encounter defeat とはどういう意味ですか?
to lose; to fail
in the phrase, “defeat” is like a person that we might “encounter.”
in the phrase, “defeat” is like a person that we might “encounter.”
encounter とはどういう意味ですか?
in that case, that's exactly what you guessed (i.e. sexual practice)
encounter とはどういう意味ですか?
It’s basically means that you are meeting someone or something.
“I had a strange encounter with the neighbour”- in this sentence, we are saying that when we met the neighbour, something was a bit weird
“I did have an encounter like that”- in this sentence, we are recalling that we met a similar situation or person.
“I had a strange encounter with the neighbour”- in this sentence, we are saying that when we met the neighbour, something was a bit weird
“I did have an encounter like that”- in this sentence, we are recalling that we met a similar situation or person.
encounter とはどういう意味ですか?
to meet
medical encounter とはどういう意味ですか?
1、Medical encounter means medical issue(incident)or medical communication?
2、In the sentence ”streamline and enhance the documentation of medical encounters“ May I understand “medical encounters” like that:the record of the doctor and patient,the record may be matters need attention with signature?
3、Another translation“Medical encounter”is the medical issue,the ”streamline and enhance the documentation of medical encounters“ perhaps management the document for the whole medical procedures of one medical issue,as evidence or other purpose
1、Medical encounter means medical issue(incident)or medical communication?
2、In the sentence ”streamline and enhance the documentation of medical encounters“ May I understand “medical encounters” like that:the record of the doctor and patient,the record may be matters need attention with signature?
3、Another translation“Medical encounter”is the medical issue,the ”streamline and enhance the documentation of medical encounters“ perhaps management the document for the whole medical procedures of one medical issue,as evidence or other purpose
encounter(ing) を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I met Tom yesterday. Have you encountered him before?
This is the first time I have encountered this word in this context.
Encounter = meet, but with a slightly more formal usage
This is the first time I have encountered this word in this context.
Encounter = meet, but with a slightly more formal usage
encounter を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Hello, how are you?
Are you doing well today?
Are you ok?
Did you see the news today?
Are you doing well today?
Are you ok?
Did you see the news today?
encounter を使った例文を教えて下さい。
encounter を使った例文を教えて下さい。
The verb: "encounter" literally means "to come across, or meet" but unexpectedly or for a difficult situation. For example: "She encountered a strange creature in the woods." or "He encountered some problems with his work."
encounter を使った例文を教えて下さい。
-My encounter with the assassins were rough.
-Sherry encountered something she didn't expect. A confession from her childhood friend.
-You need to plan ahead the encounters that you'll be making with the enemy.
-Sherry encountered something she didn't expect. A confession from her childhood friend.
-You need to plan ahead the encounters that you'll be making with the enemy.
encounter と happen to see はどう違いますか?
Hi! Encounter is when you unexpectedly experience or are faced with something. Happen to see is something you notice but does not necessarily directly affect you Here are some example sentences ~
Encounter: I was hiking and I encountered an injured raccoon.
Encounter: I hope I don’t encounter a shark when i go surfing.
Happen to see: I was hiking and I happened to see a blue bird.
Happen to see: I went surfing and I happened to see a seagull eating popcorn.
I hope this helps!!
Encounter: I was hiking and I encountered an injured raccoon.
Encounter: I hope I don’t encounter a shark when i go surfing.
Happen to see: I was hiking and I happened to see a blue bird.
Happen to see: I went surfing and I happened to see a seagull eating popcorn.
I hope this helps!!
encounter と come across はどう違いますか?
“Come across” is more informal or regular. Encounter is more formal-a more/unexpected or special event.
to encounter と to meet はどう違いますか?
To encounter is like , meeting by chance, or run into someone. To meet, is more like, planned or intended to meet.
encounter と meet はどう違いますか?
encounter sometimes can mean you have only met/seen them once
example: I've encountered the boss at the store before, but he was in a rush so I didn't get to say hi.
so encounter isn't always meeting someone. meeting someone is more of casual for just everyday hello "
example: I've encountered the boss at the store before, but he was in a rush so I didn't get to say hi.
so encounter isn't always meeting someone. meeting someone is more of casual for just everyday hello "
encounter と confront はどう違いますか?
To encounter is to meet someone or something when you don't expect it. For instance you would encounter a teacher outside of school.
On the other hand, to confront someone is to meet them to argue or accuse them. It usually has a negative or aggressive meaning.
On the other hand, to confront someone is to meet them to argue or accuse them. It usually has a negative or aggressive meaning.
If I say "intimate encounter", would it be clear that I mean a date that ends up with sex? Can this word combination interpreted differently? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Uhh yeah but it sounds like something someone from a romance novel would say.
