Intentional as in "Be intentional about the reality you're creating" とはどういう意味ですか?
Not quite. Being intentional is the opposite of being accidental or incidental. It means that you need to act with a purpose, not just stumble into a result, but to set some kind of a result as your goal and purposefully try to achieve it.
but in reality racial segregation (隔離)persisted,(しつこく言い張る) so the South won what Beetham describes as a "sort of shadow war". とはどういう意味ですか?
racial segregation- means separating people based on race
eg:before in America the black people had seperate shops and were not allowed to buy from same shops as white people- the shops were racially segregated.
persisted- means still continued
eg: the teacher tried to stop the boys from fighting but their fight persisted
shadow war- is a type of war that is small and between 2 countries overseen by a larger power.
e.g. vietnam and Portugal are at war and America is supplying weapons to Portugal but not fighting in the war itself.
eg:before in America the black people had seperate shops and were not allowed to buy from same shops as white people- the shops were racially segregated.
persisted- means still continued
eg: the teacher tried to stop the boys from fighting but their fight persisted
shadow war- is a type of war that is small and between 2 countries overseen by a larger power.
e.g. vietnam and Portugal are at war and America is supplying weapons to Portugal but not fighting in the war itself.
and the reality of how elusive that kind of stability had become to a whole generation of her gifted, imaginative peers とはどういう意味ですか?
No worries. I think it means this:
What was really surprising was the difference between how she thought of herself (as an outsider) and the reality of how things really were: the stability of a middle-aged life was very difficult to achieve for her generation.
What was really surprising was the difference between how she thought of herself (as an outsider) and the reality of how things really were: the stability of a middle-aged life was very difficult to achieve for her generation.
in reality the car berraly "held together" とはどういう意味ですか?
in reality the car barely* "held together" (the car was in poor conditions, broken, probably old and falling apart)
reality check とはどういう意味ですか?
It means that you’re telling a (usually deluded) person the hard truth, trying to get them to see what’s really going on compared to what they think is going on.
This is a sad reality. を使った例文を教えて下さい。
"There are a lot of homeless people in my country.. This is a sad reality."
"Animal cruelty is still happening in this day and age, this is a sad reality."
"It's a sad reality that we still don't have a cure for cancer."
hope these helped !
"Animal cruelty is still happening in this day and age, this is a sad reality."
"It's a sad reality that we still don't have a cure for cancer."
hope these helped !
in reality を使った例文を教えて下さい。
In reality just means in "this is the truth". When you make a sentence you usually use the word "but", "though", and "when" before in reality.
He said that he didn't like her when, in reality, he loved her very much.
Exercise seems important to lose weight, though, in reality, eating healthy food is more important.
I want to just win the lottery but in reality that will probably never happen.
He said that he didn't like her when, in reality, he loved her very much.
Exercise seems important to lose weight, though, in reality, eating healthy food is more important.
I want to just win the lottery but in reality that will probably never happen.
reality と legacy はどう違いますか?
1. Reality: Refers to the state of things as they actually exist, without interpretation or embellishment.
"The reality of the situation is that we need to find a solution quickly."
"In reality, success often requires hard work and perseverance."
2. Legacy: Refers to something handed down from the past, such as traditions, achievements, or memories, that continues to have an impact or influence.
"His legacy as a great leader will be remembered for generations to come."
"The company's legacy of innovation has shaped the industry."
In summary, "reality" pertains to the actual state of things, while "legacy" refers to the impact or influence left behind by something from the past.
"The reality of the situation is that we need to find a solution quickly."
"In reality, success often requires hard work and perseverance."
2. Legacy: Refers to something handed down from the past, such as traditions, achievements, or memories, that continues to have an impact or influence.
"His legacy as a great leader will be remembered for generations to come."
"The company's legacy of innovation has shaped the industry."
In summary, "reality" pertains to the actual state of things, while "legacy" refers to the impact or influence left behind by something from the past.
I don't know how to use it in reality と I don't know how to use it to reality はどう違いますか?
That’s fine
That’s fine
reality と truth はどう違いますか?
