Books by Marek Czajkowski
summary of the book (Originally published in Polish as Obrona przeciwrakietowa w stosunkach międz... more summary of the book (Originally published in Polish as Obrona przeciwrakietowa w stosunkach międzynarodowych by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego In 2013, 382 pages.)
Papers by Marek Czajkowski
This article tackles the political dimension of the development of anti-satellite weapons. The ma... more This article tackles the political dimension of the development of anti-satellite weapons. The main goal is to assess their significance from the American, Russian, and Chinese perspective to understand the emerging balance of power in space. While the U.S. is struggling to maintain its position of dominant space power, its main adversaries are developing technologies that can diminish American dominance. It is, therefore, widely believed that outer space is poised to be weaponized by multiple systems designed to destroy satellites in-orbit, both ground- and space-based. On the other hand, the United States is executing multiple fast-track research& development programs aimed at increasing the resilience of the U.S. space systems.
Ksiegarnia Akademicka Publishing eBooks, 2023
Niniejszy rozdział zawiera kilka spostrzeżeń dotyczących wybranych strategicznych aspektów wojny ... more Niniejszy rozdział zawiera kilka spostrzeżeń dotyczących wybranych strategicznych aspektów wojny w Ukrainie. Podnosi kwestie wrogości Rosji w stosunku do Zachodu oraz wsparcia dla niej ze strony antyzachodnich krajów rozwijających się. Akcentuje znaczenie Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej jako rewizjonistycznego mocarstwa kwestionującego-podobnie jak Rosja-globalne strategiczne przywództwo USA. Wskazuje na ograniczenia i ryzyka strategii Zachodu.
Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2018
Przestrzeń kosmiczna ma dla ludzkości coraz większe znaczenie we wszystkich właściwie wymiarach j... more Przestrzeń kosmiczna ma dla ludzkości coraz większe znaczenie we wszystkich właściwie wymiarach jej współczesnego funkcjonowania-jest to wprawdzie truizm, ale wart powtarzania. Systemy satelitarne i ich zastosowania są zatem nie tylko obecne w przestrzeni stosunków międzynarodowych jako instrument bezpieczeństwa narodowego poszczególnych państw, co jest powszechnie przyjmowane jako rzecz już naturalna. Kosmos pełni także coraz większą rolę ekonomiczną, zarówno poprzez tak zwany przemysł kosmiczny z zyskami, zatrudnieniem, innowacjami i podatkami 1 , jak też z punktu widzenia bardzo rozległej działalności, jaką umożliwiają systemy kosmiczne-poczynając od kontroli upraw i na usługach bankowych kończąc. Rośnie także znaczenie społeczne przestrzeni wokółziemskiej, przede wszystkim dlatego, że systemy orbitalne są coraz ważniejszym elementem globalnego systemu obiegu informacji. Szczególnie dotyczy to Internetu-tu rola kosmosu będzie nadal szybko rosła wraz z nieodległym wejściem
R.Kuźniar, Stosunki międzynarodowe istota, uwarunkowania, badanie w: E. Haliżak, R. Kuźniar (red.... more R.Kuźniar, Stosunki międzynarodowe istota, uwarunkowania, badanie w: E. Haliżak, R. Kuźniar (red.), Stosunki międzynarodowe. Geneza, struktura, dynamika, Warszawa 2000 (lub wydanie z 2006 r.), s.15-27. J.Kukułka, Wstęp do nauki o stosunkach międzynarodowych, Warszawa 2003, r. III, s.51-65. J.Bryła, Czynniki kształtujące stosunki międzynarodowe, w: W. Malendowski, Cz. Mojsiewicz (red.), Stosunki międzynarodowe, Wrocław 2000, rozdział II, s.25-36. Deklaracja zasad prawa międzynarodowego z 1970 roku w: Prawo w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Wybór dokumentów, opracowanie S.Bieleń, Warszawa 2004, s.57-63. Deklaracja zasad KBWE w: Prawo w stosunkach..., op. cit., s.401-405. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T. Łoś-Nowak, Wyjaśnić czy interpretować: dylematy i wyzwania czwartej debaty interparadygmatycznej, „Stosunki Międzynarodowe” nr 1-2/2009, (t. 39), s. 29-39. F. Gołembski, Geokulturowy model w badaniach stosun...
Jagiellonski Przegląd Bezpieczenstwa jest recenzowanym czasopismem naukowym wydawanym przez Zakla... more Jagiellonski Przegląd Bezpieczenstwa jest recenzowanym czasopismem naukowym wydawanym przez Zaklad Bezpieczenstwa Narodowego Instytutu Nauk Politycznych i Stosunkow Miedzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego w Krakowie
OUTER SPACE IN THE SECURITY STRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES This book contributes to a necessary ef... more OUTER SPACE IN THE SECURITY STRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES This book contributes to a necessary effort to understand the impact of human activities in outer space on international security. Its specific task is to grasp the changing role of space applications for the security of the United States. It is not, however, a treatise on military doctrine or modern warfare, neither it is a handbook on technology. Instead, it utilizes paradigms of international relations to extract the political dimension out of this so highly technical issue. The book contains five chapters. In the first chapter, we find the analysis of some theoretical and legal aspects of the relationship between human activities in outer space and security with its multiple dimensions. The considerations of chapter two revolve around the science and technology of space applications with special attention to security issues. It is not, however, a technical manual but rather the comprehensive, general description of the ch...