Other options are:
1) I'm looking to take things slow (this means not have sex for awhile)
2) I'm not interested in hooking up (hooking up = sex)
Other options are:
1) I'm looking to take things slow (this means not have sex for awhile)
2) I'm not interested in hooking up (hooking up = sex)
「しかし、私がそれに取り組んだとき、私はその曲の歌詞の意味を理解できないことに直面しました。」を英語で "However, when I tackled it, I had encounter that I don't understand the meaning of lyrics of that tune." と言ったらネイティブ・スピーカーに正確に伝わりますか? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Your translation is almost perfect! I would change "don't" to "didn't" to keep it past tense though.
Every encounter is unexpected on/in? the mountain(poetic) は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
in the poem the use of 'on' means anywhere on the mountain. from top to bottom. 'in' would mean inside the mountain.
since mountain is used as singular here 'on' would be the correct use here
since mountain is used as singular here 'on' would be the correct use here
What does "she was partially to blame for the encounter" (last paragraph) mean?
In a forthcoming book titled “What Do We Need Men For?: A Modest Proposal,” an excerpt from which was published on New York magazine’s website, Ms. Carroll, an advice columnist, accuses Mr. Trump of sexually assaulting her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the mid-1990s.
President Trump has forcefully denied the accusation, saying Ms. Carroll was “lying,” that he didn’t know her and that he wouldn’t have assaulted her because “she’s not my type.”
Portions of the interview were played Thursday on “The Daily,” and a fuller article about Ms. Carroll by Ms. Twohey, Jessica Bennett and Alexandra Alter will follow later in the day. For now, here are the main takeaways from the interview:
• The two women in whom Ms. Carroll confided were well-known figures in the ’90s world of New York media. Ms. Martin was a news anchor on WCBS-TV in New York from 1975 to 1995. Ms. Birnbach is a writer best known for “The Official Preppy Handbook,” a best seller released in 1981. She has occasionally written for The Times.
Both knew or had met Mr. Trump during that period: Ms. Birnbach had recently interviewed him at Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, Fla., while Ms. Martin had met him at her news station and had a friend who briefly dated him.
• When Ms. Carroll told the two women about the alleged attack, they had very different reactions: Ms. Birnbach said she told Ms. Carroll to call the police, while Ms. Martin told Ms. Carroll not to talk about it because Mr. Trump was too powerful. Ultimately, Ms. Carroll, thinking she was partially to blame for the encounter, remained silent about it for decades.
In a forthcoming book titled “What Do We Need Men For?: A Modest Proposal,” an excerpt from which was published on New York magazine’s website, Ms. Carroll, an advice columnist, accuses Mr. Trump of sexually assaulting her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the mid-1990s.
President Trump has forcefully denied the accusation, saying Ms. Carroll was “lying,” that he didn’t know her and that he wouldn’t have assaulted her because “she’s not my type.”
Portions of the interview were played Thursday on “The Daily,” and a fuller article about Ms. Carroll by Ms. Twohey, Jessica Bennett and Alexandra Alter will follow later in the day. For now, here are the main takeaways from the interview:
• The two women in whom Ms. Carroll confided were well-known figures in the ’90s world of New York media. Ms. Martin was a news anchor on WCBS-TV in New York from 1975 to 1995. Ms. Birnbach is a writer best known for “The Official Preppy Handbook,” a best seller released in 1981. She has occasionally written for The Times.
Both knew or had met Mr. Trump during that period: Ms. Birnbach had recently interviewed him at Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, Fla., while Ms. Martin had met him at her news station and had a friend who briefly dated him.
• When Ms. Carroll told the two women about the alleged attack, they had very different reactions: Ms. Birnbach said she told Ms. Carroll to call the police, while Ms. Martin told Ms. Carroll not to talk about it because Mr. Trump was too powerful. Ultimately, Ms. Carroll, thinking she was partially to blame for the encounter, remained silent about it for decades.
A is to blame for B = It's A's fault that B happened
A is partially to blame for B = It's partially A's fault that B happened = Part (but not all) fault for B is on A
A is partially to blame for B = It's partially A's fault that B happened = Part (but not all) fault for B is on A
...encounter something, that they are not used to. この表現は自然ですか?
then it should be 'when they came here, they encountered something they aren't used to'
encounter の発音を音声で教えてください。
if i encounter someone who have confident, can i say "you swagger man."? i've heard swagger inculudes disapproving meaning. i want to tell positive words.
swagger was once a negative term, but has been recycled and given a new meaning.
swagger is now seen as bravado and confidence, even cockiness. To use swagger in a sentence now would not be frowned upon.
swagger is now seen as bravado and confidence, even cockiness. To use swagger in a sentence now would not be frowned upon.
Our encounter happened 10 years ago. この表現は自然ですか?
Better version:
We encountered each other 10 years ago.
We encountered each other 10 years ago.
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