precinct とはどういう意味ですか?
a city is split into different "precincts", each with its own police force and elections
the area within a building
the area within a building
How do you say precinct? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
precinct は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
We are now in the precincts of a Buddhist temple. This temple is called Kofukuji Temple. Kofukuji Temple was founded in 710, the year the caital (Heijo-kyo Capital) was established in Nara.
This wooden hall is octagonal in shape with eight corners. It is called Hokuen-do, or North Octagonal Hall. The other wooden building you see over there is also an octagonal hall. It is called Nan-endo or South Octagonal Hall because it is located on the south side. The original North Octagonal Hall was destroyed by fire. The present North Octagonal Hall was rebuilt in the Kamakura period, early 13th century. It is the oldest existing building here at Kofukuji Temple. The main image of the hall is a statue of Maitreya Buddha. Two other statues of Bodhisattvas and the Four Heavenly Kings are also enshrined in the hall. Those statues were created by the famous historical sculptor Unkei and his school menbers. This hall and all statues are designated as national treasures. この表現は自然ですか?
This wooden hall is octagonal in shape with eight corners. It is called Hokuen-do, or North Octagonal Hall. The other wooden building you see over there is also an octagonal hall. It is called Nan-endo or South Octagonal Hall because it is located on the south side. The original North Octagonal Hall was destroyed by fire. The present North Octagonal Hall was rebuilt in the Kamakura period, early 13th century. It is the oldest existing building here at Kofukuji Temple. The main image of the hall is a statue of Maitreya Buddha. Two other statues of Bodhisattvas and the Four Heavenly Kings are also enshrined in the hall. Those statues were created by the famous historical sculptor Unkei and his school menbers. This hall and all statues are designated as national treasures. この表現は自然ですか?
× We are now in the precincts of a Buddhist temple.
✓ We are now within the grounds of Kofukuji Temple, a historic Buddhist temple.
× This temple is called Kofukuji Temple.
× Kofukuji Temple was founded in 710, the year the caital (Heijo-kyo Capital) was established in Nara.
✓ Kofukuji Temple was founded in 710, the same year the Heijo-kyo Capital was established in Nara.
× This wooden hall is octagonal in shape with eight corners.
✓ This wooden hall, octagonal in shape with eight corners, is called Hokuen-do, or the North Octagonal Hall.
× It is called Hokuen-do, or North Octagonal Hall.
× The other wooden building you see over there is also an octagonal hall.
✓ The wooden building you see over there is also octagonal and is known as Nan-endo, or the South Octagonal Hall, as it is located on the southern side.
× It is called Nan-endo or South Octagonal Hall because it is located on the south side.
× The original North Octagonal Hall was destroyed by fire.
✓ The original North Octagonal Hall was destroyed by fire, and the present structure was rebuilt during the Kamakura period in the early 13th century.
× The present North Octagonal Hall was rebuilt in the Kamakura period, early 13th century.
× It is the oldest existing building here at Kofukuji Temple.
✓ It is the oldest surviving building at Kofukuji Temple.
× The main image of the hall is a statue of Maitreya Buddha.
✓ The main image enshrined in this hall is a statue of Maitreya Buddha, accompanied by two Bodhisattva statues and representations of the Four Heavenly Kings.
× Two other statues of Bodhisattvas and the Four Heavenly Kings are also enshrined in the hall.
× Those statues were created by the famous historical sculptor Unkei and his school menbers.
✓ These statues were crafted by the renowned sculptor Unkei and his school members.
× This hall and all statues are designated as national treasures.
✓ Both the hall and the statues have been designated as national treasures.
Your passage is clear and easy to follow, but it can be slightly polished to enhance its flow and naturalness. Here's a refined version:
We are now within the grounds of Kofukuji Temple, a historic Buddhist temple. Kofukuji Temple was founded in 710, the same year the Heijo-kyo Capital was established in Nara.
This wooden hall, octagonal in shape with eight corners, is called Hokuen-do, or the North Octagonal Hall. The wooden building you see over there is also octagonal and is known as Nan-endo, or the South Octagonal Hall, as it is located on the southern side.
The original North Octagonal Hall was destroyed by fire, and the present structure was rebuilt during the Kamakura period in the early 13th century. It is the oldest surviving building at Kofukuji Temple. The main image enshrined in this hall is a statue of Maitreya Buddha, accompanied by two Bodhisattva statues and representations of the Four Heavenly Kings. These statues were crafted by the renowned sculptor Unkei and his school members.
Both the hall and the statues have been designated as national treasures.
This revision maintains all the original information while improving sentence flow and coherence.
✓ We are now within the grounds of Kofukuji Temple, a historic Buddhist temple.
× This temple is called Kofukuji Temple.
× Kofukuji Temple was founded in 710, the year the caital (Heijo-kyo Capital) was established in Nara.
✓ Kofukuji Temple was founded in 710, the same year the Heijo-kyo Capital was established in Nara.
× This wooden hall is octagonal in shape with eight corners.
✓ This wooden hall, octagonal in shape with eight corners, is called Hokuen-do, or the North Octagonal Hall.
× It is called Hokuen-do, or North Octagonal Hall.
× The other wooden building you see over there is also an octagonal hall.
✓ The wooden building you see over there is also octagonal and is known as Nan-endo, or the South Octagonal Hall, as it is located on the southern side.
× It is called Nan-endo or South Octagonal Hall because it is located on the south side.
× The original North Octagonal Hall was destroyed by fire.
✓ The original North Octagonal Hall was destroyed by fire, and the present structure was rebuilt during the Kamakura period in the early 13th century.
× The present North Octagonal Hall was rebuilt in the Kamakura period, early 13th century.
× It is the oldest existing building here at Kofukuji Temple.
✓ It is the oldest surviving building at Kofukuji Temple.
× The main image of the hall is a statue of Maitreya Buddha.
✓ The main image enshrined in this hall is a statue of Maitreya Buddha, accompanied by two Bodhisattva statues and representations of the Four Heavenly Kings.
× Two other statues of Bodhisattvas and the Four Heavenly Kings are also enshrined in the hall.
× Those statues were created by the famous historical sculptor Unkei and his school menbers.
✓ These statues were crafted by the renowned sculptor Unkei and his school members.
× This hall and all statues are designated as national treasures.
✓ Both the hall and the statues have been designated as national treasures.
Your passage is clear and easy to follow, but it can be slightly polished to enhance its flow and naturalness. Here's a refined version:
We are now within the grounds of Kofukuji Temple, a historic Buddhist temple. Kofukuji Temple was founded in 710, the same year the Heijo-kyo Capital was established in Nara.
This wooden hall, octagonal in shape with eight corners, is called Hokuen-do, or the North Octagonal Hall. The wooden building you see over there is also octagonal and is known as Nan-endo, or the South Octagonal Hall, as it is located on the southern side.
The original North Octagonal Hall was destroyed by fire, and the present structure was rebuilt during the Kamakura period in the early 13th century. It is the oldest surviving building at Kofukuji Temple. The main image enshrined in this hall is a statue of Maitreya Buddha, accompanied by two Bodhisattva statues and representations of the Four Heavenly Kings. These statues were crafted by the renowned sculptor Unkei and his school members.
Both the hall and the statues have been designated as national treasures.
This revision maintains all the original information while improving sentence flow and coherence.
Can precinct be used interchangeably with constituency when it comes to election?
A "precinct" is the geographical area which an elected legislator represents. The "constituency" are the people in that geographical area.
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