Safety&Defense, 2021
This article tackles the political dimension of the development of anti-satellite weapons. The ma... more This article tackles the political dimension of the development of anti-satellite weapons. The main goal is to assess their significance from the American, Russian, and Chinese perspective to understand the emerging balance of power in space. While the U.S. is struggling to maintain its position of dominant space power, its main adversaries are developing technologies that can diminish American dominance. It is, therefore, widely believed that outer space is poised to be weaponized by multiple systems designed to destroy satellites in-orbit, both ground-and space-based. On the other hand, the United States is executing multiple fast-track research& development programs aimed at increasing the resilience of the U.S. space systems.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
This article will describe three closely intertwined aspects of space rivalry between the U.S. an... more This article will describe three closely intertwined aspects of space rivalry between the U.S. and China against the background of their general relationship. The first refers to strategic considerations related to the military as a tool of global influence. The second covers the process of securitisation of the Chinese advancement in space applications in the United States. And finally, we will address the competition for international prestige, which is one of the essential factors of Sino-American relations.
This article aims to shed some light on the impact of the emergence of hypersonic weapons on stra... more This article aims to shed some light on the impact of the emergence of hypersonic weapons on strategic and political realities. Firstly, it briefly describes the underlying laws of physics and technologies related to hypersonics. Secondly, it investigates the strategic and political consequences of developing the new weapons systems. The general assumption is that already fielded hypersonic weapons systems, and those that will enter service in the foreseeable future will not significantly change the global strategic balance. It is because, to a great extent, disadvantages offset the advantages the technology may provide. On the other hand, the political significance of developing hypersonic military technology is much higher, as it is a source of prestige, particularly important from the Chinese and Russian points of view.
KBN Analyses, 2023
The course of the current war in Ukraine highlights profound changes in space security, which hav... more The course of the current war in Ukraine highlights profound changes in space security, which have been undergoing for some time. Improving access to multiple space-derived services due to the spread of related technologies among the increasing number of commercial entities leads to a qualitatively new strategic situation. Military-grade observation and other security-related satellite services are available on the market, so even non-spacefaring nations and non-state actors can wield capabilities that, until recently, were available only to the several most advanced countries.
This article offers a preliminary assessment of changes in the space security environment caused
by the abovementioned process against the background of the conflict in Ukraine.
Politeja, 2022
This article aims to shed some light on the impact of the emergence of hypersonic weapons on stra... more This article aims to shed some light on the impact of the emergence of hypersonic weapons on strategic and political realities. Firstly, it briefly describes the underlying laws of physics and technologies related to hypersonics. Secondly, it investigates the strategic and political consequences of developing the new weapons systems. The general assumption is that already fielded hypersonic weapons systems, and those that will enter service in the foreseeable future will not significantly change the global strategic balance. It is because, to a great extent, disadvantages offset the advantages the technology may provide. On the other hand, the political significance of developing hypersonic military technology is much higher, as it is a source of prestige, particularly important from the Chinese and Russian points of view.
Komentarze KBN, 2022
Forecasting the course of the Russo-Ukrainian war is like reading tea leaves. Nevertheless, it is... more Forecasting the course of the Russo-Ukrainian war is like reading tea leaves. Nevertheless, it is worth doing it not only to practice assessing new phenomena but also to contribute to the variety of explanations. Thus, in our opinion, there is no end to this war in sight at the moment. A long-term armistice is unlikely, as both sides believe that they have reasons to continue fighting. The “Korean-style” semi-permanent solution, a sort of well-established peace without a permanent solution, is more likely. Still, it would require Russia to redefine its definition of victory, which represents a very distant possibility. The same goes for any lasting political solution. All in all, any long-term cessation of hostilities would require one or both sides to redefine their respective policies, which seems unlikely in the near term.
Analizy KBN, 2022
The Russian Federation inherited an outdated space industry base which was also reduced in size a... more The Russian Federation inherited an outdated space industry base which was also reduced in size after the collapse of the USSR. In the 1990s, the crisis persisted, resulting in a drastic reduction of the capabilities of the Russian space systems. The situation started to improve in the 21st century, but as of 2022 Russian satellite capabilities remain highly limited, specifically in relation to the needs of the nation which considers itself a world-class power. Russia's deficiencies are particularly striking in space surveillance architecture which remains vastly inferior to the main competitors like the United States and China. Moreover, western commercial companies are also way ahead of the Russian military regarding space-borne imaging systems.
