I’m fitting right in. とはどういう意味ですか?
"I'm getting along with everyone else. I feel comfortable."
How fitting. とはどういう意味ですか?
“How fitting” means “how appropriate”.
Usually when something suits the standard of a situation or circumstance, one would say, “how fitting.”
Usually when something suits the standard of a situation or circumstance, one would say, “how fitting.”
disassemble the fitting とはどういう意味ですか?
Disassemble: To undo or take something apart.
strangely fitting とはどういう意味ですか?
That something is unusual, yet appropriate.
a fitting capstone とはどういう意味ですか?
A capstone is a thing that finishes something. It might finish a career for example. The last building that an architect builds would be the capstone to his career.
A fitting capstone means it is fits, or matches what it is finishing.
A bad building would be a fitting capstone to a bad architect's career.
A great building would be a fitting capstone to a great architect's career.
A fitting capstone means it is fits, or matches what it is finishing.
A bad building would be a fitting capstone to a bad architect's career.
A great building would be a fitting capstone to a great architect's career.
fitting in with を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Fitting in with people is really hard for me to do.
Sara is fitting in quite well with her new classmates.
Sara is fitting in quite well with her new classmates.
a fitting finale to the day's events を使った例文を教えて下さい。
It means that "it" was a finale that made sense with the previous events of the day.
e.g "That/This/It was a fitting finale to the day's events."
"The news that she was well was amazing and was a fitting finale to the day's events."
e.g "That/This/It was a fitting finale to the day's events."
"The news that she was well was amazing and was a fitting finale to the day's events."
fitting in と get along with はどう違いますか?
Fitting in means to dress and act like members of a certain group of people.
Getting along with is holding a high level of tolerance toward a group of people, so there is little to no conflicts that arise.
Getting along with is holding a high level of tolerance toward a group of people, so there is little to no conflicts that arise.
fitting と coupling はどう違いますか?
A coupling is something that joins two things together often into a longer thing. You need a coupling to take two pieces of pipe and make one long pipe.
An adapter does some sort of conversion. An adapter can let something the wrong size work by first plugging it in an adapter.
A fitting is the most generic. Adapters, couplings, boxes, and more are all fittings.
An adapter does some sort of conversion. An adapter can let something the wrong size work by first plugging it in an adapter.
A fitting is the most generic. Adapters, couplings, boxes, and more are all fittings.
fitting と suitable はどう違いますか?
It really depends on the context.
I could say: “this jacket isn’t fitting” meaning the jacket does not fit well on me. I could also say: “this hat is really fitting me” which means the hat fits well. So either way, fitting can be negative or positive.
As for suitable, sort of the same thing except suitable is more on how appropriate something is for a situation.
So the difference between them is suitable refers to whether or not something is appropriate (can apply to clothes but other things as well) and fitting is whether or not something is right for a certain situation (most of the time used for clothes)
I could say: “this jacket isn’t fitting” meaning the jacket does not fit well on me. I could also say: “this hat is really fitting me” which means the hat fits well. So either way, fitting can be negative or positive.
As for suitable, sort of the same thing except suitable is more on how appropriate something is for a situation.
So the difference between them is suitable refers to whether or not something is appropriate (can apply to clothes but other things as well) and fitting is whether or not something is right for a certain situation (most of the time used for clothes)
where are the fitting room ? と where is the fitting room? はどう違いますか?
So it can also use on ,where are you?and where is you?
could you tell me where the fitting room is for? と could you tell me where the fitting room is? はどう違いますか?
"Where the fitting room is for" doesn't make sense
"Could you tell me where the fitting room is" is correct
"Could you tell me where the fitting room is" is correct
We don't have a fitting room
sounds natural? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
sounds natural? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
We don’t have a fitting room
It sounds natural
It sounds natural
how to make a fitting compliment to a person who has lost weight and looks much better now???? は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
There are a lot of expressions. Simply: 'You look fantastic!' Is ok and avoids problems.
We wound up at the fitting rooms.
What does 'Wound up' mean?
What does 'Wound up' mean?
Wound up in this sentence means to end up. We ended up at the fitting rooms. You would use the word "at" if you were near the rooms, but not inside a room. If you were inside the room, you would say "We wound up in the fitting rooms."
what do you say when you are in a fitting room or in the bathroom and someone is knocking on the door?
do you say it's occupied, I'm here or anything else?
do you say it's occupied, I'm here or anything else?
You can say “Sorry, it’s occupied,” or “Sorry, I’m using this stall right now.” If they really need to use the bathroom, be polite and finish using the bathroom quickly, or direct them to an empty stall if there is one.
I've seen in some fitting rooms that they say "mens" and "womens" (for example in primark) but I don't know why as it's suppose that the word "men" its already plural, same with women. Could someone explain me this? Thanks!!
they call the bathrooms the "men's room" and the "women's room" so I guess it caught on with dressing rooms too
He feel released because of a/the fitting finale to the day's events. この表現は自然ですか?
Maybe "He felt relieved because his day ended well."
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