foreign nationals とはどういう意味ですか?
Foreign nationals are people that come from other countries into your own home country.
Something like if you come to the U.S. with a work/student visa, you are considered a foreign national.
Something like if you come to the U.S. with a work/student visa, you are considered a foreign national.
national とはどういう意味ですか?
Relating to a country or nation.
National country stated
For example: "How long have you been a national of country stated?" とはどういう意味ですか?
For example: "How long have you been a national of country stated?" とはどういう意味ですか?
How long have you been a citizen/person who lives there. Country stated means it is referring to a country that has been mentioned already.
i'm a national とはどういう意味ですか?
well in the U.S.A if you are a national you are not a citizen of the country but you live in territory of the country. like people who live in Puerto Rico or other islands that belong to the U.S. you can apply to be a citizen later and can travel to and from the country.... does this make sense?
national を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Star spangled banner is America's national anthem.
New Years Eve is a national holiday.
New Years Eve is a national holiday.
national を使った例文を教えて下さい。
hello, my name is iwamoto, nice to meet you
National Sanctuary と national nature reserve と national conservation area と national park はどう違いますか?
The difference between a national sanctuary, a national nature reserve, a national conservation area, and a national park is a matter of the specific goals and purposes of each type of protected area. These terms are used to refer to different types of protected areas that are established by governments for the purpose of preserving natural resources and promoting conservation.
A national sanctuary is a protected area that is established for the purpose of providing a safe haven for a specific species or group of species. It is typically used to protect animals that are endangered or threatened, and may include measures to help the animals recover and thrive. For example, "The island is a national sanctuary for seabirds, and it is off-limits to visitors."
A national nature reserve is a protected area that is established to protect a specific natural feature or ecosystem. It is typically used to preserve areas that are of particular scientific, ecological, or aesthetic value, and may include measures to protect the area from development or other forms of human impact. For example, "The forest is a national nature reserve, and it is protected by law from logging or other forms of development."
A national conservation area is a protected area that is established to protect a specific natural resource or group of resources. It is typically used to protect resources that are of economic, cultural, or ecological importance, and may include measures to manage the use of the resources in a sustainable way. For example, "The river is a national conservation area, and it is managed by the government to ensure that it is protected for future generations."
A national park is a protected area that is established to preserve a natural area in its natural state. It is typically used to protect areas of significant natural beauty or ecological value, and may include measures to prevent development or other forms of human impact. For example, "The mountains are a national park, and they are protected by law from logging or other forms of development."
A national sanctuary is a protected area that is established for the purpose of providing a safe haven for a specific species or group of species. It is typically used to protect animals that are endangered or threatened, and may include measures to help the animals recover and thrive. For example, "The island is a national sanctuary for seabirds, and it is off-limits to visitors."
A national nature reserve is a protected area that is established to protect a specific natural feature or ecosystem. It is typically used to preserve areas that are of particular scientific, ecological, or aesthetic value, and may include measures to protect the area from development or other forms of human impact. For example, "The forest is a national nature reserve, and it is protected by law from logging or other forms of development."
A national conservation area is a protected area that is established to protect a specific natural resource or group of resources. It is typically used to protect resources that are of economic, cultural, or ecological importance, and may include measures to manage the use of the resources in a sustainable way. For example, "The river is a national conservation area, and it is managed by the government to ensure that it is protected for future generations."
A national park is a protected area that is established to preserve a natural area in its natural state. It is typically used to protect areas of significant natural beauty or ecological value, and may include measures to prevent development or other forms of human impact. For example, "The mountains are a national park, and they are protected by law from logging or other forms of development."
national と citizen はどう違いますか?
All citizens are nationals, but not all nationals are citizens.
Nationals don't have all the same rights as citizens. For example, U.S. nationals can't vote in federal elections or be elected to government. However, they have the right to live in the United States, and that right cannot be taken away from them, unlike permanent residents or visa holders.
Nationals don't have all the same rights as citizens. For example, U.S. nationals can't vote in federal elections or be elected to government. However, they have the right to live in the United States, and that right cannot be taken away from them, unlike permanent residents or visa holders.
national と country はどう違いますか?
National is an adjective. Country is a noun.
I live in my country. I love my country.
That is a national sport. I have national pride.
I live in my country. I love my country.
That is a national sport. I have national pride.
national と international はどう違いますか?
National = within the same country
International = to other countries
International = to other countries
national は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
national は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
national は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
national は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
national は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
She is one of four Chinese nationals charged with visa fraud by Justice Department officials. They were studying at American universities,
and are suspected of lying about their ties to China's military.
and are suspected of lying about their ties to China's military.
"Their" refers to "the four Chinese national". You can tell because the sentence starts with "they", which is referring to all four people.
Wherever I went, I always saw Chinese nationals, especially in Pasay and Parañaque. They are working in online gaming, construction sites, and some of them have their own businesses here such as; restaurants, bars, convenience stores, clothing stores and many more. この表現は自然ですか?
