I'm going to travel to GB と I will travel to GB はどう違いますか?
"will" no se usa para tus planes sino decisiones que haces en el momento de hablar, así que no digas "I will travel..."
Inglés GB と Inglés USA はどう違いますか?
What is the difference between British English and American English?
English in the US and English in the UK is the same language and there is no *major* difference, but there are thousands of *minor* differences. In general conversation, an American and a Briton can understand each other easily. Here are some videos that will help you.
British or American English 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Which one should you study?
What's the difference between American & British English?
VlogAngeles Day 8: Transatlantic Slang Smackdown
Vlogyear - Transatlantic Slang Smackdown - Day 13
English in the US and English in the UK is the same language and there is no *major* difference, but there are thousands of *minor* differences. In general conversation, an American and a Briton can understand each other easily. Here are some videos that will help you.
British or American English 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Which one should you study?
What's the difference between American & British English?
VlogAngeles Day 8: Transatlantic Slang Smackdown
Vlogyear - Transatlantic Slang Smackdown - Day 13
How much extra do you charge if I go over by 1 GB? と How much extra do you charge if I go over 1 GB? はどう違いますか?
"How much extra do you charge if I go over by 1 GB" means that you used 1 GB more. For example, If you had 6 GB, but you used 7 GB, then you went over by 1 GB.
"How much extra do you charge if I go over 1 GB" sounds more like the company only gives you 1 GB, so if you use 2 GB, they will charge you extra.
"How much extra do you charge if I go over 1 GB" sounds more like the company only gives you 1 GB, so if you use 2 GB, they will charge you extra.
GB と EE.UU はどう違いますか?
What's the context?
(for GB natives) 'Do you have' or 'Have you got' (what's the form do you use?) は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
You can use either but “do you have” is most commonly used
How do you say this (GB) in English は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
"gee bee" as in saying the letters of the English alphabet.
GB は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
Great Britain..
GB は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
Great Britain
It looks like I need at least 8 GB of free storage on my iPad to install Genshin Impact.
Given that I need at least 8 GB of free storage on my iPad to install Genshin Impact.
It seems like I need at least 8 GB of free storage on my iPad to install Genshin Impact.
It seems that I need at least 8 GB of free storage on my iPad to install Genshin Impact. この表現は自然ですか?
Given that I need at least 8 GB of free storage on my iPad to install Genshin Impact.
It seems like I need at least 8 GB of free storage on my iPad to install Genshin Impact.
It seems that I need at least 8 GB of free storage on my iPad to install Genshin Impact. この表現は自然ですか?
the second one doesn't sound natural but the rest sound great!
24 GB of 32 GB used
Why isn’t “is” use here?
Why isn’t “is” use here?
"of" can be used to represent the difference between a part and a whole, "is" is not grammatically correct in this usage, otherwise it would be "24 GB of 32 GB is in use"
♥ for GB natives♥ 'splinter' (and show me how to use it, please)の発音を音声で教えてください。
I have a splinter in my finger. It is a splinter of wood
♥for GB natives♥
'I fell asleep during school lesson' (is this correct?)の発音を音声で教えてください。
♥for GB natives♥
'I fell asleep during school lesson' (is this correct?)の発音を音声で教えてください。
i fell asleep during lesson.
we dont typically need to say 'school' in the sentence as we understand what you mean when you say 'lesson'
we dont typically need to say 'school' in the sentence as we understand what you mean when you say 'lesson'
How much extra to get 2 more GB? この表現は自然ですか?
僕だったら「How much more will it cost to get 2 more GB?」。
"extra" と "more" are similar, but with a slight difference in nuance, as extra implies "more than expected/needed, additional.." In this example sentence, extra would work on either side of the statement: "extra cost" or "extra memory". でもなんとなく「I paid 10 bucks more to get an extra 2GB of memory」の方が自然な気がする。。。僕だけかな? :)
"extra" と "more" are similar, but with a slight difference in nuance, as extra implies "more than expected/needed, additional.." In this example sentence, extra would work on either side of the statement: "extra cost" or "extra memory". でもなんとなく「I paid 10 bucks more to get an extra 2GB of memory」の方が自然な気がする。。。僕だけかな? :)
- comment se prononce la syllabe ヲ dans チヲハウハネ ? wo ou o ?
- Could you please give me examples of conversations from daily life where you use "~ようとしない"?
- 疎かに を使った例文を教えて下さい。
- 面倒を見てやってくれ と 面倒を見てくれ はどう違いますか?
- お前がなんと言ってもこいつのバカは治らないんだよ。いや、言えば言うだけさらにバカんなるだけだよな 言えば言うだけってどういう意味ですか
- シャワシャ とはどういう意味ですか?
- される を使った例文を教えて下さい。
- 人間失格には次ぎの詩句が引用されました。 「不安や恐怖もて人を脅やかす奴輩は 自の作りし大それた罪に怯え 死にしものの復讐に備えんと 自の頭にたえず計いを為す」 とあるが,その中の「作りし」、「...
- 下の文章は自然ですか? 私は幼い頃からなぜ子供は大人たちに言われた通りにしなければならないのか理解できなかった。
- 呼称についての質問です。 ○○社長、○○総理などの「苗字・名前+肩書」はよく見かけますが。 「○○お嬢様、○○若奥様、○○おばあさん」みたいな呼称に訳すと、違和感がありますか、くどいですか。