This paper is supposed to analyze briefly one of key elements of the Chinese strategy aimed on we... more This paper is supposed to analyze briefly one of key elements of the Chinese strategy aimed on weakening the American military dominance, with the special attention to the role of space systems therein. It describes in the most general terms the military strategy of the United Statest, then it pictures the Chinese A2/AD (anti-access/area denial) concept as an asymmetric answer to the U.S. military supremacy. The special attention is paid to its limitations and the role of space systems in overcoming the restraints. And finally it characterizes some of the political consequences that come out of all the above and that might reflect on the general state of the space security.
Цель-исследовать влияние экзогенного мелатонина на морфофункциональные и биохимические показатели... more Цель-исследовать влияние экзогенного мелатонина на морфофункциональные и биохимические показатели состояния респираторного отдела легких (РОЛ) молодых крыс. Методы. Эксперимент проведен на 24 крысах-самцах линии Wistar (3-месячных) в весенний период. Мелатонин животным вводили перорально в 10 часов утра в дозе 5 мг/кг массы тела. Продолжительность эксперимента составляла 28 суток. Исследование изменений в структуре РОЛ проводили с помощью морфологических, морфометрических и биохимических методов. Результаты. После 28-суточного введения мелатонина наблюдали тенденцию к снижению площади и среднего диаметра альвеол, глубины и ширины входа в альвеолу. В то же время отмечено уменьшение диаметра просвета респираторных бронхиол, альвеолярных ходов и мешочков. При этом количество функционирующих альвеол в поле зрения микроскопа увеличилось, возросла общая площадь альвеолярной поверхности. Выявлено уменьшение толщины межальвеолярной перегородки, содержания общего оксипролина и увеличение свободного оксипролина в ткани легких, что свидетельствует о снижении количества элементов соединительной ткани в РОЛ. Выводы. 28-суточное введение экзогенного мелатонина (в дозе 5 мг/кг массы тела) молодым крысам приводит к увеличению общей площади альвеолярной поверхности, снижению количества элементов соединительной ткани в легких, что может способствовать повышению эффективности газообмена. Ключевые слова: мелатонин, респираторный отдел легкого.
Цель-исследовать влияние экзогенного мелатонина на морфофункциональные и биохимические показатели... more Цель-исследовать влияние экзогенного мелатонина на морфофункциональные и биохимические показатели состояния респираторного отдела легких (РОЛ) молодых крыс. Методы. Эксперимент проведен на 24 крысах-самцах линии Wistar (3-месячных) в весенний период. Мелатонин животным вводили перорально в 10 часов утра в дозе 5 мг/кг массы тела. Продолжительность эксперимента составляла 28 суток. Исследование изменений в структуре РОЛ проводили с помощью морфологических, морфометрических и биохимических методов. Результаты. После 28-суточного введения мелатонина наблюдали тенденцию к снижению площади и среднего диаметра альвеол, глубины и ширины входа в альвеолу. В то же время отмечено уменьшение диаметра просвета респираторных бронхиол, альвеолярных ходов и мешочков. При этом количество функционирующих альвеол в поле зрения микроскопа увеличилось, возросла общая площадь альвеолярной поверхности. Выявлено уменьшение толщины межальвеолярной перегородки, содержания общего оксипролина и увеличение свободного оксипролина в ткани легких, что свидетельствует о снижении количества элементов соединительной ткани в РОЛ. Выводы. 28-суточное введение экзогенного мелатонина (в дозе 5 мг/кг массы тела) молодым крысам приводит к увеличению общей площади альвеолярной поверхности, снижению количества элементов соединительной ткани в легких, что может способствовать повышению эффективности газообмена. Ключевые слова: мелатонин, респираторный отдел легкого.
The main goal of the book, as it is declared in the foreword, is to understand how the ballistic ... more The main goal of the book, as it is declared in the foreword, is to understand how the ballistic missile defense as a doctrine, as currently pursued policy, and as a part of contingency planning is influencing the wide range of the international security issues. It is argued that missile defense is the particular tool of military policy, thus becoming a special instrument of security and foreign policy of the countries, that posses the certain capabilities in that field or are planning to obtain them. The book consists of four main chapters: 1. The Notion of Missile Defense and Related Theoretical Issues 2. The Origins and Current Status of Modern Missile Defense 3. The Missile Defense in the Contemporary International Relations 4. The Missile Defense in the Security and Foreign Policy of the United States
Między wiedzą a władzą. Bezpieczeństwo w erze informacji, 2019
Books by Marek Czajkowski
Papers by Marek Czajkowski
This article offers a preliminary assessment of changes in the space security environment caused
by the abovementioned process against the background of the conflict in Ukraine.
This article offers a preliminary assessment of changes in the space security environment caused
by the abovementioned process against the background of the conflict in Ukraine.