missed out a part of meaning to be human". It's okay ? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I could write it this way, couldn't I? " you've missed out a part of meaning to be human". It's okay ? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
You’ve missed out on a part of what it means to be human .
Can you recommend me some British YouTube channel? 🙃 を使った例文を教えて下さい。
can you recommend a british youtube channel? or do you have any suggestions for a british youtube channel?
do you like my YouTube channel ?? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
What do you think of my YouTube channel?
YouTube made a huge impact on kids と YouTube brought a huge impact on kids はどう違いますか?
It's not really a grammar issue; it's more about word choice. "Made an impact on someone" and "had an impact on someone" are both attested on Google, but "brought" doesn't look like it's used at all in this collocation. I'm not sure why, but I incline toward "had" here
He thought I was watching YouTube と He thought I am watching YouTube はどう違いますか?
the second answer is incorrect.
thought is past tense but am watching is present tense
thought is past tense but am watching is present tense
I watch YouTube before I have lunch. と I watch YouTube before having lunch. はどう違いますか?
I searched him on YouTube. と I searched for him on YouTube. はどう違いますか?
It’s the same meaning but “ I searched for him ...” sounds more natural
Sometimes I watch YouTube. と I watch YouTube sometimes. はどう違いますか?
There is no difference except the word order
나는 가끔 하루하루를 열심히 사는 YouTube video를 보곤 한다. 그런 영상들을 보고 있으면 나 또한 동기부여를 받아 더 열심히 하고자 하는 마음이 생긴다. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I often watch YouTube videos, where I live hard every day. If I see such images, I will also be motivated and willing to work harder
折り方(おりがみ)はYouTube、女の子、着せ替え、などで検索するとたくさん出てきますよ。 は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
“If you search for YouTube, girl, dress up doll, etc. you will get lots of results for origami” これでいいかな?
こんにちは。私はこのYouTubeチャンネルで自分で撮った写真を紹介する動画を投稿しています。皆様が無料でダウンロード出来る写真も投稿していますので動画の概要欄からダウンロードしていただけると、とても嬉しいです。私は日本人で英語が得意ではありません..だからコミュニケーションが上手にとれないことがあるかもしれません。そんな私ですが応援してくれるとありがたいです。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Hello everyone!
I post videos on this YouTube channel that introduce you to the pictures taken by me. And since you are posting my free downloadable pictures also, I would be very happy if you could download them from the summary column of the video. I am a Japanese and am not very good at English. Therefore, I may not be able to communicate well. So such is me and I would like to thank you for your support. Thank you.
I post videos on this YouTube channel that introduce you to the pictures taken by me. And since you are posting my free downloadable pictures also, I would be very happy if you could download them from the summary column of the video. I am a Japanese and am not very good at English. Therefore, I may not be able to communicate well. So such is me and I would like to thank you for your support. Thank you.
彼はすごく滑舌が良い。YouTubeの彼の動画の字幕はいつも正確だ は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
He is very articulate. The captions of his videos on YouTube are always perfect.
(YouTubeなどの動画の)総制作時間(total creation time?) は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
How long does it take to complete a YouTube video production?
I'm just came to YouTube, how can I modify this introduction translated with google translate (preferably in a more friendly and authentic language)
well if it's a text description, it's fine. 2-3 sentences are normal in descriptions as many people like to say who they are and what they do. if you had intentions to speak it though, you could just introduce yourself as "WaveJerry from Bilibili".
"I had never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube"
"I never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube"
Which one is correct?
"I never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube"
Which one is correct?
probably the first one. they are both technically correct but the first one seems like the thing to go for.
"I had never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube"
"I never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube"
Which one is correct?
"I never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube"
Which one is correct?
"I had never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube" = Past Perfect verb tense: the action happened in the distant past, BEFORE another event happened.
"I never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube"= Past Simple tense: this happened in the past, but we don’t know if it was long ago, or just yesterday.
Both sentences are correct.
"I never heard about it until I saw it on YouTube"= Past Simple tense: this happened in the past, but we don’t know if it was long ago, or just yesterday.
Both sentences are correct.
YouTube の発音を音声で教えてください。
you have to remember that there are different accents and people say it different. In Australia we say it like ‘youchoob’ you should probably specify which accent you want.
"I like to watch YouTube videos about cats. They are so cute and make me happy and relaxed."
Do you think the sentences above sound natural? "about cats" is correct? Thank you.
Do you think the sentences above sound natural? "about cats" is correct? Thank you.
About cats is correct and it sounds natural, but I would personally recommend changing it to "They are so cute, they make me feel happy and relaxed." Hope this helps :)
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