I can suppress it. とはどういう意味ですか?
Suppress means you can hold something down in a mental or emotional way. Similar to “to press” - for example, “if you are trying to stop smoking, you must suppress your desire to have a cigarette.”
So “I can suppress it” means this person can overcome something like desire, fear or pain.
So “I can suppress it” means this person can overcome something like desire, fear or pain.
suppress とはどういう意味ですか?
To cover or push down forcefully.
She tried to suppress the leak on the bottle.
He wanted to suppress chance of the secret getting out.
She tried to suppress the leak on the bottle.
He wanted to suppress chance of the secret getting out.
suppress を使った例文を教えて下さい。
@eliaw : Examples.
The junta suppressed (as in 'crashed') through the violence of the army all the parties and the subsequent riots.
The government used the police to suppress (as in 'put an end to') all the strikes that were blocking the industrial production throughout the country.
The Home Secretary was accused of suppressing (as in 'keeping secret') crucial evidence of bribery of an important politician from his own party.
The director of the newspaper was fired on suspicion of having suppressed (as in 'concealed') important information gathered by a reporter against a politician friend of him.
He suppressed (as in 'didn't manifest') the anger before his mother.
She suppressed (as in 'didn't show') her happiness for the good news.
These powerful drugs suppress (as in 'prevent') the growth of cancer.
The new rules by the city hall will help to suppress (as in 'restrain') the pollution in the metro area.
The junta suppressed (as in 'crashed') through the violence of the army all the parties and the subsequent riots.
The government used the police to suppress (as in 'put an end to') all the strikes that were blocking the industrial production throughout the country.
The Home Secretary was accused of suppressing (as in 'keeping secret') crucial evidence of bribery of an important politician from his own party.
The director of the newspaper was fired on suspicion of having suppressed (as in 'concealed') important information gathered by a reporter against a politician friend of him.
He suppressed (as in 'didn't manifest') the anger before his mother.
She suppressed (as in 'didn't show') her happiness for the good news.
These powerful drugs suppress (as in 'prevent') the growth of cancer.
The new rules by the city hall will help to suppress (as in 'restrain') the pollution in the metro area.
suppress を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I have to suppress my thoughts.
She couldn't suppress her anger.
She could barely suppress a smile.
He was accused of suppressing evidence.
She couldn't suppress her anger.
She could barely suppress a smile.
He was accused of suppressing evidence.
suppress を使った例文を教えて下さい。
thank you!!
suppress を使った例文を教えて下さい。
He did his best to suppress the noise, but it was still too loud.
It is illegal to suppress evidence in a court of law.
Jill suppressed the idea because she didn't want to think about it.
It is illegal to suppress evidence in a court of law.
Jill suppressed the idea because she didn't want to think about it.
suppress と oppress はどう違いますか?
When you suppress something you are preventing it from doing something eg. suppressing a sound - can be used for people and objects. To oppress is only used for people and is when you use force to prevent people from being free
suppress と oppress はどう違いますか?
Supress can be a neutral term -
The new medication supresses the allergic response.
Or it can be disapproving -
The government is trying to suppress dissent.
Opress is generally ‘bad’ -
The heatwas opressive.
The ruling class opresses the workers
The new medication supresses the allergic response.
Or it can be disapproving -
The government is trying to suppress dissent.
Opress is generally ‘bad’ -
The heatwas opressive.
The ruling class opresses the workers
suppress と oppress はどう違いますか?
Oppress means to keep someone down by unjust force or authority.
Suppress, which is broader and more common than oppress, means
(1) to put an end to
(2) to inhibit
(3) to keep from being revealed.
Oppress usually applies to the mistreatment of a person or group by a more powerful one.
Suppress usually applies to information.
Suppress, which is broader and more common than oppress, means
(1) to put an end to
(2) to inhibit
(3) to keep from being revealed.
Oppress usually applies to the mistreatment of a person or group by a more powerful one.
Suppress usually applies to information.
suppress と oppress と repress はどう違いますか?
"Oppress" and "Repress" are not commonly used in casual speech, but you might see them in newspapers, or in school textbooks, or other proffesional places. "Suppress" is a more common word with a lot of different usages and meanings depending on the context.
"Oppress" means that someone in authority (government, school, bank, boss, parents, etc.) is keeping people from being free. It is a very negative thing.
Ex. "The government is oppressing people by not allowing them to speak freely."
"Repress" is a Psychology term that means to hide one's emotions and memories for a long time. This is normally caused by a traumatic experience as a child, or another life-changing event. It is almost always used in the past tense. You can only "repress" ones own emotions or feelings, you can't "repress" someone else's emotions or feelings.
Ex. "He has had a lot of repressed emotions ever since his mother died"
"Suppress" is a general word that means "keeping something from happening or from moving in a specific direction."
Ex. "Suppress the flow of water", "Suppress the enemy soldiers", "suppress the sound of the drill"
"Suppress" implies that someone is taking an active role in the process.
Also, "Suppress" can be used in the place of "oppress" or "repress".
Ex. "The government suppresses the people's free-speech"
"The child had suppressed his emotions many years ago".
"Oppress" means that someone in authority (government, school, bank, boss, parents, etc.) is keeping people from being free. It is a very negative thing.
Ex. "The government is oppressing people by not allowing them to speak freely."
"Repress" is a Psychology term that means to hide one's emotions and memories for a long time. This is normally caused by a traumatic experience as a child, or another life-changing event. It is almost always used in the past tense. You can only "repress" ones own emotions or feelings, you can't "repress" someone else's emotions or feelings.
Ex. "He has had a lot of repressed emotions ever since his mother died"
"Suppress" is a general word that means "keeping something from happening or from moving in a specific direction."
Ex. "Suppress the flow of water", "Suppress the enemy soldiers", "suppress the sound of the drill"
"Suppress" implies that someone is taking an active role in the process.
Also, "Suppress" can be used in the place of "oppress" or "repress".
Ex. "The government suppresses the people's free-speech"
"The child had suppressed his emotions many years ago".
suppressed と oppressed はどう違いますか?
"Suppressed" can have meanings similar to: restrained, stifled, smothered, muffled, silenced, repressed.
"We installed insulation that should help suppress the loud noise from the engine."
"The opinions of the dissenting group were suppressed by government officials.
"Oppressed" basically means living under hash rule and authoritarian conditions (especially if affecting a group of people based on gender, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, etc.)
"The oppressed racial minorities took to the street to protest against racially discriminatory government policies"
"In some countries, women are still oppressed and are subject to high levels of prejudice and discrimination."
"We installed insulation that should help suppress the loud noise from the engine."
"The opinions of the dissenting group were suppressed by government officials.
"Oppressed" basically means living under hash rule and authoritarian conditions (especially if affecting a group of people based on gender, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, etc.)
"The oppressed racial minorities took to the street to protest against racially discriminatory government policies"
"In some countries, women are still oppressed and are subject to high levels of prejudice and discrimination."
suppressed は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
suppress は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
suppress and suppressedの発音を音声で教えてください。
Suppressed will have a slight 't' sound at the end =)
sometimes suppressing, sometimes repressing but always it is playing with me . この表現は自然ですか?
suppress sneezing この表現は自然ですか?
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