Reality is everything that actually exists. Truth is correspondence between a statement and reality.
in reality と for real はどう違いますか?
It's a bit difficult to follow the movement in reality. 이거 더 자연스러워요🤗
back to reality と back to the reality はどう違いますか?
You don't use "the" before reality. The phrase is "back to reality." :)
이상은 높고 현실은 낮다
How would you convey this idea naturally? I'd appreciate your paraphrasing than direct translation!!
は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
How would you convey this idea naturally? I'd appreciate your paraphrasing than direct translation!!
は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I can't seem to think of the perfect phrase to encapsulate this idea.
If someone's dreams are too lofty, you could say things like:
He's out of touch.
He's out of touch with reality.
He's a dreamer.
You've got big dreams, but ...
I can't seem to think of the perfect phrase to encapsulate this idea.
If someone's dreams are too lofty, you could say things like:
He's out of touch.
He's out of touch with reality.
He's a dreamer.
You've got big dreams, but ...
'It gave me a reality check' is this to use in real life? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Yess it’s used quite often I’d say! Very natural
reality は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
slowing accepting the reality は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
It depends on the context. You can say "slowly accept(ing) reality" if talking about reality as a whole. Or "slowly accept(ing) the reality that..." if you're going to specify a specific portion of reality. The latter may be a bit more common.
Example 1:
"Dave finally slowly accepted reality and admitted that he'd never be an astronaut."
Example 2:
"For the last year people have been slowly accepting the reality that Donald Trump is our President."
Example 1:
"Dave finally slowly accepted reality and admitted that he'd never be an astronaut."
Example 2:
"For the last year people have been slowly accepting the reality that Donald Trump is our President."
reality は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
"Consequently it may cut us from reality and lead to social anxiety and lack of friends in real world." この表現は自然ですか?
@kishi0 as a consequence we may become isolated from reality, leading to social anxiety and a lack of friends in the real world.
I always think "I'm going back to the reality." when I return from traveling abroad. この表現は自然ですか?
This happens to a lot of people... I bet you had fun
I get enough reality by living in reality.
How do you put differently the word 'Enough' in flont of a noun or behind a noun?
How do you put differently the word 'Enough' in flont of a noun or behind a noun?
"ENOUGH" means sufficient (to what was asked/required/etc.)
i.e, "Enough silliness for today."
"You've had enough pancakes."
// used to indicate that (someone) is tired of dealing with unpleasant. [ usually used after "I've had.." = " have had enough of.. ]
i.e, "I've had enough of your stupid promises."
"I've had enough of this silliness."
"Enough" is usually added before the noun. I've never really encountered any sentence that used the word "enough" after a noun.
[ "…enough (of/in )" ],
"Enough IN .." :
[ i.e, "I've had enough in life.." = "I" have experienced as much things in life. ]
"Enough OF …" :
[ i.e, "I've had enough of life." = "I" am tired of what life is offering me.
i.e, "Enough silliness for today."
"You've had enough pancakes."
// used to indicate that (someone) is tired of dealing with unpleasant. [ usually used after "I've had.." = " have had enough of.. ]
i.e, "I've had enough of your stupid promises."
"I've had enough of this silliness."
"Enough" is usually added before the noun. I've never really encountered any sentence that used the word "enough" after a noun.
[ "…enough (of/in )" ],
"Enough IN .." :
[ i.e, "I've had enough in life.." = "I" have experienced as much things in life. ]
"Enough OF …" :
[ i.e, "I've had enough of life." = "I" am tired of what life is offering me.
The reality is that the better score you have at school, the better future you will have. この表現は自然ですか?
You may want to add a comma after that.
The reality is that, the better score you have...
The reality is that, the better score you have...
In reality, even though most people believe they don’t discriminate at all, they do unconsciously due to the lack of knowledge about discrimination. この表現は自然ですか?
In reality, even though most people believe they don’t discriminate at all, they do subconsciously due to their lack of knowledge about discrimination.
- みなさん、ちょっとお聞きしたいことがあるんですが🙇 私は日本語を勉強し続けた。 私は日本語を勉強し続けています。 二つの文の意味の違いはなんですか🙇
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