fold like an origami swan とはどういう意味ですか?
Well, origami itself is the Japanese art of skillfully folding paper into decorative shapes and figures. It requires a lot of precision, focus, and effort to make.
Maybe “fold like an origami swan” means doing something complicated and entail oriented, but I’m not 100% sure.
Maybe “fold like an origami swan” means doing something complicated and entail oriented, but I’m not 100% sure.
fold like an origami swan とはどういう意味ですか?
One meaning is that someone collapsed very easily (ie. when hit in a fighting match). In this case, 'fold' means to 'crumple and fall'
origami は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Es lo mismo en inglés: origami.
Aún se pronuncia lo mismo.
Aún se pronuncia lo mismo.
origami は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
origamis は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Origami is a Japanese word, and is also 'origami' in English :)
I tried to teach as an Origami math teacher at my daughter’s preschool the other day. This was a very exciting experience for me!
I thought I was going to melt because the children were so cute meowing with the origami cats they had made.
Thank you so much Jyoti for this opportunity. And thank you so much Doreen and Mary for helping me♡ この表現は自然ですか?
I thought I was going to melt because the children were so cute meowing with the origami cats they had made.
Thank you so much Jyoti for this opportunity. And thank you so much Doreen and Mary for helping me♡ この表現は自然ですか?
Very good, except that it sounded like “I thought I was going to metal”
(1) This is an origami instruction of a bird.
(2) This is an origami instruction for a bird.
(2) This is an origami instruction for a bird.
× (1) This is an origami instruction of a bird.
✓ (1) These are the instructions of an origami bird.
× (2) This is an origami instruction for a bird.
✓ (2) These are the instructions for an origami bird.
origami instruction X
instruction for a ___ origami O
✓ (1) These are the instructions of an origami bird.
× (2) This is an origami instruction for a bird.
✓ (2) These are the instructions for an origami bird.
origami instruction X
instruction for a ___ origami O
I'm doing origami
I did origami
I'm doing paper folding
I did origami
I'm doing paper folding
"I'm doing an origami"
"I did an origami"
"I'm paper folding"
"I'm making an origami"
"I made an origami"
"I'm folding paper"
Would be better sentences 😁
"I did an origami"
"I'm paper folding"
"I'm making an origami"
"I made an origami"
"I'm folding paper"
Would be better sentences 😁
Origami is “the Japanese art of folding paper into attractive shapes.”(OALD) Orizuru, or paper crane, has especially become a symbol of peace. This stems from a story about a girl named Sadako, who tried folding a thousand crane in hopes that her leukemia, caused by the atomic bomb, would be cured. She became a model for the statue at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. To tell the truth, I wasn’t able to fold a crane until I was 12 years old. However, before I took a school trip to Hiroshima, I read this story and was so impressed that I practiced a lot. On the day of the visit to Hiroshima, I gave 100 cranes that I have folded by myself to the statue. Now, the culture of origami is spreading all over the world. I hope with this spread, the story about Sadako will be widely known and more and more people will fold paper cranes wishing for eternal peace この表現は自然ですか?
Origami is the Japanese art of folding squares of paper into representational shapes. Especially, orizuru, paper crane, has become a symbol of peace. This stems from a story about Sadako, who tried folding a thousand crane wishing her leukemia caused by the atomic bomb would be cured and became a model of the statue at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. To tell the truth, I wasn’t able to fold crane until 12 years old. However, before I took a school trip to Hiroshima, I read this story and was so impressed that I practiced a lot. On the day of the visit to Hiroshima, I gave 100 cranes I had fold by myself to the statue. Now, the culture of origami is widely spreading all over the world. I hope with this spread, the story about Sadako will be known and more and more people will fold paper cranes wishing for eternal peace. この表現は自然ですか?
The orizuru, or paper crane, has especially become a symbol of peace. This stems from a story about a woman named Sadako who tried folding a thousand cranes in hopes that her leukemia, caused by the atomic bomb, would be cured. The paper cranes became the model for the statue at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. To tell the truth, I wasn’t able to fold a crane until I was 12 years old.
On the day of the visit to Hiroshima, I gave 100 cranes that I folded myself to the statue.
On the day of the visit to Hiroshima, I gave 100 cranes that I folded myself to the statue.
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