appraise とはどういう意味ですか?
to appraise = to estimate the value or price of something, such as an antique or a unique item that isn't normally sold
appraise とはどういう意味ですか?
To give money value to something:
This house was appraised at $200,000.
Test the way a worker works/ performance:
Team appraisals are very common in big companies.
This house was appraised at $200,000.
Test the way a worker works/ performance:
Team appraisals are very common in big companies.
appraise とはどういう意味ですか?
it means to closely observe and form an opinion or personal judgement/recommendation about a person,situation or thing.
appraise とはどういう意味ですか?
To judge or rate the value of something. Depending on the context, it can also mean to set a price on something.
appraise と estimate はどう違いますか?
An estimate is a tentative evaluation or rough calculation. An estimate can be given by anyone as it’s not official.
An appraisal is an unbiased estimate of your property's fair market value by a licensed professional.
An appraisal is an unbiased estimate of your property's fair market value by a licensed professional.
appraise と estimate はどう違いますか?
"Appraise" often involves a more formal or specialized evaluation, while "estimate" is typically used to describe a more casual or approximate calculation.
"Appraise" and "estimate" are both verbs that involve evaluating or determining the value or worth of something, but they are used in slightly different ways.
- "The real estate agent appraised the value of the house." (This suggests that the agent conducted a formal evaluation of the house's value based on specific criteria, such as its location, size, condition, and comparable sales in the area.)
- "I asked my friend to appraise the antique vase I inherited." (This implies that the friend has expertise in assessing the value of antiques and can provide a professional opinion on the vase's worth.)
- "I estimated that it would take me about an hour to finish the project." (This means that the speaker made a rough calculation or guess about how long the project would take, based on their own knowledge, experience, or intuition.)
- "The construction company estimated the cost of the new building." (This implies that the company made a calculation or prediction about the total cost of the building project, based on factors such as materials, labor, and time.)
"Appraise" and "estimate" are both verbs that involve evaluating or determining the value or worth of something, but they are used in slightly different ways.
- "The real estate agent appraised the value of the house." (This suggests that the agent conducted a formal evaluation of the house's value based on specific criteria, such as its location, size, condition, and comparable sales in the area.)
- "I asked my friend to appraise the antique vase I inherited." (This implies that the friend has expertise in assessing the value of antiques and can provide a professional opinion on the vase's worth.)
- "I estimated that it would take me about an hour to finish the project." (This means that the speaker made a rough calculation or guess about how long the project would take, based on their own knowledge, experience, or intuition.)
- "The construction company estimated the cost of the new building." (This implies that the company made a calculation or prediction about the total cost of the building project, based on factors such as materials, labor, and time.)
appraise と assess はどう違いますか?
Appraise is less commonly used and is more specific to assessing the price, quality or value of something. Assess is more general. You can say, “I assessed the situation” and “We appraised the house before we bought it.”
appraise と calculate と estimate と gauge と reckon はどう違いますか?
appraise is often used in relation to performance of people. Calculate is to reach the answer based on mathematics, another way of saying calculate something is to work out something. To estimate is to take a guess. Gauge is to try to measure something but is not mathematical like calculate. To reckon is to think something.
appraise と estimate と evaluate はどう違いますか?
appraise means to look at the value of something and determine its worth.
estimate means to make an educated guess.
evaluate means to assess as well but more according to criteria.
estimate means to make an educated guess.
evaluate means to assess as well but more according to criteria.
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