I got myself a massage. とはどういう意味ですか?
Oh he got a something nice
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
"My massage was pure indulgence とはどういう意味ですか?
"My massage was pure indulgence とはどういう意味ですか?
"indulgence" is enjoyment for oneself.
in-office massage or yoga とはどういう意味ですか?
yoga is a type of exercise mostly involving stretching.
Would be happier for me if I could get a massage. とはどういう意味ですか?
(This event/trip) would be happier for me if I could get a massage. (このイベントは)マッサージしてもらえたらもっと嬉しい。原文はちょっと変わっています。
massage. を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Massage can be a verb or a noun.
Today I'm going to get a massage.
He massaged her shoulders.
Today I'm going to get a massage.
He massaged her shoulders.
massage を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I would really love a massage right now.
A massage is the only thing that can soothe me as of right now.
Would you like me to massage your shoulders?
You must want a massage after a long day.
PS : I hope this made sense ahaha 😅
A massage is the only thing that can soothe me as of right now.
Would you like me to massage your shoulders?
You must want a massage after a long day.
PS : I hope this made sense ahaha 😅
How many do you massage in a week? と How many times do you massage a week? はどう違いますか?
You need to say “How many times a week do you get a massage?” Because “how many do you massage a week” is not quite correct and sounds like you are asking “你每週給多少人按摩”
I haven't seen your massage と I didn't see your message はどう違いますか?
@ludber3103 "I didn't see you message.", probably. It means they sent the message but you didn't actually read it or notice that you'd received it.
clumsy massage と sloppy massage はどう違いますか?
nearly, clumsy doesn’t always mean they tried to do better, it’s just that clumsy people tend to mess up while trying.
have a massage と get a massage はどう違いますか?
They are interchangeable.
I didn't see your massage と I hadn't checked your massage はどう違いますか?
"I didn't see your message" = They didn't know or hadn't noticed that you sent a message.
"I hadn't checked your message" = They know you sent a message, but they haven't read it yet.
"I hadn't checked your message" = They know you sent a message, but they haven't read it yet.
Massage is it countable or uncountable? Can we say: I had two massages this week, on Monday and on Friday?
What verb do we use for massage therapist? They gave massages or which other verbs can be used?
Can we say types of massages: a body massage etc は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
What verb do we use for massage therapist? They gave massages or which other verbs can be used?
Can we say types of massages: a body massage etc は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
massage is countable and behaves like all countable mouns.
massage therapist is a compound noun like
ball boy
farmyard animal
massage therapist is a compound noun like
ball boy
farmyard animal
massage and message は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
would you like to correct me? "Let us send some massage a day each other in English and Japanese.please correct my English.I would correct your Japanese. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Let's send each other messages each day in English and Japanese. If you correct my English I can correct your Japanese.
massage stick, massage rod oe something else? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Genau, massage stick
जो massage का reply न दे उसपर massage करना माह पाप है は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
it is sin to message someone who doesn't reply
So far as I know, we haven't received massage from him. I have checked my email account and Abc's account too. この表現は自然ですか?
× So far as I know, we haven't received massage from him.
✓ So far as I know, we haven't received any messages from him.
"massage" means rubbing someone's back to relax them
✓ So far as I know, we haven't received any messages from him.
"massage" means rubbing someone's back to relax them
When I get a massage, Machine is not good as human. この表現は自然ですか?
when i get a massage, the machine is not as good as a human.
- Why it is called the blind massage?
- Because most of the massagists have problems with their eyes. Although their eyesights are bad, but they were trained as a good massage skills.
- Because most of the massagists have problems with their eyes. Although their eyesights are bad, but they were trained as a good massage skills.
- Why it is called "the blind massage"?
- Because most of the massage therapists have problems with their eyes. Although their eyesight is bad, they were trained with good massage skills. ("Although" and "but" cannot be used together. "eyesight" is 不可数名词 so cannot have "s".)
- Because most of the massage therapists have problems with their eyes. Although their eyesight is bad, they were trained with good massage skills. ("Although" and "but" cannot be used together. "eyesight" is 不可数名词 so cannot have "s".)
I finally went for a massage today. It did relax my body. After the massage, I feel good than ever.
Today, my girlfriend told me that her friend's mother and father said it's not good to marry a man who isn't a christian and I feel not good for hearing this because I cannot feel her faith that we will definitely get married when she told me this thing.
I can't even touch her sensitive parts of body. I started to wonder if it was a mistake to be in a relationship with her, because I haven't been happy since we started to date. I hope that she can let me at least touch her breast but it seems impossible.
I cannot feel the passion without intimacy and she wants to give her first to her husband. Maybe we are not suitable.
I'll continue observing for a period of time to see if we can get some progress. If there is no progress, I'll be the one who says breakup first. この表現は自然ですか?
Today, my girlfriend told me that her friend's mother and father said it's not good to marry a man who isn't a christian and I feel not good for hearing this because I cannot feel her faith that we will definitely get married when she told me this thing.
I can't even touch her sensitive parts of body. I started to wonder if it was a mistake to be in a relationship with her, because I haven't been happy since we started to date. I hope that she can let me at least touch her breast but it seems impossible.
I cannot feel the passion without intimacy and she wants to give her first to her husband. Maybe we are not suitable.
I'll continue observing for a period of time to see if we can get some progress. If there is no progress, I'll be the one who says breakup first. この表現は自然ですか?
I finally went for a massage today, it did relax my body. After the massage, I felt better than ever.
Today, my girlfriend told me that her friend's parents said it's not good to marry a man who isn't a christian and I don't feel good for hearing this because since she told me that, she doesn't seem to think we will definitely get married.
I can't even touch her sensitive body parts. I started to wonder if it is a mistake to be in a relationship with her, because I haven't been happy since we started to date. I hope that she can let me at least touch her breast but it seems impossible.
I cannot feel passion without intimacy and she wants to give her first to her husband. Maybe we are not suitable.
I'll continue observing for some time to see if we can get some progress. If there is no progress, I'll be the one who breaks up.
Today, my girlfriend told me that her friend's parents said it's not good to marry a man who isn't a christian and I don't feel good for hearing this because since she told me that, she doesn't seem to think we will definitely get married.
I can't even touch her sensitive body parts. I started to wonder if it is a mistake to be in a relationship with her, because I haven't been happy since we started to date. I hope that she can let me at least touch her breast but it seems impossible.
I cannot feel passion without intimacy and she wants to give her first to her husband. Maybe we are not suitable.
I'll continue observing for some time to see if we can get some progress. If there is no progress, I'll be the one who breaks up.
"does the massage parlor have showers?" この表現は自然ですか?
Yeah that's a reasonable sounding question. Though I've never been to a massage parlor
- こちらの商品は、先にお会計を済ませてから向こう側の店舗をご利用いただけます。各店舗ごとに会計が分かれております。 この表現は自然ですか?
- この文は自然ですか? 気軽に私の間違いを訂正して下さい 🙏 議長を務めながら、橋本社長はやんわりと会社員からの質問に全部答えてしまいました。
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- 私は明日の午前に会社で働きません。 上の文は自然ですか?よろしくお願いします🙇