× Wherever I went, I always saw Chinese nationals, especially in Pasay and Parañaque.
✓ Wherever I went,especially in Pasay and Parañaque, I Would often see Chinese nationals.
× They are working in online gaming, construction sites, and some of them have their own businesses here such as; restaurants, bars, convenience stores, clothing stores and many more.
✓ They hold jobs on online gaming, construction sites, and some of them have their own businesses here such as; restaurants, bars, convenience stores, clothing stores and many more.
✓ Wherever I went,especially in Pasay and Parañaque, I Would often see Chinese nationals.
× They are working in online gaming, construction sites, and some of them have their own businesses here such as; restaurants, bars, convenience stores, clothing stores and many more.
✓ They hold jobs on online gaming, construction sites, and some of them have their own businesses here such as; restaurants, bars, convenience stores, clothing stores and many more.
how national この表現は自然ですか?
Nowadays, many foreign nationals are working in convenience stores in Japan, and there are many times when a foreign national customer converses with a foreign national employee. According to exchanges at a BBS, that's a pretty awkward moment for them, and in such case, they get confused whether they should speak in Japanese or English.
A Caucasian woman shared her story. Once, she needed to talk to a Causasian female employee at a store in Japan. After wondering what language to speak in, she talked to the employee in English and ended up being ignored by her.
Another poster talked about his unpleasant experience with an non-Japanese employee. He bought soup noodle or something and the employee gave him a fork instead of chopsticks, like "You're a foreigner. There's no shame about using this." この表現は自然ですか?
A Caucasian woman shared her story. Once, she needed to talk to a Causasian female employee at a store in Japan. After wondering what language to speak in, she talked to the employee in English and ended up being ignored by her.
Another poster talked about his unpleasant experience with an non-Japanese employee. He bought soup noodle or something and the employee gave him a fork instead of chopsticks, like "You're a foreigner. There's no shame about using this." この表現は自然ですか?
Your English is very good. Only change soup noodle to noodle soup. And you could change foreign nationals to just foreigner; i don't think that has many negative connotations. contextually: a BBS is a very Japanese term or an older English term. Perhaps it is a good idea to change it to forum.
National ceviche day is take place around all of the country of peru. It's celebrated because ceviche is mostly consumed in the summer and it has the largest variety of presentations. for example:
ceviche de corvina
ceviche mixto
ceviche de conchas negras and many more.
Its main ingredients are: fresh fish, lemon, onion, chili pepper and salt. furthermore it's believe that this traditional meal had its origin in the moche culture, so in 2008 it was decreed that every june 28 is celebrated the national day of ceviche
for that reason, every june 28 are held in our country various activities in commemoration of the national dish foe exmple:
the first gastronomic fair invita Peru
Mega plaza
as well as in different parts of the country that remind us that the best ceviche is the peruvian. この表現は自然ですか?
ceviche de corvina
ceviche mixto
ceviche de conchas negras and many more.
Its main ingredients are: fresh fish, lemon, onion, chili pepper and salt. furthermore it's believe that this traditional meal had its origin in the moche culture, so in 2008 it was decreed that every june 28 is celebrated the national day of ceviche
for that reason, every june 28 are held in our country various activities in commemoration of the national dish foe exmple:
the first gastronomic fair invita Peru
Mega plaza
as well as in different parts of the country that remind us that the best ceviche is the peruvian. この表現は自然ですか?
National Ceviche Day TAKES around all of PERU. It's celebrated because ceviche is mostly consumed in the summer and it has the largest variety of presentations. For example:
ceviche de corvina
ceviche mixto
ceviche de conchas negras and many more.
Its main ingredients are: fresh fish, lemon, onion, chili pepper and salt. Furthermore it's believeD that this traditional meal had its origin in the moche culture, so in 2008 it was decreed that every June 28 the national day of ceviche IS CELEBRATED.
For that reason, every June 28 various activities ARE HELD IN OUR COUNTRY in commemoration of the national dish foR exAmple:
the first gastronomic fair invita Peru
Mega plaza
as well as in different parts of the country TO remind us that the best ceviche is PERUVIAN.
'variety of presentations' could be OK but I would say 'number of varieties'.
ceviche de corvina
ceviche mixto
ceviche de conchas negras and many more.
Its main ingredients are: fresh fish, lemon, onion, chili pepper and salt. Furthermore it's believeD that this traditional meal had its origin in the moche culture, so in 2008 it was decreed that every June 28 the national day of ceviche IS CELEBRATED.
For that reason, every June 28 various activities ARE HELD IN OUR COUNTRY in commemoration of the national dish foR exAmple:
the first gastronomic fair invita Peru
Mega plaza
as well as in different parts of the country TO remind us that the best ceviche is PERUVIAN.
'variety of presentations' could be OK but I would say 'number of varieties'.
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