i am weak or weaknesses とはどういう意味ですか?
oh. When people say “ I am weak” as slang, it means the thing is so cool. Someone could say, “That new game makes me weak.” Or “She makes me weak (this has a bit of a sexual undertone 😬)” I don’t really hear a lot of people use this, but some people do.
she was never detected a weakness. とはどういう意味ですか?
It means she couldn't find out the weaknesses..
weaknesses とはどういう意味ですか?
It's my absolute weakness! とはどういう意味ですか?
@ZCR Thank you so much 😊
"I have a weakness for" or "Im sucker for" を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I have a weakness is a bit more formal than I'm a sucker for.
For instance, you wouldn't say "I'm a sucker for chocolate flavored ice cream" if your grandmother asks you what kind of ice cream you like.
Instead, you might say "I have a weakness for chocolate flavored ice cream" because it sounds politer, but also clever as well so it might make your grandmother laugh.
"I'm a sucker for" is commonly used when talking to friends, joking around about things you like.
For instance, you wouldn't say "I'm a sucker for chocolate flavored ice cream" if your grandmother asks you what kind of ice cream you like.
Instead, you might say "I have a weakness for chocolate flavored ice cream" because it sounds politer, but also clever as well so it might make your grandmother laugh.
"I'm a sucker for" is commonly used when talking to friends, joking around about things you like.
to overcome my weakness を使った例文を教えて下さい。
@mora: overcoming obstacles is good.
A challenge that I have to work on...or To address my weakness works. Job interviewer will ask you : "What's your biggest weakness? "
A challenge that I have to work on...or To address my weakness works. Job interviewer will ask you : "What's your biggest weakness? "
weakness と threat はどう違いますか?
weakness- a quality or feature regarded as a disadvantage or fault
threat- a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger
(quoting from google search)
threat- a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger
(quoting from google search)
weakness と fault はどう違いますか?
Weakness= not being strong about a thing
Fault= something not proper but not only because of a weakness but also a mistake(by you or something else)
Fault= something not proper but not only because of a weakness but also a mistake(by you or something else)
weakness と flaw と weak point と defect はどう違いますか?
flaw: mainly talk about a minor fault or weakness in something which make it less effective or valuable
ex: there's a flaw in your argument. I agree with you up to point, but the last part doesn't make complete sense to me
ex: there's a flaw in your argument. I agree with you up to point, but the last part doesn't make complete sense to me
weakness と vurnerability はどう違いますか?
weakness と shortcoming と defect と demerit はどう違いますか?
Weakness - subject of area where your knowledge or performance has a considerable amount of space for improvement
Shortcomings - where you literally fall short for a particular standard, (include social /personality straight standards)
Defect - something that is imperfect, normally used to decribe equipment or in biology. "genetic defect" "equipment defect".
Demerits - in uk we almost only use it as "metrits and demerits" same as "pros and cons" same as"优点和缺点"
Weakness - subject of area where your knowledge or performance has a considerable amount of space for improvement
Shortcomings - where you literally fall short for a particular standard, (include social /personality straight standards)
Defect - something that is imperfect, normally used to decribe equipment or in biology. "genetic defect" "equipment defect".
Demerits - in uk we almost only use it as "metrits and demerits" same as "pros and cons" same as"优点和缺点"
what’s different between Vulnerability and weakness? which one is negative or weaker? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
being “weak” most often means (physically) lacking strength. Vulnerability means letting your defenses down or being exposed to an attack (physically or mentally).
Being called weak or a weakling has a much worse negative connotation than being called vulnerable.
Being called weak or a weakling has a much worse negative connotation than being called vulnerable.
what do I think about you weakness?
I suppose that my weakness is to think too deeply.
how do I overcome it?
I try to change a way of thinking when I think a matter deeply cuz thinking deeply could cause a waste time. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I suppose that my weakness is to think too deeply.
how do I overcome it?
I try to change a way of thinking when I think a matter deeply cuz thinking deeply could cause a waste time. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
What do I think is my weakness?
I suppose my weakness is that sometimes I think too deeply. (you could also say "I focus too much" or "I fixate on things")
How do I overcome it?
I try to change how I approach something when I find myself thinking too deeply about it as focusing on it too much could be a waste of time. (You could also say "as I don't want to waste too much time focusing on it")
I took some liberties with it based on what I believe you're trying to say.
I suppose my weakness is that sometimes I think too deeply. (you could also say "I focus too much" or "I fixate on things")
How do I overcome it?
I try to change how I approach something when I find myself thinking too deeply about it as focusing on it too much could be a waste of time. (You could also say "as I don't want to waste too much time focusing on it")
I took some liberties with it based on what I believe you're trying to say.
One of my weaknesses is working in a crowded place and noisy environment since my orientation was to work alone in solitude. But I am currently doing some exercises which I learned on the internet to improve my focus. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
My suggestion, "One of my weaknesses is that I'm easily distracted while working in a noisy environment, because I'm used to working by myself. But I'm currently practicing to improve my focus through the exercises I found on the internet."
You have a weakness for beautiful women
Is this correct? Sounds natural? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Is this correct? Sounds natural? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
It's correct, and it does sound natural 🖒
my greatest weakness is lip products OR my greatest weakness are lip products? は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
the second one is correct
I overcome the weakness by having the opportunity to get in new environments like studying abroad.
I overcome weaknesses by having the opportunity get in new environments by studying abroad.
I overcome my weaknesses by having the opportunity get in new environments by studying abroad.
私だったらそう強調します。「get in」は少し口語的な感じがしますので、もっとフォーマルにしたければ、「get in」を書き換えればいいです。
I overcome my weaknesses by having the opportunity live in new environments by studying abroad.
I overcome my weaknesses through living in new environments by studying abroad.
I overcome my weaknesses through grasping any opportunities I can such as by studying abroad.
I overcome weaknesses by having the opportunity get in new environments by studying abroad.
I overcome my weaknesses by having the opportunity get in new environments by studying abroad.
私だったらそう強調します。「get in」は少し口語的な感じがしますので、もっとフォーマルにしたければ、「get in」を書き換えればいいです。
I overcome my weaknesses by having the opportunity live in new environments by studying abroad.
I overcome my weaknesses through living in new environments by studying abroad.
I overcome my weaknesses through grasping any opportunities I can such as by studying abroad.
"I really don't want to focus on the weakness part, but I recognize the weakness part first when I see people. I'm not pessimistic I'm just a realistic person." この表現は自然ですか?
This might be a little more natural:
I really don't want to focus on people's weaknesses, but that's what I notice first. I'm not pessimistic; I'm just a realist.
I really don't want to focus on people's weaknesses, but that's what I notice first. I'm not pessimistic; I'm just a realist.
The biggest weakness of mine is the problem that I don't have any problem. この表現は自然ですか?
The biggest weakness of mine is that I don't have one.
I have a weakness for limited edition and tend to buy it. この表現は自然ですか?
probably the second because it is shorter :)
It is important to improve my weakness point この表現は自然ですか?
"It is important to improve my weaknesses"
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